bonus plugin error

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bonus plugin error


Post by czirimbolo » 2 years ago

can someone help me to fix?

L 11/28/2021 - 19:08:11: Invalid index -4 (count: 15)
L 11/28/2021 - 19:08:11: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "ze_bonus_manager.amxx", version "1.2")
L 11/28/2021 - 19:08:11: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "ArrayGetCell")
L 11/28/2021 - 19:08:11: [AMXX] [0] ze_bonus_manager.sma::Handler_Bonus (line 289)

Code: Select all

#include <zombie_escape>
#include <ze_levels>

// Settings file.
new const g_szSettingsFile[] = "ze_bonus.ini"

// Enums.

// Dynamic Arrays.
new Array:g_szBonusName,
// Cvars Variables.
new g_pCvarEnableType,
// Global Variables.
new g_iBonusCount,

// Forward called after server activation.
public plugin_init()
	// Load plugin.
	register_plugin("[ZE] Bonus Manager", "1.2", "z0h1r-LK")

	// Events.
	register_event("HLTV", "Event_NewRound", "a", "1=0", "2=0")

	// Cvars.
	g_pCvarEnableType = register_cvar("ze_bonus_enable", "5")
	g_pCvarCooldown = register_cvar("ze_bonus_cooldown", "60")
	g_pCvarMaxTimes = register_cvar("ze_bonus_maxtimes", "1")

	// Client command(s).
	register_clcmd("say", "clcmd_SayText")
	register_clcmd("say_team", "clcmd_SayText")
	// Initialize dynamic arrays
	g_szBonusPlugin = ArrayCreate(128) // File name.
	g_szPlayerAuthID = ArrayCreate(35)
	g_szBonusHandler = ArrayCreate(32)
	g_szBonusName = ArrayCreate(32)
	g_iBonusReqLevel = ArrayCreate(1)
	// Default Values.
	arrayset(g_iMaxTimes, 1, sizeof(g_iMaxTimes))

// Forward allows registering natives.
public plugin_natives()
	register_native("ze_bonus_register", "_native_ze_bonus_register", 0)
	register_native("ze_bonus_get_name", "_native_ze_bonus_get_name", 0)
	register_native("ze_bonus_get_id", "_native_ze_bonus_get_id", 0)
	register_native("ze_bonus_get_reqlevel", "_native_ze_bonus_get_reqlevel", 0)
	register_native("ze_open_bonus_menu", "_native_ze_open_bonus_menu", 1)

// Forward called before server deactivation or plugin fail.
public plugin_end()
	// Destroy (remove) all dynamic arrays.

// Forward called after player join server.
public client_putinserver(iPlayer)
	// Bonus Menu is once time in map (Fix enable menu after player reconnect or retry).
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ONCEMAP)
		// Variables.
		new szDynArr[35], szAuthID[35], iNum
		// Get Auth ID of player (Valve ID or Steam ID).
		get_user_authid(iPlayer, szAuthID, charsmax(szAuthID))
		// Check from authid player is already in dynamic array.
		for (iNum = 0; iNum < ArraySize(g_szPlayerAuthID); iNum++)
			// Get Auth ID's from dynamic array.
			ArrayGetString(g_szPlayerAuthID, iNum, szDynArr, charsmax(szDynArr))
			// We find Auth ID of player, So, Him is already use a bonus menu.
			if (equali(szAuthID, szDynArr))
				g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer] = 0 // Suspende the menu on player.
				break; // Stop finding for Auth ID in dynamic array.
	if (g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
		g_iBounsType[iPlayer] = -1;

// Hook called every new round.
public Event_NewRound()
	// Re-enable getting bonus.
	if ((get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ONCEROUND))
		// Re-enable the bonus menu for all players.
		arrayset(g_iMaxTimes, 1, sizeof(g_iMaxTimes))
	else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_MAXTIMES) // Reset maximum times for all players.
		// Re-enable the bonus menu for all players.
		arrayset(g_iMaxTimes, get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarMaxTimes), sizeof(g_iMaxTimes))

public ze_user_humanized(id)
	if (g_iBounsType[id] >= 0)
		set_task(1.0, "DelayReset", id)

public DelayReset(id)
	ReGive(id, g_iBounsType[id])

// Hook called when sent any message in say/say_team.
public clcmd_SayText(iPlayer)
	// Bonus menu is disabled.
	if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType))
	// Read arguments from say and say_team commands (Message). 
	static szArgs[32]
	read_args(szArgs, charsmax(szArgs))
	remove_quotes(szArgs) // Remove quotes from message "Hi!".
	// Check the player is trying open the bonus menu.
	if (equali(szArgs, ".bonus") || equali(szArgs, "/bonus") || equali(szArgs, "!bonus"))
		// Player is a zombie.
		if (ze_is_user_zombie(iPlayer))
			// Alert a player!
			ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_ISZOMBIE")
		// Player is not a alive.
		if (!is_user_alive(iPlayer))
			// Alert a player!
			ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_NOTALIVE")
		// Enable type is once round, So, Player is already use bonus menu. 
		if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ALWAYS)
			// Menu without limit.
			if (!g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
				g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer] = 1
		else if ((get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ONCEROUND) && !g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
			// Alert a player!
			ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_NEXTROUND")
		else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_COOLDOWN) // Enable type is cooldown
			// Get a game (halflife) time.
			new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime()
			// Alert a player, Cooldown time is not over.
			if (flGameTime < g_flCooldownTime[iPlayer])
				ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_COOLDOWN", floatround(g_flCooldownTime[iPlayer] - flGameTime))
			// Re-enable bonus menu for player.
			g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer] = 1
		else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ONCEMAP) // Enable type is once time in map.
			// Player is open bonus menu.
			if (!g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
				ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_ONCETIME")
		else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_MAXTIMES) // Enable type is maximum times.
			// Player can't open bonus menu, Because is reached maximum times.
			if (!g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
				ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_MAXTIME")
		// Open the bonus menu for player.

public Menu_Bonus(iPlayer)
	new szLang[64], szName[32], iLevelPlr, iLevelReq, iNum, iMenu
	// Get current Level of the player.
	iLevelPlr = ze_get_user_level(iPlayer)
	// Create a new menu with title.
	formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\r%L:", LANG_PLAYER, "MENU_TITLE_BONUS", iLevelPlr)
	iMenu = menu_create(szLang, "Handler_Bonus")

	// Add all bonus name to menu.
	for (iNum = 0; iNum < g_iBonusCount; iNum++)
		// Get name of bonus from dynamic array.
		ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iNum, szName, charsmax(szName))

		// Get a required level to get the bonus.
		iLevelReq = ArrayGetCell(g_iBonusReqLevel, iNum)
		// Sort names in menu.
		if (iLevelReq == 0)
			formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\w%s - \r%L", szName, LANG_PLAYER, "FREE")
		else if (iLevelPlr < iLevelReq)
			formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\d%s - \r[%d %L]", szName, iLevelReq, LANG_PLAYER, "LVL")
			formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\y%s - \r%L", szName, LANG_PLAYER, "UNLOCKED")
		// Add bonus name to menu.
		menu_additem(iMenu, szLang, "", 0)
	// Set menu property (exit, back, next).
	formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\y%L", LANG_PLAYER, "NEXT")
	menu_setprop(iMenu, MPROP_NEXTNAME, szLang)
	formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\y%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BACK")	
	menu_setprop(iMenu, MPROP_BACKNAME, szLang)
	formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\y%L", LANG_PLAYER, "EXIT")	
	menu_setprop(iMenu, MPROP_EXITNAME, szLang)
	// Display menu for player and close menu after 30s.
	menu_display(iPlayer, iMenu, 0, 30)

// Hook handle command from bonus menu.
public Handler_Bonus(iPlayer, iMenu, iKey)
	// Close and destroy menu.
	if (iKey == MENU_EXIT)
		// Destroy (remove) menu.
	// Variables.
	new szName[32], szHandler[32], szPlugin[128], iLevelPlr, iLevelReq
	// Get current Level of player.	
	iLevelPlr = ze_get_user_level(iPlayer)
	// Get a required Level to get the bonus.
	iLevelReq = ArrayGetCell(g_iBonusReqLevel, iKey)
	// Check the player is not getting a bonus yet.
	if (g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
		// The player's level is greater than the required level (Getting a bonus).
		if (iLevelPlr >= iLevelReq)
			// Get bonus name from dynamic array.
			ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iKey, szName, charsmax(szName))
			// Get bonus handler function from dynamic array.
			ArrayGetString(g_szBonusHandler, iKey, szHandler, charsmax(szHandler))
			// Get bonus plugin filename from dynamic array.
			ArrayGetString(g_szBonusPlugin, iKey, szPlugin, charsmax(szPlugin))
			// Call a function in plugin of the bonus
			new iRet = callfunc_begin(szHandler, szPlugin)
			// Handler function is not found in plugin of bonus.
			if (iRet == -1)
				log_error(AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND, "[AMX] Function (%s) not found in plugin (%s)", szHandler, szPlugin)
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			// Plugin file is not found.
			if (iRet == -2)
				log_error(AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND, "[AMX] Plugin (%s) is not found.", szPlugin)
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			callfunc_push_int(iPlayer) // Add Player ID to handler function.
			callfunc_push_int(iKey) // Add Bonus ID to handler function.
			g_iBounsType[iPlayer] = iKey
			// Sent colored message in chat, (claiming bonus msg).
			ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_DONE", szName)
			// Player has taken the bonus.
			if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ONCEROUND)
				// Player has claim some bonus from menu.
			else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_COOLDOWN)
				// Make a cooldown time for bonus menu on player.
				g_flCooldownTime[iPlayer] = get_gametime() + get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarCooldown)
			else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ONCEMAP) // That for Fix problem enable menu when player reconnect or retry.
				// Get auth ID of player.
				new szAuthID[35]
				get_user_authid(iPlayer, szAuthID, charsmax(szAuthID))
				// Push AuthID of player in dynamic array.
				ArrayPushString(g_szPlayerAuthID, szAuthID)
				// Bonus has claimed.
			else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_MAXTIMES) // Max times in every round.
				ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_REMTIMES", g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
		else // Player haven't Level enough.
			ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_LEVEL_ENOUGH")
	// Destroy (remove) menu.

public ReGive(iPlayer, iKey)
	new szName[32], szHandler[32], szPlugin[128]
	// Get bonus name from dynamic array.
	ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iKey, szName, charsmax(szName))
	// Get bonus handler function from dynamic array.
	ArrayGetString(g_szBonusHandler, iKey, szHandler, charsmax(szHandler))
	// Get bonus plugin filename from dynamic array.
	ArrayGetString(g_szBonusPlugin, iKey, szPlugin, charsmax(szPlugin))
	if (equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusTenArmor") || equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusTenSpeed") || equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusDamage") || equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusTenHealth200") || equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusTenHealth10k") || equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusTenSpeed30") || equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusTenArmor100"))
		// Call a function in plugin of the bonus
		new iRet = callfunc_begin(szHandler, szPlugin)
		// Handler function is not found in plugin of bonus.
		if (iRet == -1)
			log_error(AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND, "[AMX] Function (%s) not found in plugin (%s)", szHandler, szPlugin)
		// Plugin file is not found.
		if (iRet == -2)
			log_error(AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND, "[AMX] Plugin (%s) is not found.", szPlugin)
		callfunc_push_int(iPlayer) // Add Player ID to handler function.
		callfunc_push_int(iKey) // Add Bonus ID to handler function.

// Functions of natives.
public _native_ze_bonus_register(iPlugin_iIndex, iParam_iNum)
	new szName[32], szHandler[32], szPlugin[128],  iReqLevel
	get_string(1, szName, charsmax(szName)) // Get name of bonus.
	get_string(2, szHandler, charsmax(szHandler)) // Get handler function of bonus.
	iReqLevel = get_param(3) // Get require level.
	// Bonus without name.
	if (strlen(szName) < 0)
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMX] Bonus without name.")
	// Bonus without handler.
	if (strlen(szHandler) < 0)
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMX] Bonus without handler.")
	// Get plugin name.
	get_plugin(iPlugin_iIndex, szPlugin, charsmax(szPlugin))
	// Bonus name is already registered
	new szDynArr[32], iIndex
	for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < g_iBonusCount; iIndex++)
		// Get bonus name from dynamic array.
		ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iIndex, szDynArr, charsmax(szDynArr))
		if (equali(szDynArr, szName))
			log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMX] Bonus name already is registered.")
	// Load bonus data's from external file.
	if (!amx_load_setting_string(g_szSettingsFile, szName, "NAME", szName, charsmax(szName)))
		amx_save_setting_string(g_szSettingsFile, szName, "NAME", szName)
	if (!amx_load_setting_int(g_szSettingsFile, szName, "LEVEL", iReqLevel))
		amx_save_setting_int(g_szSettingsFile, szName, "LEVEL", iReqLevel)
	// Register new bonus.
	ArrayPushString(g_szBonusName, szName)
	ArrayPushString(g_szBonusHandler, szHandler)
	ArrayPushString(g_szBonusPlugin, szPlugin)
	ArrayPushCell(g_iBonusReqLevel, iReqLevel)
	return g_iBonusCount - 1

public _native_ze_bonus_get_name(iPlugin_iIndex, iParam_iNum)
	// Get a bonus ID.
	new iBonus = get_param(1)
	// Invalid bonus.
	if (iBonus > g_iBonusCount)
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMX] Bonus id is not found (%d)", iBonus)
		return 0;
	new szName[32]
	// Get name of bonus.
	ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iBonus, szName, charsmax(szName))
	// Store name in array.
	set_string(2, szName, get_param(3))
	return 1;

public _native_ze_bonus_get_id(iPlugin_iIndex, iParam_iNum)
	// Get a bonus name
	new szName[32]
	get_string(1, szName, charsmax(szName))
	// Find for bonus id by name.
	new szCheck[32], iIndex
	for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < g_iBonusCount; iIndex++)
		// Get bonus name from dynamic array.
		ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iIndex, szCheck, charsmax(szCheck))
		// Return bonus ID
		if (equal(szName, szCheck))
			return iIndex
	// Doesn't find bonus, Invalid bonus.

public _native_ze_bonus_get_reqlevel(iPlugin_iIndex, iParam_iNum)
	// Get a bonus name
	new szName[32]
	get_string(2, szName, charsmax(szName))
	// Get required level by bonus name.
	if (strlen(szName) < 1)
		// Find for bonus id by name.
		new szDynArr[32], iNum
		for (iNum = 0; iNum < g_iBonusCount; iNum++)
			// Get bonus name from dynamic array.
			ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iNum, szDynArr, charsmax(szDynArr))
			// Return bonus Level required.
			if (equal(szDynArr, szName))
				return ArrayGetCell(g_iBonusReqLevel, iNum)
	// Get bonus ID.
	new iBonus = get_param(1)
	// Get required level by bonus id.
	if (iBonus > g_iBonusCount)
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMX] Bonus id is not found (%d)", iBonus)
	// Return bonus ID.
	return ArrayGetCell(g_iBonusReqLevel, iBonus)

public _native_ze_open_bonus_menu(const iPlayer)
	// Player is not found.
	if (!is_user_connected(iPlayer))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMX] Invalid player (%d)", iPlayer)
		return 0;
	// Open menu for player.
	return 1;

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Post by z0h1r-LK » 2 years ago

give me ze_bonus.ini from your server!

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Post by z0h1r-LK » 2 years ago

I told you this plugin is not stable, I will create another version

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Post by czirimbolo » 2 years ago

Its edited by Raheem and its looking good but sometimes it gives error:

Code: Select all

#include <zombie_escape>
#include <ze_levels>

// Settings file.
new const g_szSettingsFile[] = "ze_bonus.ini"

// Enums.

// Dynamic Arrays.
new Array:g_szBonusName,
// Cvars Variables.
new g_pCvarEnableType,
// Global Variables.
new g_iBonusCount,

// Forward called after server activation.
public plugin_init()
	// Load plugin.
	register_plugin("[ZE] Bonus Manager", "1.2", "z0h1r-LK")

	// Events.
	register_event("HLTV", "Event_NewRound", "a", "1=0", "2=0")

	// Cvars.
	g_pCvarEnableType = register_cvar("ze_bonus_enable", "5")
	g_pCvarCooldown = register_cvar("ze_bonus_cooldown", "60")
	g_pCvarMaxTimes = register_cvar("ze_bonus_maxtimes", "1")

	// Client command(s).
	register_clcmd("say", "clcmd_SayText")
	register_clcmd("say_team", "clcmd_SayText")
	// Initialize dynamic arrays
	g_szBonusPlugin = ArrayCreate(128) // File name.
	g_szPlayerAuthID = ArrayCreate(35)
	g_szBonusHandler = ArrayCreate(32)
	g_szBonusName = ArrayCreate(32)
	g_iBonusReqLevel = ArrayCreate(1)
	// Default Values.
	arrayset(g_iMaxTimes, 1, sizeof(g_iMaxTimes))

// Forward allows registering natives.
public plugin_natives()
	register_native("ze_bonus_register", "_native_ze_bonus_register", 0)
	register_native("ze_bonus_get_name", "_native_ze_bonus_get_name", 0)
	register_native("ze_bonus_get_id", "_native_ze_bonus_get_id", 0)
	register_native("ze_bonus_get_reqlevel", "_native_ze_bonus_get_reqlevel", 0)
	register_native("ze_open_bonus_menu", "_native_ze_open_bonus_menu", 1)

// Forward called before server deactivation or plugin fail.
public plugin_end()
	// Destroy (remove) all dynamic arrays.

// Forward called after player join server.
public client_putinserver(iPlayer)
	// Bonus Menu is once time in map (Fix enable menu after player reconnect or retry).
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ONCEMAP)
		// Variables.
		new szDynArr[35], szAuthID[35], iNum
		// Get Auth ID of player (Valve ID or Steam ID).
		get_user_authid(iPlayer, szAuthID, charsmax(szAuthID))
		// Check from authid player is already in dynamic array.
		for (iNum = 0; iNum < ArraySize(g_szPlayerAuthID); iNum++)
			// Get Auth ID's from dynamic array.
			ArrayGetString(g_szPlayerAuthID, iNum, szDynArr, charsmax(szDynArr))
			// We find Auth ID of player, So, Him is already use a bonus menu.
			if (equali(szAuthID, szDynArr))
				g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer] = 0 // Suspende the menu on player.
				break; // Stop finding for Auth ID in dynamic array.
	if (g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
		g_iBounsType[iPlayer] = -1;

// Hook called every new round.
public Event_NewRound()
	// Re-enable getting bonus.
	if ((get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ONCEROUND))
		// Re-enable the bonus menu for all players.
		arrayset(g_iMaxTimes, 1, sizeof(g_iMaxTimes))
	else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_MAXTIMES) // Reset maximum times for all players.
		// Re-enable the bonus menu for all players.
		arrayset(g_iMaxTimes, get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarMaxTimes), sizeof(g_iMaxTimes))

public ze_user_humanized(id)
	if (g_iBounsType[id] >= 0)
		set_task(1.0, "DelayReset", id)

public DelayReset(id)
	ReGive(id, g_iBounsType[id])

// Hook called when sent any message in say/say_team.
public clcmd_SayText(iPlayer)
	// Bonus menu is disabled.
	if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType))
	// Read arguments from say and say_team commands (Message). 
	static szArgs[32]
	read_args(szArgs, charsmax(szArgs))
	remove_quotes(szArgs) // Remove quotes from message "Hi!".
	// Check the player is trying open the bonus menu.
	if (equali(szArgs, ".bonus") || equali(szArgs, "/bonus") || equali(szArgs, "!bonus"))
		// Player is a zombie.
		if (ze_is_user_zombie(iPlayer))
			// Alert a player!
			ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_ISZOMBIE")
		// Player is not a alive.
		if (!is_user_alive(iPlayer))
			// Alert a player!
			ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_NOTALIVE")
		// Enable type is once round, So, Player is already use bonus menu. 
		if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ALWAYS)
			// Menu without limit.
			if (!g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
				g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer] = 1
		else if ((get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ONCEROUND) && !g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
			// Alert a player!
			ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_NEXTROUND")
		else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_COOLDOWN) // Enable type is cooldown
			// Get a game (halflife) time.
			new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime()
			// Alert a player, Cooldown time is not over.
			if (flGameTime < g_flCooldownTime[iPlayer])
				ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_COOLDOWN", floatround(g_flCooldownTime[iPlayer] - flGameTime))
			// Re-enable bonus menu for player.
			g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer] = 1
		else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ONCEMAP) // Enable type is once time in map.
			// Player is open bonus menu.
			if (!g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
				ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_ONCETIME")
		else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_MAXTIMES) // Enable type is maximum times.
			// Player can't open bonus menu, Because is reached maximum times.
			if (!g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
				ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_MAXTIME")
		// Open the bonus menu for player.

public Menu_Bonus(iPlayer)
	new szLang[64], szName[32], iLevelPlr, iLevelReq, iNum, iMenu
	// Get current Level of the player.
	iLevelPlr = ze_get_user_level(iPlayer)
	// Create a new menu with title.
	formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\r%L:", LANG_PLAYER, "MENU_TITLE_BONUS", iLevelPlr)
	iMenu = menu_create(szLang, "Handler_Bonus")

	// Add all bonus name to menu.
	for (iNum = 0; iNum < g_iBonusCount; iNum++)
		// Get name of bonus from dynamic array.
		ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iNum, szName, charsmax(szName))

		// Get a required level to get the bonus.
		iLevelReq = ArrayGetCell(g_iBonusReqLevel, iNum)
		// Sort names in menu.
		if (iLevelReq == 0)
			formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\w%s - \r%L", szName, LANG_PLAYER, "FREE")
		else if (iLevelPlr < iLevelReq)
			formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\d%s - \r[%d %L]", szName, iLevelReq, LANG_PLAYER, "LVL")
			formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\y%s - \r%L", szName, LANG_PLAYER, "UNLOCKED")
		// Add bonus name to menu.
		menu_additem(iMenu, szLang, "", 0)
	// Set menu property (exit, back, next).
	formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\y%L", LANG_PLAYER, "NEXT")
	menu_setprop(iMenu, MPROP_NEXTNAME, szLang)
	formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\y%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BACK")	
	menu_setprop(iMenu, MPROP_BACKNAME, szLang)
	formatex(szLang, charsmax(szLang), "\y%L", LANG_PLAYER, "EXIT")	
	menu_setprop(iMenu, MPROP_EXITNAME, szLang)
	// Display menu for player and close menu after 30s.
	menu_display(iPlayer, iMenu, 0, 30)

// Hook handle command from bonus menu.
public Handler_Bonus(iPlayer, iMenu, iKey)
	// Close and destroy menu.
	if (iKey == MENU_EXIT)
		// Destroy (remove) menu.
	// Variables.
	new szName[32], szHandler[32], szPlugin[128], iLevelPlr, iLevelReq
	// Get current Level of player.	
	iLevelPlr = ze_get_user_level(iPlayer)
	// Get a required Level to get the bonus.
	iLevelReq = ArrayGetCell(g_iBonusReqLevel, iKey)
	// Check the player is not getting a bonus yet.
	if (g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
		// The player's level is greater than the required level (Getting a bonus).
		if (iLevelPlr >= iLevelReq)
			// Get bonus name from dynamic array.
			ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iKey, szName, charsmax(szName))
			// Get bonus handler function from dynamic array.
			ArrayGetString(g_szBonusHandler, iKey, szHandler, charsmax(szHandler))
			// Get bonus plugin filename from dynamic array.
			ArrayGetString(g_szBonusPlugin, iKey, szPlugin, charsmax(szPlugin))
			// Call a function in plugin of the bonus
			new iRet = callfunc_begin(szHandler, szPlugin)
			// Handler function is not found in plugin of bonus.
			if (iRet == -1)
				log_error(AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND, "[AMX] Function (%s) not found in plugin (%s)", szHandler, szPlugin)
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			// Plugin file is not found.
			if (iRet == -2)
				log_error(AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND, "[AMX] Plugin (%s) is not found.", szPlugin)
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			callfunc_push_int(iPlayer) // Add Player ID to handler function.
			callfunc_push_int(iKey) // Add Bonus ID to handler function.
			g_iBounsType[iPlayer] = iKey
			// Sent colored message in chat, (claiming bonus msg).
			ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_DONE", szName)
			// Player has taken the bonus.
			if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ONCEROUND)
				// Player has claim some bonus from menu.
			else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_COOLDOWN)
				// Make a cooldown time for bonus menu on player.
				g_flCooldownTime[iPlayer] = get_gametime() + get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarCooldown)
			else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_ONCEMAP) // That for Fix problem enable menu when player reconnect or retry.
				// Get auth ID of player.
				new szAuthID[35]
				get_user_authid(iPlayer, szAuthID, charsmax(szAuthID))
				// Push AuthID of player in dynamic array.
				ArrayPushString(g_szPlayerAuthID, szAuthID)
				// Bonus has claimed.
			else if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableType) == ENABLE_MAXTIMES) // Max times in every round.
				ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_REMTIMES", g_iMaxTimes[iPlayer])
		else // Player haven't Level enough.
			ze_colored_print(iPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BONUS_LEVEL_ENOUGH")
	// Destroy (remove) menu.

public ReGive(iPlayer, iKey)
	new szName[32], szHandler[32], szPlugin[128]
	// Get bonus name from dynamic array.
	ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iKey, szName, charsmax(szName))
	// Get bonus handler function from dynamic array.
	ArrayGetString(g_szBonusHandler, iKey, szHandler, charsmax(szHandler))
	// Get bonus plugin filename from dynamic array.
	ArrayGetString(g_szBonusPlugin, iKey, szPlugin, charsmax(szPlugin))
	if (equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusTenArmor") || equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusTenSpeed") || equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusDamage") || equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusTenHealth200") || equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusTenHealth10k") || equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusTenSpeed30") || equal(szHandler, "Handler_PlusTenArmor100"))
		// Call a function in plugin of the bonus
		new iRet = callfunc_begin(szHandler, szPlugin)
		// Handler function is not found in plugin of bonus.
		if (iRet == -1)
			log_error(AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND, "[AMX] Function (%s) not found in plugin (%s)", szHandler, szPlugin)
		// Plugin file is not found.
		if (iRet == -2)
			log_error(AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND, "[AMX] Plugin (%s) is not found.", szPlugin)
		callfunc_push_int(iPlayer) // Add Player ID to handler function.
		callfunc_push_int(iKey) // Add Bonus ID to handler function.

// Functions of natives.
public _native_ze_bonus_register(iPlugin_iIndex, iParam_iNum)
	new szName[32], szHandler[32], szPlugin[128],  iReqLevel
	get_string(1, szName, charsmax(szName)) // Get name of bonus.
	get_string(2, szHandler, charsmax(szHandler)) // Get handler function of bonus.
	iReqLevel = get_param(3) // Get require level.
	// Bonus without name.
	if (strlen(szName) < 0)
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMX] Bonus without name.")
	// Bonus without handler.
	if (strlen(szHandler) < 0)
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMX] Bonus without handler.")
	// Get plugin name.
	get_plugin(iPlugin_iIndex, szPlugin, charsmax(szPlugin))
	// Bonus name is already registered
	new szDynArr[32], iIndex
	for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < g_iBonusCount; iIndex++)
		// Get bonus name from dynamic array.
		ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iIndex, szDynArr, charsmax(szDynArr))
		if (equali(szDynArr, szName))
			log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMX] Bonus name already is registered.")
	// Load bonus data's from external file.
	if (!amx_load_setting_string(g_szSettingsFile, szName, "NAME", szName, charsmax(szName)))
		amx_save_setting_string(g_szSettingsFile, szName, "NAME", szName)
	if (!amx_load_setting_int(g_szSettingsFile, szName, "LEVEL", iReqLevel))
		amx_save_setting_int(g_szSettingsFile, szName, "LEVEL", iReqLevel)
	// Register new bonus.
	ArrayPushString(g_szBonusName, szName)
	ArrayPushString(g_szBonusHandler, szHandler)
	ArrayPushString(g_szBonusPlugin, szPlugin)
	ArrayPushCell(g_iBonusReqLevel, iReqLevel)
	return g_iBonusCount - 1

public _native_ze_bonus_get_name(iPlugin_iIndex, iParam_iNum)
	// Get a bonus ID.
	new iBonus = get_param(1)
	// Invalid bonus.
	if (iBonus > g_iBonusCount)
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMX] Bonus id is not found (%d)", iBonus)
		return 0;
	new szName[32]
	// Get name of bonus.
	ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iBonus, szName, charsmax(szName))
	// Store name in array.
	set_string(2, szName, get_param(3))
	return 1;

public _native_ze_bonus_get_id(iPlugin_iIndex, iParam_iNum)
	// Get a bonus name
	new szName[32]
	get_string(1, szName, charsmax(szName))
	// Find for bonus id by name.
	new szCheck[32], iIndex
	for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < g_iBonusCount; iIndex++)
		// Get bonus name from dynamic array.
		ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iIndex, szCheck, charsmax(szCheck))
		// Return bonus ID
		if (equal(szName, szCheck))
			return iIndex
	// Doesn't find bonus, Invalid bonus.

public _native_ze_bonus_get_reqlevel(iPlugin_iIndex, iParam_iNum)
	// Get a bonus name
	new szName[32]
	get_string(2, szName, charsmax(szName))
	// Get required level by bonus name.
	if (strlen(szName) < 1)
		// Find for bonus id by name.
		new szDynArr[32], iNum
		for (iNum = 0; iNum < g_iBonusCount; iNum++)
			// Get bonus name from dynamic array.
			ArrayGetString(g_szBonusName, iNum, szDynArr, charsmax(szDynArr))
			// Return bonus Level required.
			if (equal(szDynArr, szName))
				return ArrayGetCell(g_iBonusReqLevel, iNum)
	// Get bonus ID.
	new iBonus = get_param(1)
	// Get required level by bonus id.
	if (iBonus > g_iBonusCount)
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMX] Bonus id is not found (%d)", iBonus)
	// Return bonus ID.
	return ArrayGetCell(g_iBonusReqLevel, iBonus)

public _native_ze_open_bonus_menu(const iPlayer)
	// Player is not found.
	if (!is_user_connected(iPlayer))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMX] Invalid player (%d)", iPlayer)
		return 0;
	// Open menu for player.
	return 1;

Code: Select all

[+3000 coins]
NAME = +3000 coins

[+200 HP]
NAME = +200 HP

[+10 armor]
NAME = +10 armor
LEVEL = 10

[+70k EXP]
NAME = +70k EXP
LEVEL = 14

[+8000 coins]
NAME = +8000 coins
LEVEL = 16

[+200k EXP]
NAME = +200k EXP
LEVEL = 21

[Damage x1.2]
NAME = Damage x1.2
LEVEL = 26

[+20k coins]
NAME = +20k coins
LEVEL = 27

[+10 Speed]
NAME = +10 Speed
LEVEL = 29

[+1mln EXP]
NAME = +1mln EXP
LEVEL = 31

[+30 Speed]
NAME = +30 Speed
LEVEL = 33

[+50k coins]
NAME = +50k coins
LEVEL = 34

[+100 armor]
NAME = +100 armor
LEVEL = 35

[Damage x2]
NAME = Damage x2
LEVEL = 36
L 12/05/2021 - 18:01:01: Invalid index -4 (count: 14)
L 12/05/2021 - 18:01:01: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "ze_bonus_manager.amxx", version "1.2")
L 12/05/2021 - 18:01:01: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "ArrayGetCell")
L 12/05/2021 - 18:01:01: [AMXX] [0] ze_bonus_manager.sma::Handler_Bonus (line 289)

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Location: The Red City ❤


Post by z0h1r-LK » 2 years ago

I will try create version later

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