Solved Request conversion of a cool plugin

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Request conversion of a cool plugin


Post by Rain1153 » 5 years ago ... 59?t=93659 The snark infector would be a cool idea ..since zombies are mostly offended by the humans due to thier extra items

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Post by johnnysins2000 » 5 years ago

Rain1153 wrote: 5 years ago ... 59?t=93659 The snark infector would be a cool idea ..since zombies are mostly offended by the humans due to thier extra items
you want to convert this extra item right ?
Nobody Is That Busy If They Make Time :roll:

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Post by Rain1153 » 5 years ago

yes bro :)

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Post by Rain1153 » 5 years ago

can you convert it?

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Post by johnnysins2000 » 5 years ago

Rain1153 wrote: 5 years ago can you convert it?
i convert it to ze but it's showing some kind of error of float or invalid symbol

AMX Mod X Compiler 1.8.3-dev+5123
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase
Copyright (c) 2004-2013 AMX Mod X Team

Error: Invalid symbol name "" on line 146
Error: Invalid symbol name "" on line 147
Warning: Redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "") on line 147
Error: Invalid symbol name "" on line 149
Warning: Redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "") on line 149
Warning: Tag mismatch on line 488
Warning: Tag mismatch on line 501
Warning: Tag mismatch on line 515
Warning: Tag mismatch on line 521

3 Errors.
Could not locate output file D:\My old windows 8 things\amxmodx\Compiler v 1.8.3\Untitled.amx (compile failed).

Code: Select all

   /* - - - - - - - - - - -

        AMX Mod X script.

          | Author  : Arkshine
          | Plugin  : WPN Squeak Grenade
          | Version : v1.0.6 - without WM.

        (!) Support :
        (!) Version without WeaponMod required and for Zombie Plague.
        This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
        under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
        Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
        your option) any later version.

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
        WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        General Public License for more details.

        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
        Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Description :
        - - - - - - -
            Basically, it's almost the same weapon that you can see in Half-life 1.

            Snarks are small, red, and bulbous, with a large (in relation to body porportion) 
            single green eye and a large pincer-like mandible. Snarks are normally calm creatures 
            that show little signs of intelligence, but if they see any living creature other
            than another Snark, they immediately begin to attack it. They attack aggressively, 
            persistently, and erratically, leaping and biting at their target.

            A full description can be found here : .

        Requirement :
        - - - - - - -
            * CS 1.6 / CZ.
            * AMX Mod X 1.8.x or higher.

        Changelog :
        - - - - - -
            v1.0.6 : [ 11 jul 2009 ]

                (+) Initial release.

        Credits :
        - - - - -
            * HLSDK
            * DevconeS
            * VEN
            * Sproily ( Alternative models )

    - - - - - - - - - - - */
    #include <amxmodx>
    #include <fakemeta>
    #include <cstrike>
    #include <hamsandwich>
    #include <engine>
    #include <fun>
    #include <zombie_escape>

    #define Plugin   "[ZP] Extra: Squeak Grenade"
    #define Version  "1.0.6-wwm"
    #define Author   "Arkshine"

    // --| Comment if you want to use the default model from valve.

    // --| Snark trail.
    #define TRAIL_LIFE        40    // Life
    #define TRAIL_WIDTH       4     // Width
    #define TRAIL_RED         10    // Red
    #define TRAIL_GREEN       224   // Red
    #define TRAIL_BLUE        10    // Green
    #define TRAIL_BRIGTHNESS  200   // Blue

     /* - - -
     |  WEAPON MODELS  |
                 - - - */
        #if !defined ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
            new const gModel_P[] = "models/p_squeak.mdl";
            new const gModel_V[] = "models/v_squeak.mdl";
            new const gModel_P[] = "models/p_alt_squeak.mdl";
            new const gModel_V[] = "models/v_alt_squeak_gflip.mdl";

    /* - - -
     |  SNARK SOUNDS  |
                - - - */
            new const gSnarkHunt1Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt1.wav";
            new const gSnarkHunt2Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt2.wav";
            new const gSnarkHunt3Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt3.wav";
            new const gSnarkDieSound      [] = "squeek/sqk_die1.wav";
            new const gSnarkAttackSound   [] = "squeek/sqk_deploy1.wav";
            new const gSnarkBlastSound    [] = "weapons/sqk_blast2.wav";
            new const gSnarkBodySplatSound[] = "common/bodysplat.wav";

    /* - - -
     |  SNARK MODEL  |
               - - - */
        #if !defined ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
            gSnarkModel[] = "models/w_squeak.mdl";
            gSnarkModel[] = "models/w_alt_squeak.mdl";

    /* - - -
     |    SEQUENCE   |
               - - - */


    /* - -
     |  CONSTANTS  |
               - - */
        const BLOOD_COLOR_RED        = 247;
        const BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW     = 195;
        const MAX_CLIENTS            = 32;
        const MAX_KNIFE_MODEL_LENGTH = 128;
        const NONE                   = -1;
        const NULL_ENT               = 0;

        enum _:Coord_e

        enum _:Angle_e

            HuntThink = 1,

        new const Float:gHullMin    [ Coord_e ] = { -16.0, -16.0, -36.0 };
        new const Float:gDuckHullMin[ Coord_e ] = { -16.0, -16.0, -18.0 };

        new const gWeaponCommand [] = "weapon_hegrenade";
        new const gWeaponIndex      = CSW_HEGRENADE;

        new const gGenericEntity [] = "info_target";
        new const gSnarkClassName[] = "wpn_snark";

     /* - - - -
                       - - - - */
        const m_flNextAttack        = 83    // Player.
        const m_pActiveWeapon       = 373;  // Player.
        const m_pPlayer             = 41;   // Weapon.
        const m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 46;   // Weapon.

    /* - - -
     |  CUSTOM FIELD  |
                - - - */
        #define pev_NextHunt            pev_fuser1
        #define pev_NextBounceSoundTime pev_fuser2
        #define pev_NextHit             pev_fuser3
        #define pev_NextAttack          pev_fuser4
        #define pev_DetonateDelay       pev_ltime
        #define pev_RealOwner           pev_iuser1
        #define pev_Remove              pev_iuser2
        #define pev_EnemyTarget         pev_vuser1
        #define pev_PosPrev             pev_vuser2

    /* - - -
     |  CVAR POINTER  |
                - - - */
        new pCvarAmmo;
        new pCvarRefireRate;
        new pCvarHealth;
        new pCvarVelocity;
        new pCvarDamagePop;
        new pCvarDamageRadius;
        new pCvarGravity;
        new pCvarFriction;
        new pCvarDetonateDelay;
        new pCvarFieldOfView;
        new pCvarShowTrail;

    /* - - - -
                      - - - - */
        new gBloodSpray;
        new gBloodDrop;
        new gSmokeTrail;

    /* - - - -
     |  OTHERS STUFFS  |
                 - - - */
        new bool:gHasSnark    [ MAX_CLIENTS + 1 char ];
        new bool:gWeaponActive[ MAX_CLIENTS + 1 char ];
        new bool:gJustThrown  [ MAX_CLIENTS + 1 char ];

        new Float:gNextShot      [ MAX_CLIENTS + 1 ];
        new Float:gTimeWeaponIdle[ MAX_CLIENTS + 1 ];

        new gPlayerAmmo[ MAX_CLIENTS + 1 char ];

        new const gSnarkHealthReference = 10000;
        new gSnarkClassNameReference;
        new gMaxEntities;
        new gMaxClients;
        new gMsgidAmmoX;
        new g_iItemID

    /* - -
     |  MACROS  |
            - - */
        #define VectorSubtract(%1,%2,%3)  ( %3[ x ] = %1[ x ] - %2[ x ], %3[ y ] = %1[ y ] - %2[ y ], %3[ z ] = %1[ z ] - %2[ z ] )
        #define VectorAdd(%1,%2,%3)       ( %3[ x ] = %1[ x ] + %2[ x ], %3[ y ] = %1[ y ] + %2[ y ], %3[ z ] = %1[ z ] + %2[ z ] )
        #define VectorCopy(%1,%2)         ( %2[ x ] = %1[ x ],  %2[ y ] = %1[ y ], %2[ z ] = %1[ z ] )
        #define VectorScale(%1,%2,%3)     ( %3[ x ] = %2 * %1[ x ], %3[ y ] = %2 * %1[ y ], %3[ z ] = %2 * %1[ z ] )
        #define VectorMA(%1,%2,%3,%4)     ( %4[ x ] = %1[ x ] + %2 * %3[ x ], %4[ y ] = %1[ y ] + %2 * %3[ y ], %4[ z ] = %1[ z ] + %2 * %3[ z ] )
        #define VectorMS(%1,%2,%3,%4)     ( %4[ x ] = %1[ x ] - %2 * %3[ x ], %4[ y ] = %1[ y ] - %2 * %3[ y ], %4[ z ] = %1[ z ] - %2 * %3[ z ] )
        #define VectorLength(%1)          ( floatsqroot ( %1[ x ] * %1[ x ] + %1[ y ] * %1[ y ] + %1[ z ] * %1[ z ] ) )
        #define VectorEqual(%1,%2)        ( %1[ x ] == %2[ x ] && %1[ y ] == %2[ y ] && %1[ z ] == %2[ z ] )
        #define DotProduct(%1,%2)         ( %1[ x ] * %2[ x ]+ %1[ y ] * %2[ y ] + %1[ z ] * %2[ z ] )

        #define message_begin_f(%1,%2,%3) ( engfunc ( EngFunc_MessageBegin, %1, %2, %3 ) )
        #define write_coord_f(%1)         ( engfunc ( EngFunc_WriteCoord, %1 ) )

    public plugin_precache ()
        // --| Weapon models.
        precache_model( gModel_P );
        precache_model( gModel_V );

        // --| Snark model.
        precache_model( gSnarkModel );

        // --| Snark sounds.
        precache_sound( gSnarkBlastSound );
        precache_sound( gSnarkBodySplatSound );
        precache_sound( gSnarkDieSound );
        precache_sound( gSnarkHunt1Sound );
        precache_sound( gSnarkHunt2Sound );
        precache_sound( gSnarkHunt3Sound );
        precache_sound( gSnarkAttackSound );

        gBloodSpray = precache_model( "sprites/bloodspray.spr" );   // initial blood
        gBloodDrop  = precache_model( "sprites/blood.spr" );        // splattered blood

    public plugin_init ()
        register_plugin( Plugin, Version, Author );
        register_cvar( "zp_snark_version", Version, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY );

	g_iItemID = ze_register_item("Snark Infector", 10, 0)
        pCvarAmmo          = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_ammo"           , "5"   );
        pCvarRefireRate    = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_refire_rate"    , "0.3" );
        pCvarHealth        = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_health"         , "10"  );
        pCvarVelocity      = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_velocity"       , "200" );
        pCvarDamagePop     = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_damage_pop"     , "6"   );
        pCvarDamageRadius  = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_damage_radius"  , "15"  );
        pCvarGravity       = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_gravity"        , "0.5" );
        pCvarFriction      = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_friction"       , "0.5" );
        pCvarDetonateDelay = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_detonate_delay" , "15"  );
        pCvarFieldOfView   = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_fov"            , "0"   );
        pCvarShowTrail     = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_show_trail"     , "1"   );

        RegisterHam( Ham_Item_Deploy , gWeaponCommand, "CSqueak_Deploy", 1 );
        RegisterHam( Ham_Item_Holster, gWeaponCommand, "CSqueak_Holster", 1 );
        RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, gGenericEntity, "CSqueak_TakeDamage", 1 );

        register_forward( FM_CmdStart, "CSqueak_HookButtons" );
        register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "CSqueak_WeaponIdle" );

        register_think( gSnarkClassName, "CSqueak_HuntThink" );
        register_touch( gSnarkClassName, "*", "CSqueak_SuperBounceTouch" );

        // register_clcmd( "say test", "CSqueak_GiveWeapon" );

        gMaxEntities = global_get( glb_maxEntities );
        gMaxClients  = global_get( glb_maxClients );
        gSnarkClassNameReference = engfunc( EngFunc_AllocString, gSnarkClassName );
        gMsgidAmmoX = get_user_msgid( "AmmoX" );

        if ( get_pcvar_num( pCvarShowTrail ) )
            gSmokeTrail = engfunc( EngFunc_PrecacheModel, "sprites/smoke.spr" );
    public ze_select_item_pre(id, itemid)
    // This not our item?
    if (itemid != g_iItemID)
        return ZE_ITEM_AVAILABLE
    // Available for Humans only, So don't show it for zombies
    if (ze_is_user_zombie(id))
        return ZE_ITEM_DONT_SHOW
    // Finally return that it's available
public ze_select_item_post(Player, itemid)
    // This is not our item, Block it here and don't execute the blew code
    if (itemid != g_iItemID)
    CSqueak_GiveWeapon ( Player );
    public ze_roundend ( WinTeam )
        new Snark = -1;
        while ( ( Snark = find_ent_by_class( Snark, gSnarkClassName ) ) != NULL_ENT )
            CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, 0, true );
        for ( new Player = 1; Player <= gMaxClients; Player++ )
            CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( Player );
    stock CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( const Player )
        if ( user_has_weapon( Player, gWeaponIndex ) )
            RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_user_weapon( Player ) == gWeaponIndex ? 
                get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) : 
                find_ent_by_owner ( -1, gWeaponCommand, Player ) );

    public client_connect ( Player )
        gHasSnark    { Player } = false;
        gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
        gJustThrown  { Player } = false;
        gPlayerAmmo  { Player } = get_pcvar_num( pCvarAmmo );

    public CSqueak_GiveWeapon( const Player )
        gHasSnark{ Player } = true;
        gPlayerAmmo{ Player } = get_pcvar_num( pCvarAmmo );

        give_item( Player, gWeaponCommand );
        engclient_cmd( Player, gWeaponCommand );

    public CSqueak_PrimaryAttack ( const Player )
        static Float:VAngle     [ Angle_e ];
        static Float:Origin     [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:TraceOrigin[ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Forward    [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Start      [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:End        [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:EndPos     [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Velocity   [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Fraction;

        if ( gPlayerAmmo{ Player } )
            if ( pev( Player, pev_waterlevel ) >= 3 )
                emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkDieSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM + 5 );
                gNextShot[ Player ] = get_gametime() + get_pcvar_float( pCvarRefireRate );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

            pev( Player, pev_origin, Origin );
            pev( Player, pev_v_angle, VAngle );
            pev( Player, pev_velocity, Velocity );

            engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, VAngle );

            VectorCopy( Origin, TraceOrigin );

            if ( pev( Player, pev_flags ) & FL_DUCKING )
                TraceOrigin[ x ] = TraceOrigin[ x ] - ( gHullMin[ x ] - gDuckHullMin[ x ] );
                TraceOrigin[ y ] = TraceOrigin[ y ] - ( gHullMin[ y ] - gDuckHullMin[ y ] );
                TraceOrigin[ z ] = TraceOrigin[ z ] - ( gHullMin[ z ] - gDuckHullMin[ z ] );

            global_get( glb_v_forward, Forward );

            VectorMA ( TraceOrigin, 20.0, Forward, Start );
            VectorMA ( TraceOrigin, 64.0, Forward, End );

            engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, Start, End, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, NULL_ENT, 0 );

            get_tr2( 0, TR_Fraction, Fraction );
            get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );

            if ( !get_tr2( 0, TR_AllSolid ) && !get_tr2( 0, TR_StartSolid ) && Fraction > 0.25 )
                // --| Play the throw animation.
                UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_throw );

                // --| player "shoot" animation

                VectorMA ( Velocity, get_pcvar_float( pCvarVelocity ), Forward, Velocity );

                if ( CSqueak_Create ( Player, EndPos, VAngle, Velocity ) )
                    new Float:CurrentTime = get_gametime();

                    switch ( random_num( 0, 2 ) )
                        case 0: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt1Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                        case 1: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt2Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                        case 2: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

                    gPlayerAmmo{ Player }--;
                    gJustThrown{ Player } = true;
                    UpdateHud ( Player );

                    gNextShot[ Player ] = CurrentTime + get_pcvar_float( pCvarRefireRate );
                    gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + 1.0;

                    return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    public CSqueak_Deploy ( const Weapon )
        // --| Get the knife's owner index.
        new Player = get_pdata_cbase( Weapon, m_pPlayer, 4 );

        if ( Player && gHasSnark{ Player } )
            // --| Change knife to snark weapon.
            ChangeWeaponToSnark ( Player );

            // --| Play the deploy animation.
            UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_up );
            emit_sound ( Weapon, CHAN_VOICE , random_float ( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= 0.5 ? gSnarkHunt2Sound : gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

            // --| Block the primary attack.
            set_pdata_float( Weapon, m_flNextPrimaryAttack, 9999.0, 4 );
            set_pdata_float( Player, m_flNextAttack, 9999.0 );
            // --| Update Ammo on HUD.
            UpdateHud ( Player );

            // --| We are holding the weapon.
            gWeaponActive{ Player } = true;

    public CSqueak_Holster ( const Weapon )
        // --| Get the knife's owner index.
        new Player = get_pdata_cbase( Weapon, m_pPlayer, 4 );

        if ( Player && gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } )
            // --| We are not holding the weapon anymore.
            gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
            set_pdata_float( Player, m_flNextAttack, get_gametime() + 0.5 );

            if ( !gPlayerAmmo{ Player } && user_has_weapon( Player, gWeaponIndex ) )
                RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) );
                // --| Play the holster animation.
                UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_down );
                emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, "common/null.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

    public CSqueak_Killed ( const Snark, const Killer, const bool:ShouldGib )
        new Float:Direction[ Coord_e ];
        new Float:Origin   [ Coord_e ];

        pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );

        set_pev( Snark, pev_model, 0 );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_Remove, RemoveSnark );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, get_gametime() + 0.1 );

        set_pev( Snark, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO );

        emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_ITEM, gSnarkBlastSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM / 2, 0, PITCH_NORM );
        emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkBodySplatSound, 0.75, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM * 2 );

        UTIL_RandomBloodVector( Direction );
        FX_BloodDrips ( Origin, BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW, .Amount = 60 );
        FX_StreakSplash ( Origin, Direction, .Color = 5, .Count = 16, .Speed = 50, .VelocityRange = 200 );
        UTIL_RadiusDamage ( Origin, Snark, pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner ), get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ), get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamageRadius ), DMG_BLAST );

    /* public CZombie_Killed ( const Zombie, const Human, const bool:ShouldGid )
        if ( zp_get_user_zombie( Zombie ) && gHasSnark{ Zombie } )
    } */

    public CSqueak_TakeDamage ( const Snark, const Inflictor, const Attacker, const Float:Damage, const DamageBits )
        if ( is_valid_ent( Snark ) && pev( Snark, pev_groupinfo ) == gSnarkClassNameReference )
            if ( pev( Snark, pev_health ) - gSnarkHealthReference <= 0 )
                CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, Attacker, .ShouldGib = true );

    public CSqueak_HookButtons ( const Player, const UC_Handle, const Seed )
        static Float:CurrentTime;
        static Buttons;

        if ( gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } && ( Buttons = get_uc( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons ) ) & IN_ATTACK )
            CurrentTime = get_gametime();

            if ( gNextShot[ Player ] > CurrentTime )
                return FMRES_HANDLED;
            if ( CSqueak_PrimaryAttack ( Player ) == PLUGIN_HANDLED )
                return FMRES_HANDLED;

            set_uc( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons, Buttons & ~IN_ATTACK );
            return FMRES_HANDLED;

        return FMRES_IGNORED;

    public CSqueak_HuntThink ( const Snark )
        if ( !is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
            return HAM_IGNORED;

        static Float:Origin  [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Angles  [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Flat    [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:CurrentTime;
        static Float:DieDelay;
        static Float:NextHunt;
        static Float:SPitch;
        static Enemy;

        pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
        pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );

        if ( !UTIL_IsInWorld ( Origin, Velocity ) )
            set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
            return HAM_IGNORED;

        CurrentTime = get_gametime();
        set_pev( Snark, pev_nextthink, CurrentTime + 0.1 );

        pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, NextHunt );
        pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, DieDelay );
        pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );

        if ( CurrentTime >= DieDelay )
            if ( pev( Snark, pev_Remove ) )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
                return HAM_IGNORED;

            set_pev( Snark, pev_health, -1.0 );
            CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, 0, true );
            return HAM_IGNORED;

        if ( pev( Snark, pev_waterlevel ) != 0 )
            if ( pev( Snark, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_FLY );

            VectorScale ( Velocity, 0.9, Velocity );
            Velocity[ z ] += 8.0;

            set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
        else if ( pev( Snark, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_FLY )
            set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE );

        if ( NextHunt > CurrentTime )
            return HAM_IGNORED;

        set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime + 2.0 );

        VectorCopy ( Velocity, Flat );
        Flat[ z ] = 0.0;
        VectorNormalize ( Flat, Flat );

        engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, Angles );

        if ( ( Enemy = pev( Snark, pev_enemy ) ) == NULL_ENT || !is_user_alive( Enemy ) || ze_is_user_zombie( Enemy ) )
            Enemy = UTIL_BestVisibleEnemy ( Snark, 512.0 );

        if ( 0.3 <= DieDelay - CurrentTime <= 0.5 )
            set_pev( Snark, pev_scale, 2.0 );
            emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkDieSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM + random_num( 0, 0x3F ) );

        SPitch = 155.0 - 60.0 * ( ( DieDelay - CurrentTime ) / get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) );

        if ( SPitch < 80.0 )  { SPitch = 80.0; }

        if ( Enemy != NULL_ENT && !ze_is_user_zombie( Enemy ) )
            static Float:Target[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Vel;
            static Float:Adj;

            pev( Snark, pev_EnemyTarget, Target );

            if ( UTIL_FVisible( Snark, Enemy ) )
                static Float:EyePosition[ Coord_e ];
                UTIL_EyePosition ( Enemy, EyePosition );

                VectorSubtract ( EyePosition, Origin, Target );
                VectorNormalize ( Target, Target );

                set_pev( Snark, pev_EnemyTarget, Target );

            Vel = VectorLength ( Velocity );
            Adj = 50.0 / ( Vel + 10.0 );

            if ( Adj > 1.2 )  { Adj = 1.2; }

            Velocity[ x ] = Velocity[ x ] * Adj + Target[ x ] * 300.0;
            Velocity[ y ] = Velocity[ y ] * Adj + Target[ y ] * 300.0;
            Velocity[ z ] = Velocity[ z ] * Adj + Target[ z ] * 300.0;

            set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );

        if ( pev( Snark, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
            set_pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, Float:{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } );
            static Float:AVelocity[ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, AVelocity );

            if ( AVelocity[ x ] == 0.0 && AVelocity[ y ] == 0.0 && AVelocity[ z ] == 0.0 )
                AVelocity[ x ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                AVelocity[ z ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );

                set_pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, AVelocity );

        static Float:PosPrev[ Coord_e ];
        pev( Snark, pev_PosPrev, PosPrev );

        VectorSubtract ( Origin, PosPrev, PosPrev );

        if ( VectorLength ( PosPrev ) < 1.0 )
            Velocity[ x ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
            Velocity[ y ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );

            set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );

        set_pev( Snark, pev_PosPrev, Origin );

        vector_to_angle( Velocity, Angles );

        Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
        Angles[ x ] = 0.0;

        set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );

        return HAM_IGNORED;

    public CSqueak_SuperBounceTouch ( const Snark, const Other )
        if ( !is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
        static Float:Angles [ Angle_e ];
        static Float:NextHit;
        static Float:DieDelay;
        static Float:NextAttack;
        static Float:NextBounceSoundTime;
        static Float:SPitch;
        static Float:CurrentTime;
        static Owner;

        Owner = pev( Snark, pev_owner );

        if ( Owner && Other == Owner )

        SPitch = PITCH_NORM * 1.0;
        CurrentTime = get_gametime();

        set_pev( Snark, pev_owner, NULL_ENT );

        pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
        pev( Snark, pev_NextHit, NextHit );
        pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, DieDelay );
        pev( Snark, pev_NextAttack, NextAttack );
        pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, NextBounceSoundTime );

        Angles[ x ] = 0.0;
        Angles[ z ] = 0.0;

        set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );

        if ( NextHit > CurrentTime )

        SPitch = 155.0 - 60.0 * ( ( DieDelay - CurrentTime ) / get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) );

        if ( 1 <= Other <= gMaxClients && pev( Other, pev_takedamage ) && NextAttack < CurrentTime )
            static Hit;
            Hit = global_get( glb_trace_ent );

            if ( Hit == Other && pev( Hit, pev_modelindex ) != pev( Snark, pev_modelindex ) && 1 <= Other <= gMaxClients )
                Owner = pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner );
                if ( !ze_is_user_zombie( Other ))
                    static Float:Forward    [ Coord_e ];
                    static Float:EndPos     [ Coord_e ];
                    static Float:OriginSnark[ Coord_e ];
                    static Float:OriginOther[ Coord_e ];
                    static Trace;
                    static Float:Damage;

                    Trace = create_tr2();
                    pev( Snark, pev_dmg, Damage );
                    pev( Snark, pev_origin, OriginSnark );
                    pev( Other, pev_origin, OriginOther );

                    engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, OriginSnark, OriginOther, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, Snark, Trace );
                    get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecPlaneNormal, Forward );
                    get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );

                    ExecuteHam( Ham_TraceBleed, Other, Damage, Forward, Trace, DMG_SLASH );
                    free_tr2( Trace );
                    FX_BloodDrips ( EndPos, BLOOD_COLOR_RED, .Amount = floatround( Damage ) ); 
                    ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Other, Snark, Owner, Damage, DMG_SLASH );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_dmg, pev( Snark, pev_dmg ) + get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ) );
                    //ze_set_user_zombie( Other, Owner, .silent = 0, .rewards = 1 );
                    ze_set_escape_coins( Owner, ze_get_escape_coins( Owner ) + 2 );
                    set_user_frags( Owner, get_user_frags( Owner ) + 1 );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_enemy, NULL_ENT );
                emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkAttackSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_NextAttack, CurrentTime + 0.5 );

        set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHit, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime );

        if ( CurrentTime < NextBounceSoundTime )

        if ( !( pev( Snark, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND ) )
            switch ( random( 10 ) )
                case 0 .. 3 : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt1Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                case 4 .. 7 : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt2Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                default     : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );

        set_pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, CurrentTime + 0.5 );

    CSqueak_Create ( const Player, const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Angles[ Coord_e], const Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ] )
        new Snark = create_entity( gGenericEntity );

        if ( is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
            set_pev( Snark, pev_classname, gSnarkClassName );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_groupinfo, gSnarkClassNameReference );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_owner, Player );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );

            CSqueak_Spawn ( Player, Snark, Origin );

            return Snark;

        return NULL_ENT;

    CSqueak_Spawn ( const Player, const Snark, const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ] )
        new Float:CurrentTime = get_gametime();

        set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX );

        entity_set_model ( Snark, gSnarkModel );
        entity_set_size  ( Snark, Float:{ -4.0, -4.0, 0.0 }, Float:{ 4.0, 4.0, 8.0 } );
        entity_set_origin( Snark, Origin );

        set_pev( Snark, pev_nextthink, CurrentTime + 0.1 );

        set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime + 1000000.0 ); // NextHunt
        set_pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, CurrentTime + get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) ); // DetonateDelay
        set_pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, CurrentTime ); // NextBounceSoundTime
        set_pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner, Player ); // RealOwner

        set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_MONSTER );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_AIM );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_health, get_pcvar_float( pCvarHealth ) + gSnarkHealthReference );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_gravity, get_pcvar_float( pCvarGravity ) );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_friction, get_pcvar_float( pCvarFriction ) );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_fov, get_pcvar_num( pCvarFieldOfView ) );
        // set_pev( Snark, pev_dmg, get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ) );

        // --| Force snark to run.
        set_pev( Snark, pev_sequence, wsqueak_run );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_framerate, 1.0 );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_animtime, CurrentTime );

        if ( get_pcvar_num( pCvarShowTrail ) )
            message_begin ( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
            write_byte ( TE_BEAMFOLLOW );
            write_short ( Snark );
            write_short ( gSmokeTrail );
            write_byte ( TRAIL_LIFE );   // life
            write_byte ( TRAIL_WIDTH );  // width
            write_byte ( TRAIL_RED );
            write_byte ( TRAIL_GREEN );
            write_byte ( TRAIL_BLUE );
            write_byte ( TRAIL_BRIGTHNESS );

    public CSqueak_WeaponIdle ( const Player )
        if ( gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } )
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            CurrentTime = get_gametime();

            if ( gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] > CurrentTime )

            if ( gJustThrown{ Player } )
                gJustThrown{ Player } = false;

                if ( !gPlayerAmmo{ Player } )
                    RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) );

                UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_up );
                gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + random_float ( 10.0, 15.0 );


            new Animation;
            new Float:NewTime;

            switch ( random_num( 0, 10 ) )
                case 0 .. 6 :
                    Animation = squeak_idle1;
                    NewTime   = 30.0 / 16.0 * ( 2.0 );
                case 7 .. 8 :
                    Animation = squeak_fidgetfit;
                    NewTime   = 70.0 / 16.0;
                default :
                    Animation = squeak_fidgetnip;
                    NewTime   = 80.0 / 16.0;

            UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, Animation );
            gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + NewTime;

    ChangeWeaponToSnark ( const Player )
        set_pev( Player, pev_viewmodel2  , gModel_V );
        set_pev( Player, pev_weaponmodel2, gModel_P );
    UpdateHud ( const Player )
        message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gMsgidAmmoX, .player = Player );
        write_byte( 12 );
        write_byte( gPlayerAmmo{ Player } );
    RemoveWeapon ( const Player, const Weapon )
        ExecuteHamB( Ham_Weapon_RetireWeapon, Weapon );
        ExecuteHamB( Ham_RemovePlayerItem, Player, Weapon );
        ExecuteHamB( Ham_Item_Kill, Weapon );

        set_pev( Player, pev_weapons, pev( Player, pev_weapons ) & ~( 1 << gWeaponIndex ) );
        cs_set_user_bpammo( Player, gWeaponIndex, 0 );

        gHasSnark{ Player } = false;
        gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;

    stock bool:UTIL_IsBSPModel ( const Entity )
        return ( pev( entity, pev_solid ) == SOLID_BSP || pev( Entity, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_STEP );
    UTIL_BestVisibleEnemy ( const Snark, const Float:DistanceToSearch /* , const Flags */ )
        static List[ MAX_CLIENTS ];
        static Float:Distance;
        static Float:Nearest;
        static ReturnEntity;
        static Count;
        static Entity;
        static i;

        Nearest = 8192.0;
        ReturnEntity = NULL_ENT;

        Count = find_sphere_class( Snark, "player", DistanceToSearch, List, sizeof List );

        for ( i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
            Entity = List[ i ];
            if ( ze_is_user_zombie( Entity ) )

            if ( UTIL_FInViewCone ( Snark, Entity ) && UTIL_FVisible( Snark, Entity ) )
                if ( ( Distance = entity_range( Snark, Entity ) ) <= Nearest )
                    Nearest = Distance;
                    ReturnEntity = Entity;

        set_pev( Snark, pev_enemy, ReturnEntity );
        return ReturnEntity;

    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( const Player, const Sequence )
        set_pev( Player, pev_weaponanim, Sequence );

        message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_WEAPONANIM, .player = Player );
        write_byte( Sequence );
        write_byte( pev( Player, pev_body ) );

    bool:UTIL_IsInWorld ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ] )
        static i;

        for ( i = x; i <= z; i++ )
            if ( !( -4096.0 < Origin[ i ] < 4096.0 ) && !( -2000.0 < Velocity[ x ] < 2000.0 ) )
                return false;

        return true;

    UTIL_RandomBloodVector ( Float:Direction[ Coord_e ] )
        Direction[ x ] = random_float( -1.0, 1.0 );
        Direction[ y ] = random_float( -1.0, 1.0 );
        Direction[ z ] = random_float(  0.0, 1.0 );

    FX_BloodDrips ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const BloodColor, const Amount )
        message_begin_f( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, Origin, NULL_ENT );
        write_byte( TE_BLOODSPRITE );
        write_coord_f( Origin[ x ] );
        write_coord_f( Origin[ y ] );
        write_coord_f( Origin[ z ] );
        write_short( gBloodSpray );         // initial sprite model
        write_short( gBloodDrop );          // droplet sprite models
        write_byte( BloodColor );           // color index into host_basepal
        write_byte( min( max( 3, ( Amount > 255 ? 255 : Amount ) / 10 ), 16 ) );  // size

    FX_StreakSplash ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Direction[ Coord_e ], const Color, const Count, const Speed, const VelocityRange )
        message_begin_f( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, Origin, NULL_ENT );
        write_byte( TE_STREAK_SPLASH );
        write_coord_f( Origin[ x ] );
        write_coord_f( Origin[ y ] );
        write_coord_f( Origin[ z ] );
        write_coord_f( Direction[ x ] );
        write_coord_f( Direction[ y ] );
        write_coord_f( Direction[ z ] );
        write_byte( min( Color, 255 ) );
        write_short( Count );
        write_short( Speed );
        write_short( VelocityRange );// random velocity modifier
    stock FX_TraceBleed( const Victim, const Float:Damage, const Float:Dir[ Coord_e ], const TraceResult:Trace )
        new TraceResult:BloodTrace;
        new Float:TraceDir[ Coord_e ]; 
        new Float:EndPos  [ Coord_e ];
        new Float:Noise;
        new Float:Fraction;
        new Count;

        if ( Damage < 10 )
            Noise = 0.1;
            Count = 1;
        else if ( Damage < 25 )
            Noise = 0.2;
            Count = 2;
            Noise = 0.3;
            Count = 4;

        for ( new i = 0 ; i < Count ; i++ )
            VectorScale ( Dir, -1.0, TraceDir );

            TraceDir[ x ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
            TraceDir[ y ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
            TraceDir[ z ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
            get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
            VectorMA ( EndPos, -172.0, TraceDir, TraceDir );
            engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, EndPos, TraceDir, IGNORE_MONSTERS, Victim, BloodTrace );
            get_tr2( BloodTrace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );

            if ( Fraction != 1.0 )
                FX_BloodDecalTrace( BloodTrace, EndPos, BLOOD_COLOR_RED );

    stock FX_BloodDecalTrace ( const TraceResult:Trace, const Float:EndPos[ Coord_e ], const BloodColor )
        new Hit;
        new BaseIndex;
        new DecalIndex;
        new Float:Fraction; 
        switch ( BloodColor )
            case BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW : BaseIndex = get_decal_index( "{yblood1" );
            case BLOOD_COLOR_RED    : BaseIndex = get_decal_index( "{blood1" );
        DecalIndex = BaseIndex + random_num( 0, 5 );

        Hit = max( 0, get_tr2( Trace, TR_pHit ) );
        get_tr2( Trace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );

        if ( Fraction == 1.0 || ( Hit && !UTIL_IsBSPModel ( Hit ) ) )
        message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
        write_byte( Hit ? TE_DECAL : TE_WORLDDECAL );
        write_coord_f( EndPos[ x ] );
        write_coord_f( EndPos[ y ] );
        write_coord_f( EndPos[ z ] );
        write_byte( DecalIndex );
        if ( Hit )
            write_short( Hit );

    stock UTIL_RadiusDamage ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Inflictor, const Attacker, const Float:Damage, const Float:Radius, const DamageBits )
        static Entity;
        static Trace;
        static Float:AdjustedDamage;
        static bool:InWater;

        Entity = NULL_ENT;
        InWater = UTIL_LiquidContents( Origin );

        while ( ( Entity = find_ent_in_sphere( Entity, Origin, Radius ) ) != NULL_ENT )
            if ( Entity == Inflictor )

            if ( pev( Entity, pev_takedamage ) && !ze_is_user_zombie( Entity ))
                static Float:EntOrigin[ Coord_e ];
                static Float:EndPos   [ Coord_e ];
                static Float:Fraction;

                pev( Entity, pev_origin, EntOrigin );

                engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, Origin, EntOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS, Inflictor, Trace );

                get_tr2( Trace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
                get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );

                if ( Fraction == 1.0 || get_tr2( Trace, TR_pHit ) == Entity )
                    static Float:Delta[ Coord_e ];
                    static Float:Len;

                    if ( get_tr2( Trace, TR_StartSolid ) )
                        EndPos = Origin;
                        Fraction = 0.0;

                    AdjustedDamage = Damage;
                    VectorSubtract ( EndPos, Origin, Delta );

                    if ( ( Len = VectorLength ( Delta ) ) != 0.0 )
                        VectorScale ( Delta, 1 / Len, Delta );

                    if ( Len > 2.0 )
                        Len -= 2.0;

                    if ( ( AdjustedDamage *= ( 1.0 - Len / Radius ) ) <= 0 )

                    if ( InWater || pev( Entity, pev_waterlevel ) > 2 )
                        AdjustedDamage *= 0.5;

                    if ( Fraction != 1.0 )
                        ExecuteHam( Ham_TraceAttack, Entity, Inflictor, AdjustedDamage, Delta, Trace, DamageBits );
                        ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Entity, Inflictor, Attacker, AdjustedDamage, DamageBits );
                        ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Entity, Inflictor, Attacker, AdjustedDamage, DamageBits );
    stock UTIL_EntitiesInBox ( List[], const ListMax, const Float:Mins[ Coord_e ], const Float:Maxs[ Coord_e ], const Flags )
        static Float:Origin [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Delta  [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Mins   [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Maxs   [ Coord_e ];

        pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );

        Delta[ x ] = Delta[ y ] = Delta[ z ] = DistanceToSearch;

        VectorSubtract ( Origin, Delta, Mins );
        VectorAdd ( Origin, Delta, Maxs );

        Count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox ( List, sizeof List, Mins, Maxs, Flags );

        static Float:AbsMins[ Coord_e ];
        static Float:AbsMaxs[ Coord_e ];
        static Count;
        static Entity;

        Count = 0;

        for ( Entity = 1; Entity <= gMaxEntities; Entity++ )  if( is_valid_ent( Entity ) )
            if ( !( pev( Entity, pev_flags ) & Flags ) )

            pev( Entity, pev_absmin, AbsMins );
            pev( Entity, pev_absmax, AbsMaxs );

            if ( Mins[ x ] > AbsMaxs[ x ] || Mins[ y ] > AbsMaxs[ y ] || Mins[ z ] > AbsMaxs[ z ] ||
                 Maxs[ x ] < AbsMins[ x ] || Maxs[ y ] < AbsMins[ y ] || Maxs[ z ] < AbsMins[ z ] )

            List[ Count ] = Entity;

            if ( Count++ >= ListMax )
                return Count;

        return Count;

    bool:UTIL_FVisible ( const Entity, const Other )
        static Float:LookerOrigin[ Coord_e ];
        static Float:TargetOrigin[ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Fraction;
        static LookerWLevel;
        static TargetWLevel;

        if ( pev( Other, pev_flags ) & FL_NOTARGET )
            return false;

        LookerWLevel = pev ( Entity, pev_waterlevel );
        TargetWLevel = pev ( Other, pev_waterlevel );

        if ( ( LookerWLevel != 3 && TargetWLevel == 3 ) || ( LookerWLevel == 3 && TargetWLevel == 0  ) )
            return false;

        UTIL_EyePosition ( Entity, LookerOrigin );
        UTIL_EyePosition ( Other, TargetOrigin );

        engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, LookerOrigin, TargetOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS | IGNORE_GLASS, Entity, 0 );
        get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, Fraction );

        return Fraction == 1.0 ? true : false;

    bool:UTIL_FInViewCone ( const Entity, const Other )
        static Float:Angles [ Coord_e ];
        static Float:HOrigin[ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Origin [ Coord_e ];

        pev( Entity, pev_angles, Angles );
        engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, Angles );
        global_get( glb_v_forward, Angles );

        Angles[ z ] = 0.0;

        pev( Entity, pev_origin, HOrigin );
        pev( Other, pev_origin, Origin );

        VectorSubtract ( Origin, HOrigin, Origin );
        Origin[ z ] = 0.0;

        VectorNormalize ( Origin, Origin );

        if ( DotProduct ( Origin, Angles ) > pev( Entity, pev_fov ) )
            return true;

        return false;

    UTIL_EyePosition ( const Entity, Float:Origin[ Coord_e ] )
        static Float:ViewOfs[ Coord_e ];

        pev( Entity, pev_origin, Origin );
        pev( Entity, pev_view_ofs, ViewOfs );

        VectorAdd ( Origin, ViewOfs, Origin );

    stock bool:UTIL_LiquidContents( const Float:Source[ Coord_e ] )
        new Contents = point_contents( Source );
        return ( Contents == CONTENTS_WATER || Contents == CONTENTS_SLIME || Contents == CONTENTS_LAVA );

    VectorNormalize ( const Float:Source[ Coord_e ], Float:Output[ Coord_e ] )
        static Float:InvLen;

        InvLen = 1.0 / VectorLength ( Source );

        Output[ x ] = Source[ x ] * InvLen;
        Output[ y ] = Source[ y ] * InvLen;
        Output[ z ] = Source[ z ] * InvLen;
Last edited by johnnysins2000 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Nobody Is That Busy If They Make Time :roll:

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Post by Rain1153 » 5 years ago

so cant we ignore these? like rmeove it and see if the plugin works?

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Post by johnnysins2000 » 5 years ago

Rain1153 wrote: 5 years ago so cant we ignore these? like rmeove it and see if the plugin works?
i removed those but it will cause like more problem ... but i am finding solution for this thing!
Nobody Is That Busy If They Make Time :roll:

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Post by Rain1153 » 5 years ago

ok bro take ur time and thanks

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Post by johnnysins2000 » 5 years ago

Rain1153 wrote: 5 years ago ok bro take ur time and thanks
try now and test it !

Code: Select all

/* - - - - - - - - - - -

    AMX Mod X script.

      | Author  : Arkshine
      | Plugin  : WPN Squeak Grenade
      | Version : v1.0.6 - without WM.

    (!) Support :
    (!) Version without WeaponMod required and for Zombie Plague.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
    your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Description :
    - - - - - - -
        Basically, it's almost the same weapon that you can see in Half-life 1.

        Snarks are small, red, and bulbous, with a large (in relation to body porportion) 
        single green eye and a large pincer-like mandible. Snarks are normally calm creatures 
        that show little signs of intelligence, but if they see any living creature other
        than another Snark, they immediately begin to attack it. They attack aggressively, 
        persistently, and erratically, leaping and biting at their target.

        A full description can be found here : .

    Requirement :
    - - - - - - -
        * CS 1.6 / CZ.
        * AMX Mod X 1.8.x or higher.

    Changelog :
    - - - - - -
        v1.0.6 : [ 11 jul 2009 ]

            (+) Initial release.

    Credits :
    - - - - -
        * HLSDK
        * DevconeS
        * VEN
        * Sproily ( Alternative models )

- - - - - - - - - - - */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <cstrike>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <engine>
#include <fun>
#include <zombie_escape>

#define Plugin   "[ZP] Extra: Squeak Grenade"
#define Version  "1.0.6-wwm"
#define Author   "Arkshine"

// --| Comment if you want to use the default model from valve.

// --| Snark trail.
#define TRAIL_LIFE        40    // Life
#define TRAIL_WIDTH       4     // Width
#define TRAIL_RED         10    // Red
#define TRAIL_GREEN       224   // Red
#define TRAIL_BLUE        10    // Green
#define TRAIL_BRIGTHNESS  200   // Blue

/* - - -
     - - - */
new const gModel_P[] = "models/p_squeak.mdl";
new const gModel_V[] = "models/v_squeak.mdl";
new const gModel_P[] = "models/p_alt_squeak.mdl";
new const gModel_V[] = "models/v_alt_squeak_gflip.mdl";

/* - - -
    - - - */
new const gSnarkHunt1Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt1.wav";
new const gSnarkHunt2Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt2.wav";
new const gSnarkHunt3Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt3.wav";
new const gSnarkDieSound      [] = "squeek/sqk_die1.wav";
new const gSnarkAttackSound   [] = "squeek/sqk_deploy1.wav";
new const gSnarkBlastSound    [] = "weapons/sqk_blast2.wav";
new const gSnarkBodySplatSound[] = "common/bodysplat.wav";

/* - - -
   - - - */
gSnarkModel[] = "models/w_squeak.mdl";
gSnarkModel[] = "models/w_alt_squeak.mdl";

/* - - -
|    SEQUENCE   |
   - - - */


enum _:Coord_e

enum _:Angle_e

HuntThink = 1,

new const Float:gHullMin    [ Coord_e ] = { -16.0, -16.0, -36.0 };
new const Float:gDuckHullMin[ Coord_e ] = { -16.0, -16.0, -18.0 };

new const gWeaponCommand [] = "weapon_hegrenade";
new const gWeaponIndex      = CSW_HEGRENADE;

new const gGenericEntity [] = "info_target";
new const gSnarkClassName[] = "wpn_snark";

/* - - - -
           - - - - */
const m_flNextAttack        = 83    // Player.
const m_pActiveWeapon       = 373;  // Player.
const m_pPlayer             = 41;   // Weapon.
const m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 46;   // Weapon.

/* - - -
    - - - */
#define pev_NextHunt            pev_fuser1
#define pev_NextBounceSoundTime pev_fuser2
#define pev_NextHit             pev_fuser3
#define pev_NextAttack          pev_fuser4
#define pev_DetonateDelay       pev_ltime
#define pev_RealOwner           pev_iuser1
#define pev_Remove              pev_iuser2
#define pev_EnemyTarget         pev_vuser1
#define pev_PosPrev             pev_vuser2

/* - - -
    - - - */
new pCvarAmmo;
new pCvarRefireRate;
new pCvarHealth;
new pCvarVelocity;
new pCvarDamagePop;
new pCvarDamageRadius;
new pCvarGravity;
new pCvarFriction;
new pCvarDetonateDelay;
new pCvarFieldOfView;
new pCvarShowTrail;

/* - - - -
          - - - - */
new gBloodSpray;
new gBloodDrop;
new gSmokeTrail;

/* - - - -
     - - - */
new bool:gHasSnark    [ 32 + 1 char ];
new bool:gWeaponActive[ 32 + 1 char ];
new bool:gJustThrown  [ 32 + 1 char ];

new Float:gNextShot      [ 32 + 1 ];
new Float:gTimeWeaponIdle[ 32 + 1 ];

new gPlayerAmmo[ 32 + 1 char ];

new const gSnarkHealthReference = 10000;
new gSnarkClassNameReference;
new gMaxEntities;
new gMaxClients;
new gMsgidAmmoX;
new g_iItemID

/* - -
|  MACROS  |
- - */
#define VectorSubtract(%1,%2,%3)  ( %3[ x ] = %1[ x ] - %2[ x ], %3[ y ] = %1[ y ] - %2[ y ], %3[ z ] = %1[ z ] - %2[ z ] )
#define VectorAdd(%1,%2,%3)       ( %3[ x ] = %1[ x ] + %2[ x ], %3[ y ] = %1[ y ] + %2[ y ], %3[ z ] = %1[ z ] + %2[ z ] )
#define VectorCopy(%1,%2)         ( %2[ x ] = %1[ x ],  %2[ y ] = %1[ y ], %2[ z ] = %1[ z ] )
#define VectorScale(%1,%2,%3)     ( %3[ x ] = %2 * %1[ x ], %3[ y ] = %2 * %1[ y ], %3[ z ] = %2 * %1[ z ] )
#define VectorMA(%1,%2,%3,%4)     ( %4[ x ] = %1[ x ] + %2 * %3[ x ], %4[ y ] = %1[ y ] + %2 * %3[ y ], %4[ z ] = %1[ z ] + %2 * %3[ z ] )
#define VectorMS(%1,%2,%3,%4)     ( %4[ x ] = %1[ x ] - %2 * %3[ x ], %4[ y ] = %1[ y ] - %2 * %3[ y ], %4[ z ] = %1[ z ] - %2 * %3[ z ] )
#define VectorLength(%1)          ( floatsqroot ( %1[ x ] * %1[ x ] + %1[ y ] * %1[ y ] + %1[ z ] * %1[ z ] ) )
#define VectorEqual(%1,%2)        ( %1[ x ] == %2[ x ] && %1[ y ] == %2[ y ] && %1[ z ] == %2[ z ] )
#define DotProduct(%1,%2)         ( %1[ x ] * %2[ x ]+ %1[ y ] * %2[ y ] + %1[ z ] * %2[ z ] )

#define message_begin_f(%1,%2,%3) ( engfunc ( EngFunc_MessageBegin, %1, %2, %3 ) )
#define write_coord_f(%1)         ( engfunc ( EngFunc_WriteCoord, %1 ) )

public plugin_precache ()
    // --| Weapon models.
    precache_model( gModel_P );
    precache_model( gModel_V );

    // --| Snark model.
    precache_model( gSnarkModel );

    // --| Snark sounds.
    precache_sound( gSnarkBlastSound );
    precache_sound( gSnarkBodySplatSound );
    precache_sound( gSnarkDieSound );
    precache_sound( gSnarkHunt1Sound );
    precache_sound( gSnarkHunt2Sound );
    precache_sound( gSnarkHunt3Sound );
    precache_sound( gSnarkAttackSound );

    gBloodSpray = precache_model( "sprites/bloodspray.spr" );   // initial blood
    gBloodDrop  = precache_model( "sprites/blood.spr" );        // splattered blood

public plugin_init ()
    register_plugin( Plugin, Version, Author );
    register_cvar( "zp_snark_version", Version, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY );

    g_iItemID = ze_register_item("Snark Infector", 10, 0) 
    pCvarAmmo          = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_ammo"           , "5"   );
    pCvarRefireRate    = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_refire_rate"    , "0.3" );
    pCvarHealth        = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_health"         , "10"  );
    pCvarVelocity      = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_velocity"       , "200" );
    pCvarDamagePop     = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_damage_pop"     , "6"   );
    pCvarDamageRadius  = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_damage_radius"  , "15"  );
    pCvarGravity       = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_gravity"        , "0.5" );
    pCvarFriction      = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_friction"       , "0.5" );
    pCvarDetonateDelay = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_detonate_delay" , "15"  );
    pCvarFieldOfView   = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_fov"            , "0"   );
    pCvarShowTrail     = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_show_trail"     , "1"   );

    RegisterHam( Ham_Item_Deploy , gWeaponCommand, "CSqueak_Deploy", 1 );
    RegisterHam( Ham_Item_Holster, gWeaponCommand, "CSqueak_Holster", 1 );
    RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, gGenericEntity, "CSqueak_TakeDamage", 1 );

    register_forward( FM_CmdStart, "CSqueak_HookButtons" );
    register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "CSqueak_WeaponIdle" );

    register_think( gSnarkClassName, "CSqueak_HuntThink" );
    register_touch( gSnarkClassName, "*", "CSqueak_SuperBounceTouch" );

    // register_clcmd( "say test", "CSqueak_GiveWeapon" );

    gMaxEntities = global_get( glb_maxEntities );
    gMaxClients  = global_get( glb_maxClients );
    gSnarkClassNameReference = engfunc( EngFunc_AllocString, gSnarkClassName );
    gMsgidAmmoX = get_user_msgid( "AmmoX" );

    if ( get_pcvar_num( pCvarShowTrail ) )
        gSmokeTrail = engfunc( EngFunc_PrecacheModel, "sprites/smoke.spr" );

public ze_select_item_pre(id, itemid)
// This not our item?
if (itemid != g_iItemID)

// Available for Humans only, So don't show it for zombies
if (ze_is_user_zombie(id))
    return ZE_ITEM_DONT_SHOW

// Finally return that it's available

public ze_select_item_post(Player, itemid)
// This is not our item, Block it here and don't execute the blew code
if (itemid != g_iItemID)

CSqueak_GiveWeapon ( Player );

public ze_roundend ( WinTeam )
    new Snark = -1;
    while ( ( Snark = find_ent_by_class( Snark, gSnarkClassName ) ) != 0 )
        CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, 0, true );
    for ( new Player = 1; Player <= gMaxClients; Player++ )
        CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( Player );
stock CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( const Player )
    if ( user_has_weapon( Player, gWeaponIndex ) )
        RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_user_weapon( Player ) == gWeaponIndex ? 
            get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) : 
            find_ent_by_owner ( -1, gWeaponCommand, Player ) );

public client_connect ( Player )
    gHasSnark    { Player } = false;
    gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
    gJustThrown  { Player } = false;
    gPlayerAmmo  { Player } = get_pcvar_num( pCvarAmmo );

public CSqueak_GiveWeapon( const Player )
    gHasSnark{ Player } = true;
    gPlayerAmmo{ Player } = get_pcvar_num( pCvarAmmo );

    give_item( Player, gWeaponCommand );
    engclient_cmd( Player, gWeaponCommand );

public CSqueak_PrimaryAttack ( const Player )
    static Float:VAngle     [ Angle_e ];
    static Float:Origin     [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:TraceOrigin[ Coord_e ];
    static Float:Forward    [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:Start      [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:End        [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:EndPos     [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:Velocity   [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:Fraction;

    if ( gPlayerAmmo{ Player } )
        if ( pev( Player, pev_waterlevel ) >= 3 )
            emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkDieSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM + 5 );
            gNextShot[ Player ] = get_gametime() + get_pcvar_float( pCvarRefireRate );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

        pev( Player, pev_origin, Origin );
        pev( Player, pev_v_angle, VAngle );
        pev( Player, pev_velocity, Velocity );

        engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, VAngle );

        VectorCopy( Origin, TraceOrigin );

        if ( pev( Player, pev_flags ) & FL_DUCKING )
            TraceOrigin[ x ] = TraceOrigin[ x ] - ( gHullMin[ x ] - gDuckHullMin[ x ] );
            TraceOrigin[ y ] = TraceOrigin[ y ] - ( gHullMin[ y ] - gDuckHullMin[ y ] );
            TraceOrigin[ z ] = TraceOrigin[ z ] - ( gHullMin[ z ] - gDuckHullMin[ z ] );

        global_get( glb_v_forward, Forward );

        VectorMA ( TraceOrigin, 20.0, Forward, Start );
        VectorMA ( TraceOrigin, 64.0, Forward, End );

        engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, Start, End, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, 0, 0 );

        get_tr2( 0, TR_Fraction, Fraction );
        get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );

        if ( !get_tr2( 0, TR_AllSolid ) && !get_tr2( 0, TR_StartSolid ) && Fraction > 0.25 )
            // --| Play the throw animation.
            UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_throw );

            // --| player "shoot" animation

            VectorMA ( Velocity, get_pcvar_float( pCvarVelocity ), Forward, Velocity );

            if ( CSqueak_Create ( Player, EndPos, VAngle, Velocity ) )
                new Float:CurrentTime = get_gametime();

                switch ( random_num( 0, 2 ) )
                    case 0: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt1Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                    case 1: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt2Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                    case 2: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

                gPlayerAmmo{ Player }--;
                gJustThrown{ Player } = true;
                UpdateHud ( Player );

                gNextShot[ Player ] = CurrentTime + get_pcvar_float( pCvarRefireRate );
                gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + 1.0;

                return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;

    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public CSqueak_Deploy ( const Weapon )
    // --| Get the knife's owner index.
    new Player = get_pdata_cbase( Weapon, m_pPlayer, 4 );

    if ( Player && gHasSnark{ Player } )
        // --| Change knife to snark weapon.
        ChangeWeaponToSnark ( Player );

        // --| Play the deploy animation.
        UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_up );
        emit_sound ( Weapon, CHAN_VOICE , random_float ( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= 0.5 ? gSnarkHunt2Sound : gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

        // --| Block the primary attack.
        set_pdata_float( Weapon, m_flNextPrimaryAttack, 9999.0, 4 );
        set_pdata_float( Player, m_flNextAttack, 9999.0 );
        // --| Update Ammo on HUD.
        UpdateHud ( Player );

        // --| We are holding the weapon.
        gWeaponActive{ Player } = true;

public CSqueak_Holster ( const Weapon )
    // --| Get the knife's owner index.
    new Player = get_pdata_cbase( Weapon, m_pPlayer, 4 );

    if ( Player && gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } )
        // --| We are not holding the weapon anymore.
        gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
        set_pdata_float( Player, m_flNextAttack, get_gametime() + 0.5 );

        if ( !gPlayerAmmo{ Player } && user_has_weapon( Player, gWeaponIndex ) )
            RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) );
            // --| Play the holster animation.
            UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_down );
            emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, "common/null.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

public CSqueak_Killed ( const Snark, const Killer, const bool:ShouldGib )
    new Float:Direction[ Coord_e ];
    new Float:Origin   [ Coord_e ];

    pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );

    set_pev( Snark, pev_model, 0 );
    set_pev( Snark, pev_Remove, RemoveSnark );
    set_pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, get_gametime() + 0.1 );

    set_pev( Snark, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO );

    emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_ITEM, gSnarkBlastSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM / 2, 0, PITCH_NORM );
    emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkBodySplatSound, 0.75, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM * 2 );

    UTIL_RandomBloodVector( Direction );
    FX_BloodDrips ( Origin, 195, .Amount = 60 );
    FX_StreakSplash ( Origin, Direction, .Color = 5, .Count = 16, .Speed = 50, .VelocityRange = 200 );
    UTIL_RadiusDamage ( Origin, Snark, pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner ), get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ), get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamageRadius ), DMG_BLAST );

/* public CZombie_Killed ( const Zombie, const Human, const bool:ShouldGid )
    if ( zp_get_user_zombie( Zombie ) && gHasSnark{ Zombie } )
} */

public CSqueak_TakeDamage ( const Snark, const Inflictor, const Attacker, const Float:Damage, const DamageBits )
    if ( is_valid_ent( Snark ) && pev( Snark, pev_groupinfo ) == gSnarkClassNameReference )
        if ( pev( Snark, pev_health ) - gSnarkHealthReference <= 0 )
            CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, Attacker, .ShouldGib = true );

public CSqueak_HookButtons ( const Player, const UC_Handle, const Seed )
    static Float:CurrentTime;
    static Buttons;

    if ( gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } && ( Buttons = get_uc( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons ) ) & IN_ATTACK )
        CurrentTime = get_gametime();

        if ( gNextShot[ Player ] > CurrentTime )
            return FMRES_HANDLED;
        if ( CSqueak_PrimaryAttack ( Player ) == PLUGIN_HANDLED )
            return FMRES_HANDLED;

        set_uc( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons, Buttons & ~IN_ATTACK );
        return FMRES_HANDLED;

    return FMRES_IGNORED;

public CSqueak_HuntThink ( const Snark )
    if ( !is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
        return HAM_IGNORED;

    static Float:Origin  [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ];
    static Float:Angles  [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:Flat    [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:CurrentTime;
    static Float:DieDelay;
    static Float:NextHunt;
    static Float:SPitch;
    static Enemy;

    pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
    pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );

    if ( !UTIL_IsInWorld ( Origin, Velocity ) )
        set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
        return HAM_IGNORED;

    CurrentTime = get_gametime();
    set_pev( Snark, pev_nextthink, CurrentTime + 0.1 );

    pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, NextHunt );
    pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, DieDelay );
    pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );

    if ( CurrentTime >= DieDelay )
        if ( pev( Snark, pev_Remove ) )
            set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
            return HAM_IGNORED;

        set_pev( Snark, pev_health, -1.0 );
        CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, 0, true );
        return HAM_IGNORED;

    if ( pev( Snark, pev_waterlevel ) != 0 )
        if ( pev( Snark, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE )
            set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_FLY );

        VectorScale ( Velocity, 0.9, Velocity );
        Velocity[ z ] += 8.0;

        set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
    else if ( pev( Snark, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_FLY )
        set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE );

    if ( NextHunt > CurrentTime )
        return HAM_IGNORED;

    set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime + 2.0 );

    VectorCopy ( Velocity, Flat );
    Flat[ z ] = 0.0;
    VectorNormalize ( Flat, Flat );

    engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, Angles );

    if ( ( Enemy = pev( Snark, pev_enemy ) ) == 0 || !is_user_alive( Enemy ) || ze_is_user_zombie( Enemy ) )
        Enemy = UTIL_BestVisibleEnemy ( Snark, 512.0 );

    if ( 0.3 <= DieDelay - CurrentTime <= 0.5 )
        set_pev( Snark, pev_scale, 2.0 );
        emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkDieSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM + random_num( 0, 0x3F ) );

    SPitch = 155.0 - 60.0 * ( ( DieDelay - CurrentTime ) / get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) );

    if ( SPitch < 80.0 )  { SPitch = 80.0; }

    if ( Enemy != 0 && !ze_is_user_zombie( Enemy ) )
        static Float:Target[ Coord_e ];
        static Float:Vel;
        static Float:Adj;

        pev( Snark, pev_EnemyTarget, Target );

        if ( UTIL_FVisible( Snark, Enemy ) )
            static Float:EyePosition[ Coord_e ];
            UTIL_EyePosition ( Enemy, EyePosition );

            VectorSubtract ( EyePosition, Origin, Target );
            VectorNormalize ( Target, Target );

            set_pev( Snark, pev_EnemyTarget, Target );

        Vel = VectorLength ( Velocity );
        Adj = 50.0 / ( Vel + 10.0 );

        if ( Adj > 1.2 )  { Adj = 1.2; }

        Velocity[ x ] = Velocity[ x ] * Adj + Target[ x ] * 300.0;
        Velocity[ y ] = Velocity[ y ] * Adj + Target[ y ] * 300.0;
        Velocity[ z ] = Velocity[ z ] * Adj + Target[ z ] * 300.0;

        set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );

    if ( pev( Snark, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
        set_pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, Float:{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } );
        static Float:AVelocity[ Coord_e ];
        pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, AVelocity );

        if ( AVelocity[ x ] == 0.0 && AVelocity[ y ] == 0.0 && AVelocity[ z ] == 0.0 )
            AVelocity[ x ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
            AVelocity[ z ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );

            set_pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, AVelocity );

    static Float:PosPrev[ Coord_e ];
    pev( Snark, pev_PosPrev, PosPrev );

    VectorSubtract ( Origin, PosPrev, PosPrev );

    if ( VectorLength ( PosPrev ) < 1.0 )
        Velocity[ x ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
        Velocity[ y ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );

        set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );

    set_pev( Snark, pev_PosPrev, Origin );

    vector_to_angle( Velocity, Angles );

    Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
    Angles[ x ] = 0.0;

    set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );

    return HAM_IGNORED;

public CSqueak_SuperBounceTouch ( const Snark, const Other )
    if ( !is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
    static Float:Angles [ Angle_e ];
    static Float:NextHit;
    static Float:DieDelay;
    static Float:NextAttack;
    static Float:NextBounceSoundTime;
    static Float:SPitch;
    static Float:CurrentTime;
    static Owner;

    Owner = pev( Snark, pev_owner );

    if ( Owner && Other == Owner )

    SPitch = PITCH_NORM * 1.0;
    CurrentTime = get_gametime();

    set_pev( Snark, pev_owner, 0 );

    pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
    pev( Snark, pev_NextHit, NextHit );
    pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, DieDelay );
    pev( Snark, pev_NextAttack, NextAttack );
    pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, NextBounceSoundTime );

    Angles[ x ] = 0.0;
    Angles[ z ] = 0.0;

    set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );

    if ( NextHit > CurrentTime )

    SPitch = 155.0 - 60.0 * ( ( DieDelay - CurrentTime ) / get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) );

    if ( 1 <= Other <= gMaxClients && pev( Other, pev_takedamage ) && NextAttack < CurrentTime )
        static Hit;
        Hit = global_get( glb_trace_ent );

        if ( Hit == Other && pev( Hit, pev_modelindex ) != pev( Snark, pev_modelindex ) && 1 <= Other <= gMaxClients )
            Owner = pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner );
            if ( !ze_is_user_zombie( Other ))
                static Float:Forward    [ Coord_e ];
                static Float:EndPos     [ Coord_e ];
                static Float:OriginSnark[ Coord_e ];
                static Float:OriginOther[ Coord_e ];
                static Trace;
                static Float:Damage;

                Trace = create_tr2();
                pev( Snark, pev_dmg, Damage );
                pev( Snark, pev_origin, OriginSnark );
                pev( Other, pev_origin, OriginOther );

                engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, OriginSnark, OriginOther, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, Snark, Trace );
                get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecPlaneNormal, Forward );
                get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );

                ExecuteHam( Ham_TraceBleed, Other, Damage, Forward, Trace, DMG_SLASH );
                free_tr2( Trace );
                FX_BloodDrips ( EndPos, 247, .Amount = floatround( Damage ) ); 
                ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Other, Snark, Owner, Damage, DMG_SLASH );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_dmg, pev( Snark, pev_dmg ) + get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ) );
                //ze_set_user_zombie( Other, Owner, .silent = 0, .rewards = 1 );
                ze_set_escape_coins( Owner, ze_get_escape_coins( Owner ) + 2 );
                set_user_frags( Owner, get_user_frags( Owner ) + 1 );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_enemy, 0 );
            emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkAttackSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextAttack, CurrentTime + 0.5 );

    set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHit, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
    set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime );

    if ( CurrentTime < NextBounceSoundTime )

    if ( !( pev( Snark, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND ) )
        switch ( random( 10 ) )
            case 0 .. 3 : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt1Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
            case 4 .. 7 : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt2Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
            default     : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );

    set_pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, CurrentTime + 0.5 );

CSqueak_Create ( const Player, const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Angles[ Coord_e], const Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ] )
    new Snark = create_entity( gGenericEntity );

    if ( is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
        set_pev( Snark, pev_classname, gSnarkClassName );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_groupinfo, gSnarkClassNameReference );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_owner, Player );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
        set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );

        CSqueak_Spawn ( Player, Snark, Origin );

        return Snark;

    return 0;

CSqueak_Spawn ( const Player, const Snark, const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ] )
    new Float:CurrentTime = get_gametime();

    set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE );
    set_pev( Snark, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX );

    entity_set_model ( Snark, gSnarkModel );
    entity_set_size  ( Snark, Float:{ -4.0, -4.0, 0.0 }, Float:{ 4.0, 4.0, 8.0 } );
    entity_set_origin( Snark, Origin );

    set_pev( Snark, pev_nextthink, CurrentTime + 0.1 );

    set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime + 1000000.0 ); // NextHunt
    set_pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, CurrentTime + get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) ); // DetonateDelay
    set_pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, CurrentTime ); // NextBounceSoundTime
    set_pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner, Player ); // RealOwner

    set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_MONSTER );
    set_pev( Snark, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_AIM );
    set_pev( Snark, pev_health, get_pcvar_float( pCvarHealth ) + gSnarkHealthReference );
    set_pev( Snark, pev_gravity, get_pcvar_float( pCvarGravity ) );
    set_pev( Snark, pev_friction, get_pcvar_float( pCvarFriction ) );
    set_pev( Snark, pev_fov, get_pcvar_num( pCvarFieldOfView ) );
    // set_pev( Snark, pev_dmg, get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ) );

    // --| Force snark to run.
    set_pev( Snark, pev_sequence, wsqueak_run );
    set_pev( Snark, pev_framerate, 1.0 );
    set_pev( Snark, pev_animtime, CurrentTime );

    if ( get_pcvar_num( pCvarShowTrail ) )
        message_begin ( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
        write_byte ( TE_BEAMFOLLOW );
        write_short ( Snark );
        write_short ( gSmokeTrail );
        write_byte ( TRAIL_LIFE );   // life
        write_byte ( TRAIL_WIDTH );  // width
        write_byte ( TRAIL_RED );
        write_byte ( TRAIL_GREEN );
        write_byte ( TRAIL_BLUE );
        write_byte ( TRAIL_BRIGTHNESS );

public CSqueak_WeaponIdle ( const Player )
    if ( gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } )
        static Float:CurrentTime;
        CurrentTime = get_gametime();

        if ( gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] > CurrentTime )

        if ( gJustThrown{ Player } )
            gJustThrown{ Player } = false;

            if ( !gPlayerAmmo{ Player } )
                RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) );

            UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_up );
            gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + random_float ( 10.0, 15.0 );


        new Animation;
        new Float:NewTime;

        switch ( random_num( 0, 10 ) )
            case 0 .. 6 :
                Animation = squeak_idle1;
                NewTime   = 30.0 / 16.0 * ( 2.0 );
            case 7 .. 8 :
                Animation = squeak_fidgetfit;
                NewTime   = 70.0 / 16.0;
            default :
                Animation = squeak_fidgetnip;
                NewTime   = 80.0 / 16.0;

        UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, Animation );
        gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + NewTime;

ChangeWeaponToSnark ( const Player )
    set_pev( Player, pev_viewmodel2  , gModel_V );
    set_pev( Player, pev_weaponmodel2, gModel_P );

UpdateHud ( const Player )
    message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gMsgidAmmoX, .player = Player );
    write_byte( 12 );
    write_byte( gPlayerAmmo{ Player } );

RemoveWeapon ( const Player, const Weapon )
    ExecuteHamB( Ham_Weapon_RetireWeapon, Weapon );
    ExecuteHamB( Ham_RemovePlayerItem, Player, Weapon );
    ExecuteHamB( Ham_Item_Kill, Weapon );

    set_pev( Player, pev_weapons, pev( Player, pev_weapons ) & ~( 1 << gWeaponIndex ) );
    cs_set_user_bpammo( Player, gWeaponIndex, 0 );

    gHasSnark{ Player } = false;
    gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;

stock bool:UTIL_IsBSPModel ( const Entity )
    return ( pev( entity, pev_solid ) == SOLID_BSP || pev( Entity, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_STEP );

UTIL_BestVisibleEnemy ( const Snark, const Float:DistanceToSearch /* , const Flags */ )
    static List[ 32 ];
    static Float:Distance;
    static Float:Nearest;
    static ReturnEntity;
    static Count;
    static Entity;
    static i;

    Nearest = 8192.0;
    ReturnEntity = 0;

    Count = find_sphere_class( Snark, "player", DistanceToSearch, List, sizeof List );

    for ( i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
        Entity = List[ i ];
        if ( ze_is_user_zombie( Entity ) )

        if ( UTIL_FInViewCone ( Snark, Entity ) && UTIL_FVisible( Snark, Entity ) )
            if ( ( Distance = entity_range( Snark, Entity ) ) <= Nearest )
                Nearest = Distance;
                ReturnEntity = Entity;

    set_pev( Snark, pev_enemy, ReturnEntity );
    return ReturnEntity;

UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( const Player, const Sequence )
    set_pev( Player, pev_weaponanim, Sequence );

    message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_WEAPONANIM, .player = Player );
    write_byte( Sequence );
    write_byte( pev( Player, pev_body ) );

bool:UTIL_IsInWorld ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ] )
    static i;

    for ( i = x; i <= z; i++ )
        if ( !( -4096.0 < Origin[ i ] < 4096.0 ) && !( -2000.0 < Velocity[ x ] < 2000.0 ) )
            return false;

    return true;

UTIL_RandomBloodVector ( Float:Direction[ Coord_e ] )
    Direction[ x ] = random_float( -1.0, 1.0 );
    Direction[ y ] = random_float( -1.0, 1.0 );
    Direction[ z ] = random_float(  0.0, 1.0 );

FX_BloodDrips ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const BloodColor, const Amount )
    message_begin_f( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, Origin, 0 );
    write_byte( TE_BLOODSPRITE );
    write_coord_f( Origin[ x ] );
    write_coord_f( Origin[ y ] );
    write_coord_f( Origin[ z ] );
    write_short( gBloodSpray );         // initial sprite model
    write_short( gBloodDrop );          // droplet sprite models
    write_byte( BloodColor );           // color index into host_basepal
    write_byte( min( max( 3, ( Amount > 255 ? 255 : Amount ) / 10 ), 16 ) );  // size

FX_StreakSplash ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Direction[ Coord_e ], const Color, const Count, const Speed, const VelocityRange )
    message_begin_f( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, Origin, 0 );
    write_byte( TE_STREAK_SPLASH );
    write_coord_f( Origin[ x ] );
    write_coord_f( Origin[ y ] );
    write_coord_f( Origin[ z ] );
    write_coord_f( Direction[ x ] );
    write_coord_f( Direction[ y ] );
    write_coord_f( Direction[ z ] );
    write_byte( min( Color, 255 ) );
    write_short( Count );
    write_short( Speed );
    write_short( VelocityRange );// random velocity modifier

stock FX_TraceBleed( const Victim, const Float:Damage, const Float:Dir[ Coord_e ], const TraceResult:Trace )
    new TraceResult:BloodTrace;
    new Float:TraceDir[ Coord_e ]; 
    new Float:EndPos  [ Coord_e ];
    new Float:Noise;
    new Float:Fraction;
    new Count;

    if ( Damage < 10 )
        Noise = 0.1;
        Count = 1;
    else if ( Damage < 25 )
        Noise = 0.2;
        Count = 2;
        Noise = 0.3;
        Count = 4;

    for ( new i = 0 ; i < Count ; i++ )
        VectorScale ( Dir, -1.0, TraceDir );

        TraceDir[ x ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
        TraceDir[ y ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
        TraceDir[ z ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
        get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
        VectorMA ( EndPos, -172.0, TraceDir, TraceDir );
        engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, EndPos, TraceDir, IGNORE_MONSTERS, Victim, BloodTrace );
        get_tr2( BloodTrace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );

        if ( Fraction != 1.0 )
            FX_BloodDecalTrace( BloodTrace, EndPos, 247 );

stock FX_BloodDecalTrace ( const TraceResult:Trace, const Float:EndPos[ Coord_e ], const BloodColor )
    new Hit;
    new BaseIndex;
    new DecalIndex;
    new Float:Fraction; 

    switch ( BloodColor )
        case 195 : BaseIndex = get_decal_index( "{yblood1" );
        case 247    : BaseIndex = get_decal_index( "{blood1" );
    DecalIndex = BaseIndex + random_num( 0, 5 );

    Hit = max( 0, get_tr2( Trace, TR_pHit ) );
    get_tr2( Trace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );

    if ( Fraction == 1.0 || ( Hit && !UTIL_IsBSPModel ( Hit ) ) )
    message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
    write_byte( Hit ? TE_DECAL : TE_WORLDDECAL );
    write_coord_f( EndPos[ x ] );
    write_coord_f( EndPos[ y ] );
    write_coord_f( EndPos[ z ] );
    write_byte( DecalIndex );
    if ( Hit )
        write_short( Hit );

stock UTIL_RadiusDamage ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Inflictor, const Attacker, const Float:Damage, const Float:Radius, const DamageBits )
    static Entity;
    static Trace;
    static Float:AdjustedDamage;
    static bool:InWater;

    Entity = 0;
    InWater = UTIL_LiquidContents( Origin );

    while ( ( Entity = find_ent_in_sphere( Entity, Origin, Radius ) ) != 0 )
        if ( Entity == Inflictor )

        if ( pev( Entity, pev_takedamage ) && !ze_is_user_zombie( Entity ))
            static Float:EntOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:EndPos   [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Fraction;

            pev( Entity, pev_origin, EntOrigin );

            engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, Origin, EntOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS, Inflictor, Trace );

            get_tr2( Trace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
            get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );

            if ( Fraction == 1.0 || get_tr2( Trace, TR_pHit ) == Entity )
                static Float:Delta[ Coord_e ];
                static Float:Len;

                if ( get_tr2( Trace, TR_StartSolid ) )
                    EndPos = Origin;
                    Fraction = 0.0;

                AdjustedDamage = Damage;
                VectorSubtract ( EndPos, Origin, Delta );

                if ( ( Len = VectorLength ( Delta ) ) != 0.0 )
                    VectorScale ( Delta, 1 / Len, Delta );

                if ( Len > 2.0 )
                    Len -= 2.0;

                if ( ( AdjustedDamage *= ( 1.0 - Len / Radius ) ) <= 0 )

                if ( InWater || pev( Entity, pev_waterlevel ) > 2 )
                    AdjustedDamage *= 0.5;

                if ( Fraction != 1.0 )
                    ExecuteHam( Ham_TraceAttack, Entity, Inflictor, AdjustedDamage, Delta, Trace, DamageBits );
                    ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Entity, Inflictor, Attacker, AdjustedDamage, DamageBits );
                    ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Entity, Inflictor, Attacker, AdjustedDamage, DamageBits );

stock UTIL_EntitiesInBox ( List[], const ListMax, const Float:Mins[ Coord_e ], const Float:Maxs[ Coord_e ], const Flags )
    static Float:Origin [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:Delta  [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:Mins   [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:Maxs   [ Coord_e ];

    pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );

    Delta[ x ] = Delta[ y ] = Delta[ z ] = DistanceToSearch;

    VectorSubtract ( Origin, Delta, Mins );
    VectorAdd ( Origin, Delta, Maxs );

    Count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox ( List, sizeof List, Mins, Maxs, Flags );

    static Float:AbsMins[ Coord_e ];
    static Float:AbsMaxs[ Coord_e ];
    static Count;
    static Entity;

    Count = 0;

    for ( Entity = 1; Entity <= gMaxEntities; Entity++ )  if( is_valid_ent( Entity ) )
        if ( !( pev( Entity, pev_flags ) & Flags ) )

        pev( Entity, pev_absmin, AbsMins );
        pev( Entity, pev_absmax, AbsMaxs );

        if ( Mins[ x ] > AbsMaxs[ x ] || Mins[ y ] > AbsMaxs[ y ] || Mins[ z ] > AbsMaxs[ z ] ||
             Maxs[ x ] < AbsMins[ x ] || Maxs[ y ] < AbsMins[ y ] || Maxs[ z ] < AbsMins[ z ] )

        List[ Count ] = Entity;

        if ( Count++ >= ListMax )
            return Count;

    return Count;

bool:UTIL_FVisible ( const Entity, const Other )
    static Float:LookerOrigin[ Coord_e ];
    static Float:TargetOrigin[ Coord_e ];
    static Float:Fraction;
    static LookerWLevel;
    static TargetWLevel;

    if ( pev( Other, pev_flags ) & FL_NOTARGET )
        return false;

    LookerWLevel = pev ( Entity, pev_waterlevel );
    TargetWLevel = pev ( Other, pev_waterlevel );

    if ( ( LookerWLevel != 3 && TargetWLevel == 3 ) || ( LookerWLevel == 3 && TargetWLevel == 0  ) )
        return false;

    UTIL_EyePosition ( Entity, LookerOrigin );
    UTIL_EyePosition ( Other, TargetOrigin );

    engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, LookerOrigin, TargetOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS | IGNORE_GLASS, Entity, 0 );
    get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, Fraction );

    return Fraction == 1.0 ? true : false;

bool:UTIL_FInViewCone ( const Entity, const Other )
    static Float:Angles [ Coord_e ];
    static Float:HOrigin[ Coord_e ];
    static Float:Origin [ Coord_e ];

    pev( Entity, pev_angles, Angles );
    engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, Angles );
    global_get( glb_v_forward, Angles );

    Angles[ z ] = 0.0;

    pev( Entity, pev_origin, HOrigin );
    pev( Other, pev_origin, Origin );

    VectorSubtract ( Origin, HOrigin, Origin );
    Origin[ z ] = 0.0;

    VectorNormalize ( Origin, Origin );

    if ( DotProduct ( Origin, Angles ) > pev( Entity, pev_fov ) )
        return true;

    return false;

UTIL_EyePosition ( const Entity, Float:Origin[ Coord_e ] )
    static Float:ViewOfs[ Coord_e ];

    pev( Entity, pev_origin, Origin );
    pev( Entity, pev_view_ofs, ViewOfs );

    VectorAdd ( Origin, ViewOfs, Origin );

stock bool:UTIL_LiquidContents( const Float:Source[ Coord_e ] )
    new Contents = point_contents( Source );
    return ( Contents == CONTENTS_WATER || Contents == CONTENTS_SLIME || Contents == CONTENTS_LAVA );

VectorNormalize ( const Float:Source[ Coord_e ], Float:Output[ Coord_e ] )
    static Float:InvLen;

    InvLen = 1.0 / VectorLength ( Source );

    Output[ x ] = Source[ x ] * InvLen;
    Output[ y ] = Source[ y ] * InvLen;
    Output[ z ] = Source[ z ] * InvLen;

make sure to compile with zombie escape compiler here!
Nobody Is That Busy If They Make Time :roll:

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Post by Raheem » 5 years ago

Here it's:
  • Code: Select all

       /* - - - - - - - - - - -
            AMX Mod X script.
              | Author  : Arkshine
              | Plugin  : WPN Squeak Grenade
              | Version : v1.0.6 - without WM.
            (!) Support :
            (!) Version without WeaponMod required and for Zombie Plague.
            This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
            under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
            Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
            your option) any later version.
            This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
            WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
            General Public License for more details.
            You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
            along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
            Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
            Description :
            - - - - - - -
                Basically, it's almost the same weapon that you can see in Half-life 1.
                Snarks are small, red, and bulbous, with a large (in relation to body porportion) 
                single green eye and a large pincer-like mandible. Snarks are normally calm creatures 
                that show little signs of intelligence, but if they see any living creature other
                than another Snark, they immediately begin to attack it. They attack aggressively, 
                persistently, and erratically, leaping and biting at their target.
                A full description can be found here : .
            Requirement :
            - - - - - - -
                * CS 1.6 / CZ.
                * AMX Mod X 1.8.x or higher.
            Changelog :
            - - - - - -
                v1.0.6 : [ 11 jul 2009 ]
                    (+) Initial release.
            Credits :
            - - - - -
                * HLSDK
                * DevconeS
                * VEN
                * Sproily ( Alternative models )
        - - - - - - - - - - - */
        #include <zombie_escape>
        #include <cstrike>
        #include <engine>
        #include <fun>
        #define Plugin   "[ZE] Extra: Squeak Grenade"
        #define Version  "1.0.6-wwm"
        #define Author   "Arkshine"
        // --| Zombie Plaque: Extra item configuration.
        #define ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_NAME  "Snark INFECTOR"
        #define ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_COST  14
        // --| Comment if you want to use the default model from valve.
        #define ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
        // --| Snark trail.
        #define TRAIL_LIFE        40    // Life
        #define TRAIL_WIDTH       4     // Width
        #define TRAIL_RED         10    // Red
        #define TRAIL_GREEN       224   // Red
        #define TRAIL_BLUE        10    // Green
        #define TRAIL_BRIGTHNESS  200   // Blue
         /* - - -
         |  WEAPON MODELS  |
                     - - - */
            #if !defined ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
                new const gModel_P[] = "models/p_squeak.mdl";
                new const gModel_V[] = "models/v_squeak.mdl";
                new const gModel_P[] = "models/p_alt_squeak.mdl";
                new const gModel_V[] = "models/v_alt_squeak_gflip.mdl";
        /* - - -
         |  SNARK SOUNDS  |
                    - - - */
                new const gSnarkHunt1Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt1.wav";
                new const gSnarkHunt2Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt2.wav";
                new const gSnarkHunt3Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt3.wav";
                new const gSnarkDieSound      [] = "squeek/sqk_die1.wav";
                new const gSnarkAttackSound   [] = "squeek/sqk_deploy1.wav";
                new const gSnarkBlastSound    [] = "weapons/sqk_blast2.wav";
                new const gSnarkBodySplatSound[] = "common/bodysplat.wav";
        /* - - -
         |  SNARK MODEL  |
                   - - - */
            #if !defined ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
                gSnarkModel[] = "models/w_squeak.mdl";
                gSnarkModel[] = "models/w_alt_squeak.mdl";
        /* - - -
         |    SEQUENCE   |
                   - - - */
        /* - -
         |  CONSTANTS  |
                   - - */
            const BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N        = 247;
            const BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW_N     = 195;
            const MAX_CLIENTS_N            = 32;
            const MAX_KNIFE_MODEL_LENGTH = 128;
            const NONE                   = -1;
            const NULL_ENT               = 0;
            enum _:Coord_e
            enum _:Angle_e
                HuntThink = 1,
            new const Float:gHullMin    [ Coord_e ] = { -16.0, -16.0, -36.0 };
            new const Float:gDuckHullMin[ Coord_e ] = { -16.0, -16.0, -18.0 };
            new const gWeaponCommand [] = "weapon_hegrenade";
            new const gWeaponIndex      = CSW_HEGRENADE;
            new const gGenericEntity [] = "info_target";
            new const gSnarkClassName[] = "wpn_snark";
         /* - - - -
                           - - - - */
            const m_flNextAttack        = 83    // Player.
            const m_pActiveWeapon       = 373;  // Player.
            const m_pPlayer             = 41;   // Weapon.
            const m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 46;   // Weapon.
        /* - - -
         |  CUSTOM FIELD  |
                    - - - */
            #define pev_NextHunt            pev_fuser1
            #define pev_NextBounceSoundTime pev_fuser2
            #define pev_NextHit             pev_fuser3
            #define pev_NextAttack          pev_fuser4
            #define pev_DetonateDelay       pev_ltime
            #define pev_RealOwner           pev_iuser1
            #define pev_Remove              pev_iuser2
            #define pev_EnemyTarget         pev_vuser1
            #define pev_PosPrev             pev_vuser2
        /* - - -
         |  CVAR POINTER  |
                    - - - */
            new pCvarAmmo;
            new pCvarRefireRate;
            new pCvarHealth;
            new pCvarVelocity;
            new pCvarDamagePop;
            new pCvarDamageRadius;
            new pCvarGravity;
            new pCvarFriction;
            new pCvarDetonateDelay;
            new pCvarFieldOfView;
            new pCvarShowTrail;
        /* - - - -
                          - - - - */
            new gBloodSpray;
            new gBloodDrop;
            new gSmokeTrail;
        /* - - - -
         |  OTHERS STUFFS  |
                     - - - */
            new bool:gHasSnark    [ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new bool:gWeaponActive[ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new bool:gJustThrown  [ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new Float:gNextShot      [ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 ];
            new Float:gTimeWeaponIdle[ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 ];
            new gPlayerAmmo[ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new const gSnarkHealthReference = 10000;
            new gSnarkClassNameReference;
            new gMaxEntities;
            new gMaxClients;
            new gMsgidAmmoX;
            new gSnarInfector;
        /* - -
         |  MACROS  |
                - - */
            #define VectorSubtract(%1,%2,%3)  ( %3[ x ] = %1[ x ] - %2[ x ], %3[ y ] = %1[ y ] - %2[ y ], %3[ z ] = %1[ z ] - %2[ z ] )
            #define VectorAdd(%1,%2,%3)       ( %3[ x ] = %1[ x ] + %2[ x ], %3[ y ] = %1[ y ] + %2[ y ], %3[ z ] = %1[ z ] + %2[ z ] )
            #define VectorCopy(%1,%2)         ( %2[ x ] = %1[ x ],  %2[ y ] = %1[ y ], %2[ z ] = %1[ z ] )
            #define VectorScale(%1,%2,%3)     ( %3[ x ] = %2 * %1[ x ], %3[ y ] = %2 * %1[ y ], %3[ z ] = %2 * %1[ z ] )
            #define VectorMA(%1,%2,%3,%4)     ( %4[ x ] = %1[ x ] + %2 * %3[ x ], %4[ y ] = %1[ y ] + %2 * %3[ y ], %4[ z ] = %1[ z ] + %2 * %3[ z ] )
            #define VectorMS(%1,%2,%3,%4)     ( %4[ x ] = %1[ x ] - %2 * %3[ x ], %4[ y ] = %1[ y ] - %2 * %3[ y ], %4[ z ] = %1[ z ] - %2 * %3[ z ] )
            #define VectorLength(%1)          ( floatsqroot ( %1[ x ] * %1[ x ] + %1[ y ] * %1[ y ] + %1[ z ] * %1[ z ] ) )
            #define VectorEqual(%1,%2)        ( %1[ x ] == %2[ x ] && %1[ y ] == %2[ y ] && %1[ z ] == %2[ z ] )
            #define DotProduct(%1,%2)         ( %1[ x ] * %2[ x ]+ %1[ y ] * %2[ y ] + %1[ z ] * %2[ z ] )
            #define message_begin_f(%1,%2,%3) ( engfunc ( EngFunc_MessageBegin, %1, %2, %3 ) )
            #define write_coord_f(%1)         ( engfunc ( EngFunc_WriteCoord, %1 ) )
        public plugin_precache ()
            // --| Weapon models.
            precache_model( gModel_P );
            precache_model( gModel_V );
            // --| Snark model.
            precache_model( gSnarkModel );
            // --| Snark sounds.
            precache_sound( gSnarkBlastSound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkBodySplatSound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkDieSound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkHunt1Sound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkHunt2Sound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkHunt3Sound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkAttackSound );
            gBloodSpray = precache_model( "sprites/bloodspray.spr" );   // initial blood
            gBloodDrop  = precache_model( "sprites/blood.spr" );        // splattered blood
        public plugin_init ()
            register_plugin( Plugin, Version, Author );
            register_cvar( "ze_snark_version", Version, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY );
            gSnarInfector = ze_register_item(ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_NAME, ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_COST, 0);
            pCvarAmmo          = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_ammo"           , "5"   );
            pCvarRefireRate    = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_refire_rate"    , "0.3" );
            pCvarHealth        = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_health"         , "10"  );
            pCvarVelocity      = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_velocity"       , "200" );
            pCvarDamagePop     = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_damage_pop"     , "6"   );
            pCvarDamageRadius  = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_damage_radius"  , "15"  );
            pCvarGravity       = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_gravity"        , "0.5" );
            pCvarFriction      = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_friction"       , "0.5" );
            pCvarDetonateDelay = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_detonate_delay" , "15"  );
            pCvarFieldOfView   = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_fov"            , "0"   );
            pCvarShowTrail     = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_show_trail"     , "1"   );
            RegisterHam( Ham_Item_Deploy , gWeaponCommand, "CSqueak_Deploy", 1 );
            RegisterHam( Ham_Item_Holster, gWeaponCommand, "CSqueak_Holster", 1 );
            RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, gGenericEntity, "CSqueak_TakeDamage", 1 );
            register_forward( FM_CmdStart, "CSqueak_HookButtons" );
            register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "CSqueak_WeaponIdle" );
            register_think( gSnarkClassName, "CSqueak_HuntThink" );
            register_touch( gSnarkClassName, "*", "CSqueak_SuperBounceTouch" );
            // register_clcmd( "say test", "CSqueak_GiveWeapon" );
            gMaxEntities = global_get( glb_maxEntities );
            gMaxClients  = global_get( glb_maxClients );
            gSnarkClassNameReference = engfunc( EngFunc_AllocString, gSnarkClassName );
            gMsgidAmmoX = get_user_msgid( "AmmoX" );
            if ( get_pcvar_num( pCvarShowTrail ) )
                gSmokeTrail = engfunc( EngFunc_PrecacheModel, "sprites/smoke.spr" );
    	public ze_select_item_pre(id, itemid)
    		// Return Available and we will block it in Post, So it dosen't affect other plugins
    		if (itemid != gSnarInfector)
    			return ZE_ITEM_AVAILABLE
    		// Available for Humans only, So don't show it for zombies
    		if (ze_is_user_zombie(id))
    			return ZE_ITEM_DONT_SHOW
    		return ZE_ITEM_AVAILABLE
    	public ze_select_item_post(id, itemid)
    		// This is not our item, Block it here
    		if (itemid != gSnarInfector)
    		CSqueak_GiveWeapon ( id );
        public ze_roundend ( WinTeam )
            new Snark = -1;
            while ( ( Snark = find_ent_by_class( Snark, gSnarkClassName ) ) != NULL_ENT )
                CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, 0, true );
            for ( new Player = 1; Player <= gMaxClients; Player++ )
                CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( Player );
        public ze_user_humanized ( Player )
            if ( !ze_is_user_zombie( Player ) )
                CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( Player );
        stock CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( const Player )
            if ( user_has_weapon( Player, gWeaponIndex ) )
                RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_user_weapon( Player ) == gWeaponIndex ? 
                    get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) : 
                    find_ent_by_owner ( -1, gWeaponCommand, Player ) );
        public client_connect ( Player )
            gHasSnark    { Player } = false;
            gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
            gJustThrown  { Player } = false;
            gPlayerAmmo  { Player } = get_pcvar_num( pCvarAmmo );
        public CSqueak_GiveWeapon( const Player )
            gHasSnark{ Player } = true;
            gPlayerAmmo{ Player } = get_pcvar_num( pCvarAmmo );
            give_item( Player, gWeaponCommand );
            engclient_cmd( Player, gWeaponCommand );
        public CSqueak_PrimaryAttack ( const Player )
            static Float:VAngle     [ Angle_e ];
            static Float:Origin     [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:TraceOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Forward    [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Start      [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:End        [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:EndPos     [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Velocity   [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Fraction;
            if ( gPlayerAmmo{ Player } )
                if ( pev( Player, pev_waterlevel ) >= 3 )
                    emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkDieSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM + 5 );
                    gNextShot[ Player ] = get_gametime() + get_pcvar_float( pCvarRefireRate );
                    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
                pev( Player, pev_origin, Origin );
                pev( Player, pev_v_angle, VAngle );
                pev( Player, pev_velocity, Velocity );
                engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, VAngle );
                VectorCopy( Origin, TraceOrigin );
                if ( pev( Player, pev_flags ) & FL_DUCKING )
                    TraceOrigin[ x ] = TraceOrigin[ x ] - ( gHullMin[ x ] - gDuckHullMin[ x ] );
                    TraceOrigin[ y ] = TraceOrigin[ y ] - ( gHullMin[ y ] - gDuckHullMin[ y ] );
                    TraceOrigin[ z ] = TraceOrigin[ z ] - ( gHullMin[ z ] - gDuckHullMin[ z ] );
                global_get( glb_v_forward, Forward );
                VectorMA ( TraceOrigin, 20.0, Forward, Start );
                VectorMA ( TraceOrigin, 64.0, Forward, End );
                engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, Start, End, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, NULL_ENT, 0 );
                get_tr2( 0, TR_Fraction, Fraction );
                get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                if ( !get_tr2( 0, TR_AllSolid ) && !get_tr2( 0, TR_StartSolid ) && Fraction > 0.25 )
                    // --| Play the throw animation.
                    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_throw );
                    // --| player "shoot" animation
                    VectorMA ( Velocity, get_pcvar_float( pCvarVelocity ), Forward, Velocity );
                    if ( CSqueak_Create ( Player, EndPos, VAngle, Velocity ) )
                        new Float:CurrentTime = get_gametime();
                        switch ( random_num( 0, 2 ) )
                            case 0: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt1Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                            case 1: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt2Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                            case 2: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                        gPlayerAmmo{ Player }--;
                        gJustThrown{ Player } = true;
                        UpdateHud ( Player );
                        gNextShot[ Player ] = CurrentTime + get_pcvar_float( pCvarRefireRate );
                        gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + 1.0;
                        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        public CSqueak_Deploy ( const Weapon )
            // --| Get the knife's owner index.
            new Player = get_pdata_cbase( Weapon, m_pPlayer, 4 );
            if ( Player && gHasSnark{ Player } )
                // --| Change knife to snark weapon.
                ChangeWeaponToSnark ( Player );
                // --| Play the deploy animation.
                UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_up );
                emit_sound ( Weapon, CHAN_VOICE , random_float ( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= 0.5 ? gSnarkHunt2Sound : gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                // --| Block the primary attack.
                set_pdata_float( Weapon, m_flNextPrimaryAttack, 9999.0, 4 );
                set_pdata_float( Player, m_flNextAttack, 9999.0 );
                // --| Update Ammo on HUD.
                UpdateHud ( Player );
                // --| We are holding the weapon.
                gWeaponActive{ Player } = true;
        public CSqueak_Holster ( const Weapon )
            // --| Get the knife's owner index.
            new Player = get_pdata_cbase( Weapon, m_pPlayer, 4 );
            if ( Player && gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } )
                // --| We are not holding the weapon anymore.
                gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
                set_pdata_float( Player, m_flNextAttack, get_gametime() + 0.5 );
                if ( !gPlayerAmmo{ Player } && user_has_weapon( Player, gWeaponIndex ) )
                    RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) );
                    // --| Play the holster animation.
                    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_down );
                    emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, "common/null.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
        public CSqueak_Killed ( const Snark, const Killer, const bool:ShouldGib )
            new Float:Direction[ Coord_e ];
            new Float:Origin   [ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_model, 0 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_Remove, RemoveSnark );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, get_gametime() + 0.1 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO );
            emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_ITEM, gSnarkBlastSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM / 2, 0, PITCH_NORM );
            emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkBodySplatSound, 0.75, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM * 2 );
            UTIL_RandomBloodVector( Direction );
            FX_BloodDrips ( Origin, BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW_N, .Amount = 60 );
            FX_StreakSplash ( Origin, Direction, .Color = 5, .Count = 16, .Speed = 50, .VelocityRange = 200 );
            UTIL_RadiusDamage ( Origin, Snark, pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner ), get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ), get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamageRadius ), DMG_BLAST );
        /* public CZombie_Killed ( const Zombie, const Human, const bool:ShouldGid )
            if ( ze_is_user_zombie( Zombie ) && gHasSnark{ Zombie } )
        } */
        public CSqueak_TakeDamage ( const Snark, const Inflictor, const Attacker, const Float:Damage, const DamageBits )
            if ( is_valid_ent( Snark ) && pev( Snark, pev_groupinfo ) == gSnarkClassNameReference )
                if ( pev( Snark, pev_health ) - gSnarkHealthReference <= 0 )
                    CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, Attacker, .ShouldGib = true );
        public CSqueak_HookButtons ( const Player, const UC_Handle, const Seed )
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            static Buttons;
            if ( gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } && ( Buttons = get_uc( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons ) ) & IN_ATTACK )
                CurrentTime = get_gametime();
                if ( gNextShot[ Player ] > CurrentTime )
                    return FMRES_HANDLED;
                if ( CSqueak_PrimaryAttack ( Player ) == PLUGIN_HANDLED )
                    return FMRES_HANDLED;
                set_uc( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons, Buttons & ~IN_ATTACK );
                return FMRES_HANDLED;
            return FMRES_IGNORED;
        public CSqueak_HuntThink ( const Snark )
            if ( !is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            static Float:Origin  [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Angles  [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Flat    [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            static Float:DieDelay;
            static Float:NextHunt;
            static Float:SPitch;
            static Enemy;
            pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            if ( !UTIL_IsInWorld ( Origin, Velocity ) )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            CurrentTime = get_gametime();
            set_pev( Snark, pev_nextthink, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, NextHunt );
            pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, DieDelay );
            pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            if ( CurrentTime >= DieDelay )
                if ( pev( Snark, pev_Remove ) )
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
                    return HAM_IGNORED;
                set_pev( Snark, pev_health, -1.0 );
                CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, 0, true );
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            if ( pev( Snark, pev_waterlevel ) != 0 )
                if ( pev( Snark, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE )
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_FLY );
                VectorScale ( Velocity, 0.9, Velocity );
                Velocity[ z ] += 8.0;
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            else if ( pev( Snark, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_FLY )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE );
            if ( NextHunt > CurrentTime )
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime + 2.0 );
            VectorCopy ( Velocity, Flat );
            Flat[ z ] = 0.0;
            VectorNormalize ( Flat, Flat );
            engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, Angles );
            if ( ( Enemy = pev( Snark, pev_enemy ) ) == NULL_ENT || !is_user_alive( Enemy ) || ze_is_user_zombie( Enemy ) )
                Enemy = UTIL_BestVisibleEnemy ( Snark, 512.0 );
            if ( 0.3 <= DieDelay - CurrentTime <= 0.5 )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_scale, 2.0 );
                emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkDieSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM + random_num( 0, 0x3F ) );
            SPitch = 155.0 - 60.0 * ( ( DieDelay - CurrentTime ) / get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) );
            if ( SPitch < 80.0 )  { SPitch = 80.0; }
            if ( Enemy != NULL_ENT && !ze_is_user_zombie( Enemy ) )
                static Float:Target[ Coord_e ];
                static Float:Vel;
                static Float:Adj;
                pev( Snark, pev_EnemyTarget, Target );
                if ( UTIL_FVisible( Snark, Enemy ) )
                    static Float:EyePosition[ Coord_e ];
                    UTIL_EyePosition ( Enemy, EyePosition );
                    VectorSubtract ( EyePosition, Origin, Target );
                    VectorNormalize ( Target, Target );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_EnemyTarget, Target );
                Vel = VectorLength ( Velocity );
                Adj = 50.0 / ( Vel + 10.0 );
                if ( Adj > 1.2 )  { Adj = 1.2; }
                Velocity[ x ] = Velocity[ x ] * Adj + Target[ x ] * 300.0;
                Velocity[ y ] = Velocity[ y ] * Adj + Target[ y ] * 300.0;
                Velocity[ z ] = Velocity[ z ] * Adj + Target[ z ] * 300.0;
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            if ( pev( Snark, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, Float:{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } );
                static Float:AVelocity[ Coord_e ];
                pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, AVelocity );
                if ( AVelocity[ x ] == 0.0 && AVelocity[ y ] == 0.0 && AVelocity[ z ] == 0.0 )
                    AVelocity[ x ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                    AVelocity[ z ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, AVelocity );
            static Float:PosPrev[ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_PosPrev, PosPrev );
            VectorSubtract ( Origin, PosPrev, PosPrev );
            if ( VectorLength ( PosPrev ) < 1.0 )
                Velocity[ x ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                Velocity[ y ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_PosPrev, Origin );
            vector_to_angle( Velocity, Angles );
            Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
            Angles[ x ] = 0.0;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            return HAM_IGNORED;
        public CSqueak_SuperBounceTouch ( const Snark, const Other )
            if ( !is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
            static Float:Angles [ Angle_e ];
            static Float:NextHit;
            static Float:DieDelay;
            static Float:NextAttack;
            static Float:NextBounceSoundTime;
            static Float:SPitch;
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            static Owner;
            Owner = pev( Snark, pev_owner );
            if ( Owner && Other == Owner )
            SPitch = PITCH_NORM * 1.0;
            CurrentTime = get_gametime();
            set_pev( Snark, pev_owner, NULL_ENT );
            pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextHit, NextHit );
            pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, DieDelay );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextAttack, NextAttack );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, NextBounceSoundTime );
            Angles[ x ] = 0.0;
            Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            if ( NextHit > CurrentTime )
            SPitch = 155.0 - 60.0 * ( ( DieDelay - CurrentTime ) / get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) );
            if ( 1 <= Other <= gMaxClients && pev( Other, pev_takedamage ) && NextAttack < CurrentTime )
                static Hit;
                Hit = global_get( glb_trace_ent );
                if ( Hit == Other && pev( Hit, pev_modelindex ) != pev( Snark, pev_modelindex ) && 1 <= Other <= gMaxClients )
                    Owner = pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner );
                    if ( !ze_is_user_zombie( Other ) && GetAlivePlayersNum(CsTeams:TEAM_CT) == 1 )
                        static Float:Forward    [ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:EndPos     [ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:OriginSnark[ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:OriginOther[ Coord_e ];
                        static Trace;
                        static Float:Damage;
                        Trace = create_tr2();
                        pev( Snark, pev_dmg, Damage );
                        pev( Snark, pev_origin, OriginSnark );
                        pev( Other, pev_origin, OriginOther );
                        engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, OriginSnark, OriginOther, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, Snark, Trace );
                        get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecPlaneNormal, Forward );
                        get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                        ExecuteHam( Ham_TraceBleed, Other, Damage, Forward, Trace, DMG_SLASH );
                        free_tr2( Trace );
                        FX_BloodDrips ( EndPos, BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N, .Amount = floatround( Damage ) ); 
                        ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Other, Snark, Owner, Damage, DMG_SLASH );
                        set_pev( Snark, pev_dmg, pev( Snark, pev_dmg ) + get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ) );
                        ze_set_user_zombie( Other );
                        ze_set_escape_coins( Owner, ze_get_escape_coins( Owner ) + 2 );
                        set_user_frags( Owner, get_user_frags( Owner ) + 1 );
                        set_pev( Snark, pev_enemy, NULL_ENT );
                    emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkAttackSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_NextAttack, CurrentTime + 0.5 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHit, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime );
            if ( CurrentTime < NextBounceSoundTime )
            if ( !( pev( Snark, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND ) )
                switch ( random( 10 ) )
                    case 0 .. 3 : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt1Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                    case 4 .. 7 : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt2Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                    default     : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, CurrentTime + 0.5 );
        CSqueak_Create ( const Player, const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Angles[ Coord_e], const Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ] )
            new Snark = create_entity( gGenericEntity );
            if ( is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_classname, gSnarkClassName );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_groupinfo, gSnarkClassNameReference );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_owner, Player );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
                CSqueak_Spawn ( Player, Snark, Origin );
                return Snark;
            return NULL_ENT;
        CSqueak_Spawn ( const Player, const Snark, const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ] )
            new Float:CurrentTime = get_gametime();
            set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX );
            entity_set_model ( Snark, gSnarkModel );
            entity_set_size  ( Snark, Float:{ -4.0, -4.0, 0.0 }, Float:{ 4.0, 4.0, 8.0 } );
            entity_set_origin( Snark, Origin );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_nextthink, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime + 1000000.0 ); // NextHunt
            set_pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, CurrentTime + get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) ); // DetonateDelay
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, CurrentTime ); // NextBounceSoundTime
            set_pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner, Player ); // RealOwner
            set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_MONSTER );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_AIM );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_health, get_pcvar_float( pCvarHealth ) + gSnarkHealthReference );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_gravity, get_pcvar_float( pCvarGravity ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_friction, get_pcvar_float( pCvarFriction ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_fov, get_pcvar_num( pCvarFieldOfView ) );
            // set_pev( Snark, pev_dmg, get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ) );
            // --| Force snark to run.
            set_pev( Snark, pev_sequence, wsqueak_run );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_framerate, 1.0 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_animtime, CurrentTime );
            if ( get_pcvar_num( pCvarShowTrail ) )
                message_begin ( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
                write_byte ( TE_BEAMFOLLOW );
                write_short ( Snark );
                write_short ( gSmokeTrail );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_LIFE );   // life
                write_byte ( TRAIL_WIDTH );  // width
                write_byte ( TRAIL_RED );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_GREEN );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_BLUE );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_BRIGTHNESS );
        public CSqueak_WeaponIdle ( const Player )
            if ( gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } )
                static Float:CurrentTime;
                CurrentTime = get_gametime();
                if ( gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] > CurrentTime )
                if ( gJustThrown{ Player } )
                    gJustThrown{ Player } = false;
                    if ( !gPlayerAmmo{ Player } )
                        RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) );
                    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_up );
                    gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + random_float ( 10.0, 15.0 );
                new Animation;
                new Float:NewTime;
                switch ( random_num( 0, 10 ) )
                    case 0 .. 6 :
                        Animation = squeak_idle1;
                        NewTime   = 30.0 / 16.0 * ( 2.0 );
                    case 7 .. 8 :
                        Animation = squeak_fidgetfit;
                        NewTime   = 70.0 / 16.0;
                    default :
                        Animation = squeak_fidgetnip;
                        NewTime   = 80.0 / 16.0;
                UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, Animation );
                gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + NewTime;
        ChangeWeaponToSnark ( const Player )
            set_pev( Player, pev_viewmodel2  , gModel_V );
            set_pev( Player, pev_weaponmodel2, gModel_P );
        UpdateHud ( const Player )
            message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gMsgidAmmoX, .player = Player );
            write_byte( 12 );
            write_byte( gPlayerAmmo{ Player } );
        RemoveWeapon ( const Player, const Weapon )
            ExecuteHamB( Ham_Weapon_RetireWeapon, Weapon );
            ExecuteHamB( Ham_RemovePlayerItem, Player, Weapon );
            ExecuteHamB( Ham_Item_Kill, Weapon );
            set_pev( Player, pev_weapons, pev( Player, pev_weapons ) & ~( 1 << gWeaponIndex ) );
            cs_set_user_bpammo( Player, gWeaponIndex, 0 );
            gHasSnark{ Player } = false;
            gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
        stock bool:UTIL_IsBSPModel ( const Entity )
            return ( pev( entity, pev_solid ) == SOLID_BSP || pev( Entity, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_STEP );
        UTIL_BestVisibleEnemy ( const Snark, const Float:DistanceToSearch /* , const Flags */ )
            static List[ MAX_CLIENTS_N ];
            static Float:Distance;
            static Float:Nearest;
            static ReturnEntity;
            static Count;
            static Entity;
            static i;
            Nearest = 8192.0;
            ReturnEntity = NULL_ENT;
            Count = find_sphere_class( Snark, "player", DistanceToSearch, List, sizeof List );
            for ( i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
                Entity = List[ i ];
                if ( ze_is_user_zombie( Entity ) )
                if ( UTIL_FInViewCone ( Snark, Entity ) && UTIL_FVisible( Snark, Entity ) )
                    if ( ( Distance = entity_range( Snark, Entity ) ) <= Nearest )
                        Nearest = Distance;
                        ReturnEntity = Entity;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_enemy, ReturnEntity );
            return ReturnEntity;
        UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( const Player, const Sequence )
            set_pev( Player, pev_weaponanim, Sequence );
            message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_WEAPONANIM, .player = Player );
            write_byte( Sequence );
            write_byte( pev( Player, pev_body ) );
        bool:UTIL_IsInWorld ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ] )
            static i;
            for ( i = x; i <= z; i++ )
                if ( !( -4096.0 < Origin[ i ] < 4096.0 ) && !( -2000.0 < Velocity[ x ] < 2000.0 ) )
                    return false;
            return true;
        UTIL_RandomBloodVector ( Float:Direction[ Coord_e ] )
            Direction[ x ] = random_float( -1.0, 1.0 );
            Direction[ y ] = random_float( -1.0, 1.0 );
            Direction[ z ] = random_float(  0.0, 1.0 );
        FX_BloodDrips ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const BloodColor, const Amount )
            message_begin_f( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, Origin, NULL_ENT );
            write_byte( TE_BLOODSPRITE );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ z ] );
            write_short( gBloodSpray );         // initial sprite model
            write_short( gBloodDrop );          // droplet sprite models
            write_byte( BloodColor );           // color index into host_basepal
            write_byte( min( max( 3, ( Amount > 255 ? 255 : Amount ) / 10 ), 16 ) );  // size
        FX_StreakSplash ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Direction[ Coord_e ], const Color, const Count, const Speed, const VelocityRange )
            message_begin_f( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, Origin, NULL_ENT );
            write_byte( TE_STREAK_SPLASH );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ z ] );
            write_coord_f( Direction[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( Direction[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( Direction[ z ] );
            write_byte( min( Color, 255 ) );
            write_short( Count );
            write_short( Speed );
            write_short( VelocityRange );// random velocity modifier
        stock FX_TraceBleed( const Victim, const Float:Damage, const Float:Dir[ Coord_e ], const TraceResult:Trace )
            new TraceResult:BloodTrace;
            new Float:TraceDir[ Coord_e ]; 
            new Float:EndPos  [ Coord_e ];
            new Float:Noise;
            new Float:Fraction;
            new Count;
            if ( Damage < 10 )
                Noise = 0.1;
                Count = 1;
            else if ( Damage < 25 )
                Noise = 0.2;
                Count = 2;
                Noise = 0.3;
                Count = 4;
            for ( new i = 0 ; i < Count ; i++ )
                VectorScale ( Dir, -1.0, TraceDir );
                TraceDir[ x ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
                TraceDir[ y ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
                TraceDir[ z ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
                get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                VectorMA ( EndPos, -172.0, TraceDir, TraceDir );
                engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, EndPos, TraceDir, IGNORE_MONSTERS, Victim, BloodTrace );
                get_tr2( BloodTrace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
                if ( Fraction != 1.0 )
                    FX_BloodDecalTrace( BloodTrace, EndPos, BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N );
        stock FX_BloodDecalTrace ( const TraceResult:Trace, const Float:EndPos[ Coord_e ], const BloodColor )
            new Hit;
            new BaseIndex;
            new DecalIndex;
            new Float:Fraction; 
            switch ( BloodColor )
                case BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW_N : BaseIndex = get_decal_index( "{yblood1" );
                case BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N    : BaseIndex = get_decal_index( "{blood1" );
            DecalIndex = BaseIndex + random_num( 0, 5 );
            Hit = max( 0, get_tr2( Trace, TR_pHit ) );
            get_tr2( Trace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
            if ( Fraction == 1.0 || ( Hit && !UTIL_IsBSPModel ( Hit ) ) )
            message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
            write_byte( Hit ? TE_DECAL : TE_WORLDDECAL );
            write_coord_f( EndPos[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( EndPos[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( EndPos[ z ] );
            write_byte( DecalIndex );
            if ( Hit )
                write_short( Hit );
        stock UTIL_RadiusDamage ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Inflictor, const Attacker, const Float:Damage, const Float:Radius, const DamageBits )
            static Entity;
            static Trace;
            static Float:AdjustedDamage;
            static bool:InWater;
            Entity = NULL_ENT;
            InWater = UTIL_LiquidContents( Origin );
            while ( ( Entity = find_ent_in_sphere( Entity, Origin, Radius ) ) != NULL_ENT )
                if ( Entity == Inflictor )
                if ( pev( Entity, pev_takedamage ) && !ze_is_user_zombie( Entity ) && !(GetAlivePlayersNum(CsTeams:TEAM_CT) == 1) )
                    static Float:EntOrigin[ Coord_e ];
                    static Float:EndPos   [ Coord_e ];
                    static Float:Fraction;
                    pev( Entity, pev_origin, EntOrigin );
                    engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, Origin, EntOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS, Inflictor, Trace );
                    get_tr2( Trace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
                    get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                    if ( Fraction == 1.0 || get_tr2( Trace, TR_pHit ) == Entity )
                        static Float:Delta[ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:Len;
                        if ( get_tr2( Trace, TR_StartSolid ) )
                            EndPos = Origin;
                            Fraction = 0.0;
                        AdjustedDamage = Damage;
                        VectorSubtract ( EndPos, Origin, Delta );
                        if ( ( Len = VectorLength ( Delta ) ) != 0.0 )
                            VectorScale ( Delta, 1 / Len, Delta );
                        if ( Len > 2.0 )
                            Len -= 2.0;
                        if ( ( AdjustedDamage *= ( 1.0 - Len / Radius ) ) <= 0 )
                        if ( InWater || pev( Entity, pev_waterlevel ) > 2 )
                            AdjustedDamage *= 0.5;
                        if ( Fraction != 1.0 )
                            ExecuteHam( Ham_TraceAttack, Entity, Inflictor, AdjustedDamage, Delta, Trace, DamageBits );
                            ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Entity, Inflictor, Attacker, AdjustedDamage, DamageBits );
                            ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Entity, Inflictor, Attacker, AdjustedDamage, DamageBits );
        stock UTIL_EntitiesInBox ( List[], const ListMax, const Float:Mins[ Coord_e ], const Float:Maxs[ Coord_e ], const Flags )
            static Float:Origin [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Delta  [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Mins   [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Maxs   [ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            Delta[ x ] = Delta[ y ] = Delta[ z ] = DistanceToSearch;
            VectorSubtract ( Origin, Delta, Mins );
            VectorAdd ( Origin, Delta, Maxs );
            Count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox ( List, sizeof List, Mins, Maxs, Flags );
            static Float:AbsMins[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:AbsMaxs[ Coord_e ];
            static Count;
            static Entity;
            Count = 0;
            for ( Entity = 1; Entity <= gMaxEntities; Entity++ )  if( is_valid_ent( Entity ) )
                if ( !( pev( Entity, pev_flags ) & Flags ) )
                pev( Entity, pev_absmin, AbsMins );
                pev( Entity, pev_absmax, AbsMaxs );
                if ( Mins[ x ] > AbsMaxs[ x ] || Mins[ y ] > AbsMaxs[ y ] || Mins[ z ] > AbsMaxs[ z ] ||
                     Maxs[ x ] < AbsMins[ x ] || Maxs[ y ] < AbsMins[ y ] || Maxs[ z ] < AbsMins[ z ] )
                List[ Count ] = Entity;
                if ( Count++ >= ListMax )
                    return Count;
            return Count;
        bool:UTIL_FVisible ( const Entity, const Other )
            static Float:LookerOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:TargetOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Fraction;
            static LookerWLevel;
            static TargetWLevel;
            if ( pev( Other, pev_flags ) & FL_NOTARGET )
                return false;
            LookerWLevel = pev ( Entity, pev_waterlevel );
            TargetWLevel = pev ( Other, pev_waterlevel );
            if ( ( LookerWLevel != 3 && TargetWLevel == 3 ) || ( LookerWLevel == 3 && TargetWLevel == 0  ) )
                return false;
            UTIL_EyePosition ( Entity, LookerOrigin );
            UTIL_EyePosition ( Other, TargetOrigin );
            engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, LookerOrigin, TargetOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS | IGNORE_GLASS, Entity, 0 );
            get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
            return Fraction == 1.0 ? true : false;
        bool:UTIL_FInViewCone ( const Entity, const Other )
            static Float:Angles [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:HOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Origin [ Coord_e ];
            pev( Entity, pev_angles, Angles );
            engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, Angles );
            global_get( glb_v_forward, Angles );
            Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
            pev( Entity, pev_origin, HOrigin );
            pev( Other, pev_origin, Origin );
            VectorSubtract ( Origin, HOrigin, Origin );
            Origin[ z ] = 0.0;
            VectorNormalize ( Origin, Origin );
            if ( DotProduct ( Origin, Angles ) > pev( Entity, pev_fov ) )
                return true;
            return false;
        UTIL_EyePosition ( const Entity, Float:Origin[ Coord_e ] )
            static Float:ViewOfs[ Coord_e ];
            pev( Entity, pev_origin, Origin );
            pev( Entity, pev_view_ofs, ViewOfs );
            VectorAdd ( Origin, ViewOfs, Origin );
        stock bool:UTIL_LiquidContents( const Float:Source[ Coord_e ] )
            new Contents = point_contents( Source );
            return ( Contents == CONTENTS_WATER || Contents == CONTENTS_SLIME || Contents == CONTENTS_LAVA );
        VectorNormalize ( const Float:Source[ Coord_e ], Float:Output[ Coord_e ] )
            static Float:InvLen;
            InvLen = 1.0 / VectorLength ( Source );
            Output[ x ] = Source[ x ] * InvLen;
            Output[ y ] = Source[ y ] * InvLen;
            Output[ z ] = Source[ z ] * InvLen;
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Post by johnnysins2000 » 5 years ago

Raheem wrote: 5 years ago Here it's:
  • Code: Select all

       /* - - - - - - - - - - -
            AMX Mod X script.
              | Author  : Arkshine
              | Plugin  : WPN Squeak Grenade
              | Version : v1.0.6 - without WM.
            (!) Support :
            (!) Version without WeaponMod required and for Zombie Plague.
            This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
            under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
            Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
            your option) any later version.
            This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
            WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
            General Public License for more details.
            You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
            along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
            Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
            Description :
            - - - - - - -
                Basically, it's almost the same weapon that you can see in Half-life 1.
                Snarks are small, red, and bulbous, with a large (in relation to body porportion) 
                single green eye and a large pincer-like mandible. Snarks are normally calm creatures 
                that show little signs of intelligence, but if they see any living creature other
                than another Snark, they immediately begin to attack it. They attack aggressively, 
                persistently, and erratically, leaping and biting at their target.
                A full description can be found here : .
            Requirement :
            - - - - - - -
                * CS 1.6 / CZ.
                * AMX Mod X 1.8.x or higher.
            Changelog :
            - - - - - -
                v1.0.6 : [ 11 jul 2009 ]
                    (+) Initial release.
            Credits :
            - - - - -
                * HLSDK
                * DevconeS
                * VEN
                * Sproily ( Alternative models )
        - - - - - - - - - - - */
        #include <zombie_escape>
        #include <cstrike>
        #include <engine>
        #include <fun>
        #define Plugin   "[ZE] Extra: Squeak Grenade"
        #define Version  "1.0.6-wwm"
        #define Author   "Arkshine"
        // --| Zombie Plaque: Extra item configuration.
        #define ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_NAME  "Snark INFECTOR"
        #define ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_COST  14
        // --| Comment if you want to use the default model from valve.
        #define ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
        // --| Snark trail.
        #define TRAIL_LIFE        40    // Life
        #define TRAIL_WIDTH       4     // Width
        #define TRAIL_RED         10    // Red
        #define TRAIL_GREEN       224   // Red
        #define TRAIL_BLUE        10    // Green
        #define TRAIL_BRIGTHNESS  200   // Blue
         /* - - -
         |  WEAPON MODELS  |
                     - - - */
            #if !defined ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
                new const gModel_P[] = "models/p_squeak.mdl";
                new const gModel_V[] = "models/v_squeak.mdl";
                new const gModel_P[] = "models/p_alt_squeak.mdl";
                new const gModel_V[] = "models/v_alt_squeak_gflip.mdl";
        /* - - -
         |  SNARK SOUNDS  |
                    - - - */
                new const gSnarkHunt1Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt1.wav";
                new const gSnarkHunt2Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt2.wav";
                new const gSnarkHunt3Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt3.wav";
                new const gSnarkDieSound      [] = "squeek/sqk_die1.wav";
                new const gSnarkAttackSound   [] = "squeek/sqk_deploy1.wav";
                new const gSnarkBlastSound    [] = "weapons/sqk_blast2.wav";
                new const gSnarkBodySplatSound[] = "common/bodysplat.wav";
        /* - - -
         |  SNARK MODEL  |
                   - - - */
            #if !defined ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
                gSnarkModel[] = "models/w_squeak.mdl";
                gSnarkModel[] = "models/w_alt_squeak.mdl";
        /* - - -
         |    SEQUENCE   |
                   - - - */
        /* - -
         |  CONSTANTS  |
                   - - */
            const BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N        = 247;
            const BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW_N     = 195;
            const MAX_CLIENTS_N            = 32;
            const MAX_KNIFE_MODEL_LENGTH = 128;
            const NONE                   = -1;
            const NULL_ENT               = 0;
            enum _:Coord_e
            enum _:Angle_e
                HuntThink = 1,
            new const Float:gHullMin    [ Coord_e ] = { -16.0, -16.0, -36.0 };
            new const Float:gDuckHullMin[ Coord_e ] = { -16.0, -16.0, -18.0 };
            new const gWeaponCommand [] = "weapon_hegrenade";
            new const gWeaponIndex      = CSW_HEGRENADE;
            new const gGenericEntity [] = "info_target";
            new const gSnarkClassName[] = "wpn_snark";
         /* - - - -
                           - - - - */
            const m_flNextAttack        = 83    // Player.
            const m_pActiveWeapon       = 373;  // Player.
            const m_pPlayer             = 41;   // Weapon.
            const m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 46;   // Weapon.
        /* - - -
         |  CUSTOM FIELD  |
                    - - - */
            #define pev_NextHunt            pev_fuser1
            #define pev_NextBounceSoundTime pev_fuser2
            #define pev_NextHit             pev_fuser3
            #define pev_NextAttack          pev_fuser4
            #define pev_DetonateDelay       pev_ltime
            #define pev_RealOwner           pev_iuser1
            #define pev_Remove              pev_iuser2
            #define pev_EnemyTarget         pev_vuser1
            #define pev_PosPrev             pev_vuser2
        /* - - -
         |  CVAR POINTER  |
                    - - - */
            new pCvarAmmo;
            new pCvarRefireRate;
            new pCvarHealth;
            new pCvarVelocity;
            new pCvarDamagePop;
            new pCvarDamageRadius;
            new pCvarGravity;
            new pCvarFriction;
            new pCvarDetonateDelay;
            new pCvarFieldOfView;
            new pCvarShowTrail;
        /* - - - -
                          - - - - */
            new gBloodSpray;
            new gBloodDrop;
            new gSmokeTrail;
        /* - - - -
         |  OTHERS STUFFS  |
                     - - - */
            new bool:gHasSnark    [ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new bool:gWeaponActive[ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new bool:gJustThrown  [ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new Float:gNextShot      [ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 ];
            new Float:gTimeWeaponIdle[ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 ];
            new gPlayerAmmo[ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new const gSnarkHealthReference = 10000;
            new gSnarkClassNameReference;
            new gMaxEntities;
            new gMaxClients;
            new gMsgidAmmoX;
            new gSnarInfector;
        /* - -
         |  MACROS  |
                - - */
            #define VectorSubtract(%1,%2,%3)  ( %3[ x ] = %1[ x ] - %2[ x ], %3[ y ] = %1[ y ] - %2[ y ], %3[ z ] = %1[ z ] - %2[ z ] )
            #define VectorAdd(%1,%2,%3)       ( %3[ x ] = %1[ x ] + %2[ x ], %3[ y ] = %1[ y ] + %2[ y ], %3[ z ] = %1[ z ] + %2[ z ] )
            #define VectorCopy(%1,%2)         ( %2[ x ] = %1[ x ],  %2[ y ] = %1[ y ], %2[ z ] = %1[ z ] )
            #define VectorScale(%1,%2,%3)     ( %3[ x ] = %2 * %1[ x ], %3[ y ] = %2 * %1[ y ], %3[ z ] = %2 * %1[ z ] )
            #define VectorMA(%1,%2,%3,%4)     ( %4[ x ] = %1[ x ] + %2 * %3[ x ], %4[ y ] = %1[ y ] + %2 * %3[ y ], %4[ z ] = %1[ z ] + %2 * %3[ z ] )
            #define VectorMS(%1,%2,%3,%4)     ( %4[ x ] = %1[ x ] - %2 * %3[ x ], %4[ y ] = %1[ y ] - %2 * %3[ y ], %4[ z ] = %1[ z ] - %2 * %3[ z ] )
            #define VectorLength(%1)          ( floatsqroot ( %1[ x ] * %1[ x ] + %1[ y ] * %1[ y ] + %1[ z ] * %1[ z ] ) )
            #define VectorEqual(%1,%2)        ( %1[ x ] == %2[ x ] && %1[ y ] == %2[ y ] && %1[ z ] == %2[ z ] )
            #define DotProduct(%1,%2)         ( %1[ x ] * %2[ x ]+ %1[ y ] * %2[ y ] + %1[ z ] * %2[ z ] )
            #define message_begin_f(%1,%2,%3) ( engfunc ( EngFunc_MessageBegin, %1, %2, %3 ) )
            #define write_coord_f(%1)         ( engfunc ( EngFunc_WriteCoord, %1 ) )
        public plugin_precache ()
            // --| Weapon models.
            precache_model( gModel_P );
            precache_model( gModel_V );
            // --| Snark model.
            precache_model( gSnarkModel );
            // --| Snark sounds.
            precache_sound( gSnarkBlastSound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkBodySplatSound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkDieSound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkHunt1Sound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkHunt2Sound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkHunt3Sound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkAttackSound );
            gBloodSpray = precache_model( "sprites/bloodspray.spr" );   // initial blood
            gBloodDrop  = precache_model( "sprites/blood.spr" );        // splattered blood
        public plugin_init ()
            register_plugin( Plugin, Version, Author );
            register_cvar( "ze_snark_version", Version, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY );
            gSnarInfector = ze_register_item(ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_NAME, ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_COST, 0);
            pCvarAmmo          = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_ammo"           , "5"   );
            pCvarRefireRate    = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_refire_rate"    , "0.3" );
            pCvarHealth        = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_health"         , "10"  );
            pCvarVelocity      = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_velocity"       , "200" );
            pCvarDamagePop     = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_damage_pop"     , "6"   );
            pCvarDamageRadius  = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_damage_radius"  , "15"  );
            pCvarGravity       = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_gravity"        , "0.5" );
            pCvarFriction      = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_friction"       , "0.5" );
            pCvarDetonateDelay = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_detonate_delay" , "15"  );
            pCvarFieldOfView   = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_fov"            , "0"   );
            pCvarShowTrail     = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_show_trail"     , "1"   );
            RegisterHam( Ham_Item_Deploy , gWeaponCommand, "CSqueak_Deploy", 1 );
            RegisterHam( Ham_Item_Holster, gWeaponCommand, "CSqueak_Holster", 1 );
            RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, gGenericEntity, "CSqueak_TakeDamage", 1 );
            register_forward( FM_CmdStart, "CSqueak_HookButtons" );
            register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "CSqueak_WeaponIdle" );
            register_think( gSnarkClassName, "CSqueak_HuntThink" );
            register_touch( gSnarkClassName, "*", "CSqueak_SuperBounceTouch" );
            // register_clcmd( "say test", "CSqueak_GiveWeapon" );
            gMaxEntities = global_get( glb_maxEntities );
            gMaxClients  = global_get( glb_maxClients );
            gSnarkClassNameReference = engfunc( EngFunc_AllocString, gSnarkClassName );
            gMsgidAmmoX = get_user_msgid( "AmmoX" );
            if ( get_pcvar_num( pCvarShowTrail ) )
                gSmokeTrail = engfunc( EngFunc_PrecacheModel, "sprites/smoke.spr" );
    	public ze_select_item_pre(id, itemid)
    		// Return Available and we will block it in Post, So it dosen't affect other plugins
    		if (itemid != gSnarInfector)
    			return ZE_ITEM_AVAILABLE
    		// Available for Humans only, So don't show it for zombies
    		if (ze_is_user_zombie(id))
    			return ZE_ITEM_DONT_SHOW
    		return ZE_ITEM_AVAILABLE
    	public ze_select_item_post(id, itemid)
    		// This is not our item, Block it here
    		if (itemid != gSnarInfector)
    		CSqueak_GiveWeapon ( id );
        public ze_roundend ( WinTeam )
            new Snark = -1;
            while ( ( Snark = find_ent_by_class( Snark, gSnarkClassName ) ) != NULL_ENT )
                CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, 0, true );
            for ( new Player = 1; Player <= gMaxClients; Player++ )
                CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( Player );
        public ze_user_humanized ( Player )
            if ( !ze_is_user_zombie( Player ) )
                CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( Player );
        stock CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( const Player )
            if ( user_has_weapon( Player, gWeaponIndex ) )
                RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_user_weapon( Player ) == gWeaponIndex ? 
                    get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) : 
                    find_ent_by_owner ( -1, gWeaponCommand, Player ) );
        public client_connect ( Player )
            gHasSnark    { Player } = false;
            gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
            gJustThrown  { Player } = false;
            gPlayerAmmo  { Player } = get_pcvar_num( pCvarAmmo );
        public CSqueak_GiveWeapon( const Player )
            gHasSnark{ Player } = true;
            gPlayerAmmo{ Player } = get_pcvar_num( pCvarAmmo );
            give_item( Player, gWeaponCommand );
            engclient_cmd( Player, gWeaponCommand );
        public CSqueak_PrimaryAttack ( const Player )
            static Float:VAngle     [ Angle_e ];
            static Float:Origin     [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:TraceOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Forward    [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Start      [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:End        [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:EndPos     [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Velocity   [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Fraction;
            if ( gPlayerAmmo{ Player } )
                if ( pev( Player, pev_waterlevel ) >= 3 )
                    emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkDieSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM + 5 );
                    gNextShot[ Player ] = get_gametime() + get_pcvar_float( pCvarRefireRate );
                    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
                pev( Player, pev_origin, Origin );
                pev( Player, pev_v_angle, VAngle );
                pev( Player, pev_velocity, Velocity );
                engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, VAngle );
                VectorCopy( Origin, TraceOrigin );
                if ( pev( Player, pev_flags ) & FL_DUCKING )
                    TraceOrigin[ x ] = TraceOrigin[ x ] - ( gHullMin[ x ] - gDuckHullMin[ x ] );
                    TraceOrigin[ y ] = TraceOrigin[ y ] - ( gHullMin[ y ] - gDuckHullMin[ y ] );
                    TraceOrigin[ z ] = TraceOrigin[ z ] - ( gHullMin[ z ] - gDuckHullMin[ z ] );
                global_get( glb_v_forward, Forward );
                VectorMA ( TraceOrigin, 20.0, Forward, Start );
                VectorMA ( TraceOrigin, 64.0, Forward, End );
                engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, Start, End, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, NULL_ENT, 0 );
                get_tr2( 0, TR_Fraction, Fraction );
                get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                if ( !get_tr2( 0, TR_AllSolid ) && !get_tr2( 0, TR_StartSolid ) && Fraction > 0.25 )
                    // --| Play the throw animation.
                    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_throw );
                    // --| player "shoot" animation
                    VectorMA ( Velocity, get_pcvar_float( pCvarVelocity ), Forward, Velocity );
                    if ( CSqueak_Create ( Player, EndPos, VAngle, Velocity ) )
                        new Float:CurrentTime = get_gametime();
                        switch ( random_num( 0, 2 ) )
                            case 0: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt1Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                            case 1: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt2Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                            case 2: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                        gPlayerAmmo{ Player }--;
                        gJustThrown{ Player } = true;
                        UpdateHud ( Player );
                        gNextShot[ Player ] = CurrentTime + get_pcvar_float( pCvarRefireRate );
                        gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + 1.0;
                        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        public CSqueak_Deploy ( const Weapon )
            // --| Get the knife's owner index.
            new Player = get_pdata_cbase( Weapon, m_pPlayer, 4 );
            if ( Player && gHasSnark{ Player } )
                // --| Change knife to snark weapon.
                ChangeWeaponToSnark ( Player );
                // --| Play the deploy animation.
                UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_up );
                emit_sound ( Weapon, CHAN_VOICE , random_float ( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= 0.5 ? gSnarkHunt2Sound : gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                // --| Block the primary attack.
                set_pdata_float( Weapon, m_flNextPrimaryAttack, 9999.0, 4 );
                set_pdata_float( Player, m_flNextAttack, 9999.0 );
                // --| Update Ammo on HUD.
                UpdateHud ( Player );
                // --| We are holding the weapon.
                gWeaponActive{ Player } = true;
        public CSqueak_Holster ( const Weapon )
            // --| Get the knife's owner index.
            new Player = get_pdata_cbase( Weapon, m_pPlayer, 4 );
            if ( Player && gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } )
                // --| We are not holding the weapon anymore.
                gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
                set_pdata_float( Player, m_flNextAttack, get_gametime() + 0.5 );
                if ( !gPlayerAmmo{ Player } && user_has_weapon( Player, gWeaponIndex ) )
                    RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) );
                    // --| Play the holster animation.
                    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_down );
                    emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, "common/null.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
        public CSqueak_Killed ( const Snark, const Killer, const bool:ShouldGib )
            new Float:Direction[ Coord_e ];
            new Float:Origin   [ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_model, 0 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_Remove, RemoveSnark );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, get_gametime() + 0.1 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO );
            emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_ITEM, gSnarkBlastSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM / 2, 0, PITCH_NORM );
            emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkBodySplatSound, 0.75, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM * 2 );
            UTIL_RandomBloodVector( Direction );
            FX_BloodDrips ( Origin, BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW_N, .Amount = 60 );
            FX_StreakSplash ( Origin, Direction, .Color = 5, .Count = 16, .Speed = 50, .VelocityRange = 200 );
            UTIL_RadiusDamage ( Origin, Snark, pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner ), get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ), get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamageRadius ), DMG_BLAST );
        /* public CZombie_Killed ( const Zombie, const Human, const bool:ShouldGid )
            if ( ze_is_user_zombie( Zombie ) && gHasSnark{ Zombie } )
        } */
        public CSqueak_TakeDamage ( const Snark, const Inflictor, const Attacker, const Float:Damage, const DamageBits )
            if ( is_valid_ent( Snark ) && pev( Snark, pev_groupinfo ) == gSnarkClassNameReference )
                if ( pev( Snark, pev_health ) - gSnarkHealthReference <= 0 )
                    CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, Attacker, .ShouldGib = true );
        public CSqueak_HookButtons ( const Player, const UC_Handle, const Seed )
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            static Buttons;
            if ( gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } && ( Buttons = get_uc( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons ) ) & IN_ATTACK )
                CurrentTime = get_gametime();
                if ( gNextShot[ Player ] > CurrentTime )
                    return FMRES_HANDLED;
                if ( CSqueak_PrimaryAttack ( Player ) == PLUGIN_HANDLED )
                    return FMRES_HANDLED;
                set_uc( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons, Buttons & ~IN_ATTACK );
                return FMRES_HANDLED;
            return FMRES_IGNORED;
        public CSqueak_HuntThink ( const Snark )
            if ( !is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            static Float:Origin  [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Angles  [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Flat    [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            static Float:DieDelay;
            static Float:NextHunt;
            static Float:SPitch;
            static Enemy;
            pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            if ( !UTIL_IsInWorld ( Origin, Velocity ) )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            CurrentTime = get_gametime();
            set_pev( Snark, pev_nextthink, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, NextHunt );
            pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, DieDelay );
            pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            if ( CurrentTime >= DieDelay )
                if ( pev( Snark, pev_Remove ) )
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
                    return HAM_IGNORED;
                set_pev( Snark, pev_health, -1.0 );
                CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, 0, true );
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            if ( pev( Snark, pev_waterlevel ) != 0 )
                if ( pev( Snark, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE )
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_FLY );
                VectorScale ( Velocity, 0.9, Velocity );
                Velocity[ z ] += 8.0;
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            else if ( pev( Snark, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_FLY )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE );
            if ( NextHunt > CurrentTime )
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime + 2.0 );
            VectorCopy ( Velocity, Flat );
            Flat[ z ] = 0.0;
            VectorNormalize ( Flat, Flat );
            engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, Angles );
            if ( ( Enemy = pev( Snark, pev_enemy ) ) == NULL_ENT || !is_user_alive( Enemy ) || ze_is_user_zombie( Enemy ) )
                Enemy = UTIL_BestVisibleEnemy ( Snark, 512.0 );
            if ( 0.3 <= DieDelay - CurrentTime <= 0.5 )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_scale, 2.0 );
                emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkDieSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM + random_num( 0, 0x3F ) );
            SPitch = 155.0 - 60.0 * ( ( DieDelay - CurrentTime ) / get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) );
            if ( SPitch < 80.0 )  { SPitch = 80.0; }
            if ( Enemy != NULL_ENT && !ze_is_user_zombie( Enemy ) )
                static Float:Target[ Coord_e ];
                static Float:Vel;
                static Float:Adj;
                pev( Snark, pev_EnemyTarget, Target );
                if ( UTIL_FVisible( Snark, Enemy ) )
                    static Float:EyePosition[ Coord_e ];
                    UTIL_EyePosition ( Enemy, EyePosition );
                    VectorSubtract ( EyePosition, Origin, Target );
                    VectorNormalize ( Target, Target );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_EnemyTarget, Target );
                Vel = VectorLength ( Velocity );
                Adj = 50.0 / ( Vel + 10.0 );
                if ( Adj > 1.2 )  { Adj = 1.2; }
                Velocity[ x ] = Velocity[ x ] * Adj + Target[ x ] * 300.0;
                Velocity[ y ] = Velocity[ y ] * Adj + Target[ y ] * 300.0;
                Velocity[ z ] = Velocity[ z ] * Adj + Target[ z ] * 300.0;
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            if ( pev( Snark, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, Float:{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } );
                static Float:AVelocity[ Coord_e ];
                pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, AVelocity );
                if ( AVelocity[ x ] == 0.0 && AVelocity[ y ] == 0.0 && AVelocity[ z ] == 0.0 )
                    AVelocity[ x ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                    AVelocity[ z ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, AVelocity );
            static Float:PosPrev[ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_PosPrev, PosPrev );
            VectorSubtract ( Origin, PosPrev, PosPrev );
            if ( VectorLength ( PosPrev ) < 1.0 )
                Velocity[ x ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                Velocity[ y ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_PosPrev, Origin );
            vector_to_angle( Velocity, Angles );
            Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
            Angles[ x ] = 0.0;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            return HAM_IGNORED;
        public CSqueak_SuperBounceTouch ( const Snark, const Other )
            if ( !is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
            static Float:Angles [ Angle_e ];
            static Float:NextHit;
            static Float:DieDelay;
            static Float:NextAttack;
            static Float:NextBounceSoundTime;
            static Float:SPitch;
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            static Owner;
            Owner = pev( Snark, pev_owner );
            if ( Owner && Other == Owner )
            SPitch = PITCH_NORM * 1.0;
            CurrentTime = get_gametime();
            set_pev( Snark, pev_owner, NULL_ENT );
            pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextHit, NextHit );
            pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, DieDelay );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextAttack, NextAttack );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, NextBounceSoundTime );
            Angles[ x ] = 0.0;
            Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            if ( NextHit > CurrentTime )
            SPitch = 155.0 - 60.0 * ( ( DieDelay - CurrentTime ) / get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) );
            if ( 1 <= Other <= gMaxClients && pev( Other, pev_takedamage ) && NextAttack < CurrentTime )
                static Hit;
                Hit = global_get( glb_trace_ent );
                if ( Hit == Other && pev( Hit, pev_modelindex ) != pev( Snark, pev_modelindex ) && 1 <= Other <= gMaxClients )
                    Owner = pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner );
                    if ( !ze_is_user_zombie( Other ) && GetAlivePlayersNum(CsTeams:TEAM_CT) == 1 )
                        static Float:Forward    [ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:EndPos     [ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:OriginSnark[ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:OriginOther[ Coord_e ];
                        static Trace;
                        static Float:Damage;
                        Trace = create_tr2();
                        pev( Snark, pev_dmg, Damage );
                        pev( Snark, pev_origin, OriginSnark );
                        pev( Other, pev_origin, OriginOther );
                        engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, OriginSnark, OriginOther, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, Snark, Trace );
                        get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecPlaneNormal, Forward );
                        get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                        ExecuteHam( Ham_TraceBleed, Other, Damage, Forward, Trace, DMG_SLASH );
                        free_tr2( Trace );
                        FX_BloodDrips ( EndPos, BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N, .Amount = floatround( Damage ) ); 
                        ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Other, Snark, Owner, Damage, DMG_SLASH );
                        set_pev( Snark, pev_dmg, pev( Snark, pev_dmg ) + get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ) );
                        ze_set_user_zombie( Other );
                        ze_set_escape_coins( Owner, ze_get_escape_coins( Owner ) + 2 );
                        set_user_frags( Owner, get_user_frags( Owner ) + 1 );
                        set_pev( Snark, pev_enemy, NULL_ENT );
                    emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkAttackSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_NextAttack, CurrentTime + 0.5 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHit, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime );
            if ( CurrentTime < NextBounceSoundTime )
            if ( !( pev( Snark, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND ) )
                switch ( random( 10 ) )
                    case 0 .. 3 : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt1Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                    case 4 .. 7 : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt2Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                    default     : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, CurrentTime + 0.5 );
        CSqueak_Create ( const Player, const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Angles[ Coord_e], const Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ] )
            new Snark = create_entity( gGenericEntity );
            if ( is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_classname, gSnarkClassName );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_groupinfo, gSnarkClassNameReference );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_owner, Player );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
                CSqueak_Spawn ( Player, Snark, Origin );
                return Snark;
            return NULL_ENT;
        CSqueak_Spawn ( const Player, const Snark, const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ] )
            new Float:CurrentTime = get_gametime();
            set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX );
            entity_set_model ( Snark, gSnarkModel );
            entity_set_size  ( Snark, Float:{ -4.0, -4.0, 0.0 }, Float:{ 4.0, 4.0, 8.0 } );
            entity_set_origin( Snark, Origin );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_nextthink, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime + 1000000.0 ); // NextHunt
            set_pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, CurrentTime + get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) ); // DetonateDelay
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, CurrentTime ); // NextBounceSoundTime
            set_pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner, Player ); // RealOwner
            set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_MONSTER );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_AIM );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_health, get_pcvar_float( pCvarHealth ) + gSnarkHealthReference );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_gravity, get_pcvar_float( pCvarGravity ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_friction, get_pcvar_float( pCvarFriction ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_fov, get_pcvar_num( pCvarFieldOfView ) );
            // set_pev( Snark, pev_dmg, get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ) );
            // --| Force snark to run.
            set_pev( Snark, pev_sequence, wsqueak_run );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_framerate, 1.0 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_animtime, CurrentTime );
            if ( get_pcvar_num( pCvarShowTrail ) )
                message_begin ( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
                write_byte ( TE_BEAMFOLLOW );
                write_short ( Snark );
                write_short ( gSmokeTrail );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_LIFE );   // life
                write_byte ( TRAIL_WIDTH );  // width
                write_byte ( TRAIL_RED );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_GREEN );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_BLUE );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_BRIGTHNESS );
        public CSqueak_WeaponIdle ( const Player )
            if ( gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } )
                static Float:CurrentTime;
                CurrentTime = get_gametime();
                if ( gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] > CurrentTime )
                if ( gJustThrown{ Player } )
                    gJustThrown{ Player } = false;
                    if ( !gPlayerAmmo{ Player } )
                        RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) );
                    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_up );
                    gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + random_float ( 10.0, 15.0 );
                new Animation;
                new Float:NewTime;
                switch ( random_num( 0, 10 ) )
                    case 0 .. 6 :
                        Animation = squeak_idle1;
                        NewTime   = 30.0 / 16.0 * ( 2.0 );
                    case 7 .. 8 :
                        Animation = squeak_fidgetfit;
                        NewTime   = 70.0 / 16.0;
                    default :
                        Animation = squeak_fidgetnip;
                        NewTime   = 80.0 / 16.0;
                UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, Animation );
                gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + NewTime;
        ChangeWeaponToSnark ( const Player )
            set_pev( Player, pev_viewmodel2  , gModel_V );
            set_pev( Player, pev_weaponmodel2, gModel_P );
        UpdateHud ( const Player )
            message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gMsgidAmmoX, .player = Player );
            write_byte( 12 );
            write_byte( gPlayerAmmo{ Player } );
        RemoveWeapon ( const Player, const Weapon )
            ExecuteHamB( Ham_Weapon_RetireWeapon, Weapon );
            ExecuteHamB( Ham_RemovePlayerItem, Player, Weapon );
            ExecuteHamB( Ham_Item_Kill, Weapon );
            set_pev( Player, pev_weapons, pev( Player, pev_weapons ) & ~( 1 << gWeaponIndex ) );
            cs_set_user_bpammo( Player, gWeaponIndex, 0 );
            gHasSnark{ Player } = false;
            gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
        stock bool:UTIL_IsBSPModel ( const Entity )
            return ( pev( entity, pev_solid ) == SOLID_BSP || pev( Entity, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_STEP );
        UTIL_BestVisibleEnemy ( const Snark, const Float:DistanceToSearch /* , const Flags */ )
            static List[ MAX_CLIENTS_N ];
            static Float:Distance;
            static Float:Nearest;
            static ReturnEntity;
            static Count;
            static Entity;
            static i;
            Nearest = 8192.0;
            ReturnEntity = NULL_ENT;
            Count = find_sphere_class( Snark, "player", DistanceToSearch, List, sizeof List );
            for ( i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
                Entity = List[ i ];
                if ( ze_is_user_zombie( Entity ) )
                if ( UTIL_FInViewCone ( Snark, Entity ) && UTIL_FVisible( Snark, Entity ) )
                    if ( ( Distance = entity_range( Snark, Entity ) ) <= Nearest )
                        Nearest = Distance;
                        ReturnEntity = Entity;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_enemy, ReturnEntity );
            return ReturnEntity;
        UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( const Player, const Sequence )
            set_pev( Player, pev_weaponanim, Sequence );
            message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_WEAPONANIM, .player = Player );
            write_byte( Sequence );
            write_byte( pev( Player, pev_body ) );
        bool:UTIL_IsInWorld ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ] )
            static i;
            for ( i = x; i <= z; i++ )
                if ( !( -4096.0 < Origin[ i ] < 4096.0 ) && !( -2000.0 < Velocity[ x ] < 2000.0 ) )
                    return false;
            return true;
        UTIL_RandomBloodVector ( Float:Direction[ Coord_e ] )
            Direction[ x ] = random_float( -1.0, 1.0 );
            Direction[ y ] = random_float( -1.0, 1.0 );
            Direction[ z ] = random_float(  0.0, 1.0 );
        FX_BloodDrips ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const BloodColor, const Amount )
            message_begin_f( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, Origin, NULL_ENT );
            write_byte( TE_BLOODSPRITE );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ z ] );
            write_short( gBloodSpray );         // initial sprite model
            write_short( gBloodDrop );          // droplet sprite models
            write_byte( BloodColor );           // color index into host_basepal
            write_byte( min( max( 3, ( Amount > 255 ? 255 : Amount ) / 10 ), 16 ) );  // size
        FX_StreakSplash ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Direction[ Coord_e ], const Color, const Count, const Speed, const VelocityRange )
            message_begin_f( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, Origin, NULL_ENT );
            write_byte( TE_STREAK_SPLASH );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ z ] );
            write_coord_f( Direction[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( Direction[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( Direction[ z ] );
            write_byte( min( Color, 255 ) );
            write_short( Count );
            write_short( Speed );
            write_short( VelocityRange );// random velocity modifier
        stock FX_TraceBleed( const Victim, const Float:Damage, const Float:Dir[ Coord_e ], const TraceResult:Trace )
            new TraceResult:BloodTrace;
            new Float:TraceDir[ Coord_e ]; 
            new Float:EndPos  [ Coord_e ];
            new Float:Noise;
            new Float:Fraction;
            new Count;
            if ( Damage < 10 )
                Noise = 0.1;
                Count = 1;
            else if ( Damage < 25 )
                Noise = 0.2;
                Count = 2;
                Noise = 0.3;
                Count = 4;
            for ( new i = 0 ; i < Count ; i++ )
                VectorScale ( Dir, -1.0, TraceDir );
                TraceDir[ x ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
                TraceDir[ y ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
                TraceDir[ z ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
                get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                VectorMA ( EndPos, -172.0, TraceDir, TraceDir );
                engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, EndPos, TraceDir, IGNORE_MONSTERS, Victim, BloodTrace );
                get_tr2( BloodTrace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
                if ( Fraction != 1.0 )
                    FX_BloodDecalTrace( BloodTrace, EndPos, BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N );
        stock FX_BloodDecalTrace ( const TraceResult:Trace, const Float:EndPos[ Coord_e ], const BloodColor )
            new Hit;
            new BaseIndex;
            new DecalIndex;
            new Float:Fraction; 
            switch ( BloodColor )
                case BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW_N : BaseIndex = get_decal_index( "{yblood1" );
                case BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N    : BaseIndex = get_decal_index( "{blood1" );
            DecalIndex = BaseIndex + random_num( 0, 5 );
            Hit = max( 0, get_tr2( Trace, TR_pHit ) );
            get_tr2( Trace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
            if ( Fraction == 1.0 || ( Hit && !UTIL_IsBSPModel ( Hit ) ) )
            message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
            write_byte( Hit ? TE_DECAL : TE_WORLDDECAL );
            write_coord_f( EndPos[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( EndPos[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( EndPos[ z ] );
            write_byte( DecalIndex );
            if ( Hit )
                write_short( Hit );
        stock UTIL_RadiusDamage ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Inflictor, const Attacker, const Float:Damage, const Float:Radius, const DamageBits )
            static Entity;
            static Trace;
            static Float:AdjustedDamage;
            static bool:InWater;
            Entity = NULL_ENT;
            InWater = UTIL_LiquidContents( Origin );
            while ( ( Entity = find_ent_in_sphere( Entity, Origin, Radius ) ) != NULL_ENT )
                if ( Entity == Inflictor )
                if ( pev( Entity, pev_takedamage ) && !ze_is_user_zombie( Entity ) && !(GetAlivePlayersNum(CsTeams:TEAM_CT) == 1) )
                    static Float:EntOrigin[ Coord_e ];
                    static Float:EndPos   [ Coord_e ];
                    static Float:Fraction;
                    pev( Entity, pev_origin, EntOrigin );
                    engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, Origin, EntOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS, Inflictor, Trace );
                    get_tr2( Trace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
                    get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                    if ( Fraction == 1.0 || get_tr2( Trace, TR_pHit ) == Entity )
                        static Float:Delta[ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:Len;
                        if ( get_tr2( Trace, TR_StartSolid ) )
                            EndPos = Origin;
                            Fraction = 0.0;
                        AdjustedDamage = Damage;
                        VectorSubtract ( EndPos, Origin, Delta );
                        if ( ( Len = VectorLength ( Delta ) ) != 0.0 )
                            VectorScale ( Delta, 1 / Len, Delta );
                        if ( Len > 2.0 )
                            Len -= 2.0;
                        if ( ( AdjustedDamage *= ( 1.0 - Len / Radius ) ) <= 0 )
                        if ( InWater || pev( Entity, pev_waterlevel ) > 2 )
                            AdjustedDamage *= 0.5;
                        if ( Fraction != 1.0 )
                            ExecuteHam( Ham_TraceAttack, Entity, Inflictor, AdjustedDamage, Delta, Trace, DamageBits );
                            ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Entity, Inflictor, Attacker, AdjustedDamage, DamageBits );
                            ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Entity, Inflictor, Attacker, AdjustedDamage, DamageBits );
        stock UTIL_EntitiesInBox ( List[], const ListMax, const Float:Mins[ Coord_e ], const Float:Maxs[ Coord_e ], const Flags )
            static Float:Origin [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Delta  [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Mins   [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Maxs   [ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            Delta[ x ] = Delta[ y ] = Delta[ z ] = DistanceToSearch;
            VectorSubtract ( Origin, Delta, Mins );
            VectorAdd ( Origin, Delta, Maxs );
            Count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox ( List, sizeof List, Mins, Maxs, Flags );
            static Float:AbsMins[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:AbsMaxs[ Coord_e ];
            static Count;
            static Entity;
            Count = 0;
            for ( Entity = 1; Entity <= gMaxEntities; Entity++ )  if( is_valid_ent( Entity ) )
                if ( !( pev( Entity, pev_flags ) & Flags ) )
                pev( Entity, pev_absmin, AbsMins );
                pev( Entity, pev_absmax, AbsMaxs );
                if ( Mins[ x ] > AbsMaxs[ x ] || Mins[ y ] > AbsMaxs[ y ] || Mins[ z ] > AbsMaxs[ z ] ||
                     Maxs[ x ] < AbsMins[ x ] || Maxs[ y ] < AbsMins[ y ] || Maxs[ z ] < AbsMins[ z ] )
                List[ Count ] = Entity;
                if ( Count++ >= ListMax )
                    return Count;
            return Count;
        bool:UTIL_FVisible ( const Entity, const Other )
            static Float:LookerOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:TargetOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Fraction;
            static LookerWLevel;
            static TargetWLevel;
            if ( pev( Other, pev_flags ) & FL_NOTARGET )
                return false;
            LookerWLevel = pev ( Entity, pev_waterlevel );
            TargetWLevel = pev ( Other, pev_waterlevel );
            if ( ( LookerWLevel != 3 && TargetWLevel == 3 ) || ( LookerWLevel == 3 && TargetWLevel == 0  ) )
                return false;
            UTIL_EyePosition ( Entity, LookerOrigin );
            UTIL_EyePosition ( Other, TargetOrigin );
            engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, LookerOrigin, TargetOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS | IGNORE_GLASS, Entity, 0 );
            get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
            return Fraction == 1.0 ? true : false;
        bool:UTIL_FInViewCone ( const Entity, const Other )
            static Float:Angles [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:HOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Origin [ Coord_e ];
            pev( Entity, pev_angles, Angles );
            engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, Angles );
            global_get( glb_v_forward, Angles );
            Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
            pev( Entity, pev_origin, HOrigin );
            pev( Other, pev_origin, Origin );
            VectorSubtract ( Origin, HOrigin, Origin );
            Origin[ z ] = 0.0;
            VectorNormalize ( Origin, Origin );
            if ( DotProduct ( Origin, Angles ) > pev( Entity, pev_fov ) )
                return true;
            return false;
        UTIL_EyePosition ( const Entity, Float:Origin[ Coord_e ] )
            static Float:ViewOfs[ Coord_e ];
            pev( Entity, pev_origin, Origin );
            pev( Entity, pev_view_ofs, ViewOfs );
            VectorAdd ( Origin, ViewOfs, Origin );
        stock bool:UTIL_LiquidContents( const Float:Source[ Coord_e ] )
            new Contents = point_contents( Source );
            return ( Contents == CONTENTS_WATER || Contents == CONTENTS_SLIME || Contents == CONTENTS_LAVA );
        VectorNormalize ( const Float:Source[ Coord_e ], Float:Output[ Coord_e ] )
            static Float:InvLen;
            InvLen = 1.0 / VectorLength ( Source );
            Output[ x ] = Source[ x ] * InvLen;
            Output[ y ] = Source[ y ] * InvLen;
            Output[ z ] = Source[ z ] * InvLen;
it's the same as me bro !

just try any code hopefully it will work !
Nobody Is That Busy If They Make Time :roll:

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Senior Member
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Post by Rain1153 » 5 years ago

johnnysins2000 wrote: 5 years ago
Raheem wrote: 5 years ago Here it's:
  • Code: Select all

       /* - - - - - - - - - - -
            AMX Mod X script.
              | Author  : Arkshine
              | Plugin  : WPN Squeak Grenade
              | Version : v1.0.6 - without WM.
            (!) Support :
            (!) Version without WeaponMod required and for Zombie Plague.
            This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
            under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
            Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
            your option) any later version.
            This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
            WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
            General Public License for more details.
            You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
            along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
            Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
            Description :
            - - - - - - -
                Basically, it's almost the same weapon that you can see in Half-life 1.
                Snarks are small, red, and bulbous, with a large (in relation to body porportion) 
                single green eye and a large pincer-like mandible. Snarks are normally calm creatures 
                that show little signs of intelligence, but if they see any living creature other
                than another Snark, they immediately begin to attack it. They attack aggressively, 
                persistently, and erratically, leaping and biting at their target.
                A full description can be found here : .
            Requirement :
            - - - - - - -
                * CS 1.6 / CZ.
                * AMX Mod X 1.8.x or higher.
            Changelog :
            - - - - - -
                v1.0.6 : [ 11 jul 2009 ]
                    (+) Initial release.
            Credits :
            - - - - -
                * HLSDK
                * DevconeS
                * VEN
                * Sproily ( Alternative models )
        - - - - - - - - - - - */
        #include <zombie_escape>
        #include <cstrike>
        #include <engine>
        #include <fun>
        #define Plugin   "[ZE] Extra: Squeak Grenade"
        #define Version  "1.0.6-wwm"
        #define Author   "Arkshine"
        // --| Zombie Plaque: Extra item configuration.
        #define ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_NAME  "Snark INFECTOR"
        #define ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_COST  14
        // --| Comment if you want to use the default model from valve.
        #define ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
        // --| Snark trail.
        #define TRAIL_LIFE        40    // Life
        #define TRAIL_WIDTH       4     // Width
        #define TRAIL_RED         10    // Red
        #define TRAIL_GREEN       224   // Red
        #define TRAIL_BLUE        10    // Green
        #define TRAIL_BRIGTHNESS  200   // Blue
         /* - - -
         |  WEAPON MODELS  |
                     - - - */
            #if !defined ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
                new const gModel_P[] = "models/p_squeak.mdl";
                new const gModel_V[] = "models/v_squeak.mdl";
                new const gModel_P[] = "models/p_alt_squeak.mdl";
                new const gModel_V[] = "models/v_alt_squeak_gflip.mdl";
        /* - - -
         |  SNARK SOUNDS  |
                    - - - */
                new const gSnarkHunt1Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt1.wav";
                new const gSnarkHunt2Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt2.wav";
                new const gSnarkHunt3Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt3.wav";
                new const gSnarkDieSound      [] = "squeek/sqk_die1.wav";
                new const gSnarkAttackSound   [] = "squeek/sqk_deploy1.wav";
                new const gSnarkBlastSound    [] = "weapons/sqk_blast2.wav";
                new const gSnarkBodySplatSound[] = "common/bodysplat.wav";
        /* - - -
         |  SNARK MODEL  |
                   - - - */
            #if !defined ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
                gSnarkModel[] = "models/w_squeak.mdl";
                gSnarkModel[] = "models/w_alt_squeak.mdl";
        /* - - -
         |    SEQUENCE   |
                   - - - */
        /* - -
         |  CONSTANTS  |
                   - - */
            const BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N        = 247;
            const BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW_N     = 195;
            const MAX_CLIENTS_N            = 32;
            const MAX_KNIFE_MODEL_LENGTH = 128;
            const NONE                   = -1;
            const NULL_ENT               = 0;
            enum _:Coord_e
            enum _:Angle_e
                HuntThink = 1,
            new const Float:gHullMin    [ Coord_e ] = { -16.0, -16.0, -36.0 };
            new const Float:gDuckHullMin[ Coord_e ] = { -16.0, -16.0, -18.0 };
            new const gWeaponCommand [] = "weapon_hegrenade";
            new const gWeaponIndex      = CSW_HEGRENADE;
            new const gGenericEntity [] = "info_target";
            new const gSnarkClassName[] = "wpn_snark";
         /* - - - -
                           - - - - */
            const m_flNextAttack        = 83    // Player.
            const m_pActiveWeapon       = 373;  // Player.
            const m_pPlayer             = 41;   // Weapon.
            const m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 46;   // Weapon.
        /* - - -
         |  CUSTOM FIELD  |
                    - - - */
            #define pev_NextHunt            pev_fuser1
            #define pev_NextBounceSoundTime pev_fuser2
            #define pev_NextHit             pev_fuser3
            #define pev_NextAttack          pev_fuser4
            #define pev_DetonateDelay       pev_ltime
            #define pev_RealOwner           pev_iuser1
            #define pev_Remove              pev_iuser2
            #define pev_EnemyTarget         pev_vuser1
            #define pev_PosPrev             pev_vuser2
        /* - - -
         |  CVAR POINTER  |
                    - - - */
            new pCvarAmmo;
            new pCvarRefireRate;
            new pCvarHealth;
            new pCvarVelocity;
            new pCvarDamagePop;
            new pCvarDamageRadius;
            new pCvarGravity;
            new pCvarFriction;
            new pCvarDetonateDelay;
            new pCvarFieldOfView;
            new pCvarShowTrail;
        /* - - - -
                          - - - - */
            new gBloodSpray;
            new gBloodDrop;
            new gSmokeTrail;
        /* - - - -
         |  OTHERS STUFFS  |
                     - - - */
            new bool:gHasSnark    [ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new bool:gWeaponActive[ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new bool:gJustThrown  [ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new Float:gNextShot      [ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 ];
            new Float:gTimeWeaponIdle[ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 ];
            new gPlayerAmmo[ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new const gSnarkHealthReference = 10000;
            new gSnarkClassNameReference;
            new gMaxEntities;
            new gMaxClients;
            new gMsgidAmmoX;
            new gSnarInfector;
        /* - -
         |  MACROS  |
                - - */
            #define VectorSubtract(%1,%2,%3)  ( %3[ x ] = %1[ x ] - %2[ x ], %3[ y ] = %1[ y ] - %2[ y ], %3[ z ] = %1[ z ] - %2[ z ] )
            #define VectorAdd(%1,%2,%3)       ( %3[ x ] = %1[ x ] + %2[ x ], %3[ y ] = %1[ y ] + %2[ y ], %3[ z ] = %1[ z ] + %2[ z ] )
            #define VectorCopy(%1,%2)         ( %2[ x ] = %1[ x ],  %2[ y ] = %1[ y ], %2[ z ] = %1[ z ] )
            #define VectorScale(%1,%2,%3)     ( %3[ x ] = %2 * %1[ x ], %3[ y ] = %2 * %1[ y ], %3[ z ] = %2 * %1[ z ] )
            #define VectorMA(%1,%2,%3,%4)     ( %4[ x ] = %1[ x ] + %2 * %3[ x ], %4[ y ] = %1[ y ] + %2 * %3[ y ], %4[ z ] = %1[ z ] + %2 * %3[ z ] )
            #define VectorMS(%1,%2,%3,%4)     ( %4[ x ] = %1[ x ] - %2 * %3[ x ], %4[ y ] = %1[ y ] - %2 * %3[ y ], %4[ z ] = %1[ z ] - %2 * %3[ z ] )
            #define VectorLength(%1)          ( floatsqroot ( %1[ x ] * %1[ x ] + %1[ y ] * %1[ y ] + %1[ z ] * %1[ z ] ) )
            #define VectorEqual(%1,%2)        ( %1[ x ] == %2[ x ] && %1[ y ] == %2[ y ] && %1[ z ] == %2[ z ] )
            #define DotProduct(%1,%2)         ( %1[ x ] * %2[ x ]+ %1[ y ] * %2[ y ] + %1[ z ] * %2[ z ] )
            #define message_begin_f(%1,%2,%3) ( engfunc ( EngFunc_MessageBegin, %1, %2, %3 ) )
            #define write_coord_f(%1)         ( engfunc ( EngFunc_WriteCoord, %1 ) )
        public plugin_precache ()
            // --| Weapon models.
            precache_model( gModel_P );
            precache_model( gModel_V );
            // --| Snark model.
            precache_model( gSnarkModel );
            // --| Snark sounds.
            precache_sound( gSnarkBlastSound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkBodySplatSound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkDieSound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkHunt1Sound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkHunt2Sound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkHunt3Sound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkAttackSound );
            gBloodSpray = precache_model( "sprites/bloodspray.spr" );   // initial blood
            gBloodDrop  = precache_model( "sprites/blood.spr" );        // splattered blood
        public plugin_init ()
            register_plugin( Plugin, Version, Author );
            register_cvar( "ze_snark_version", Version, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY );
            gSnarInfector = ze_register_item(ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_NAME, ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_COST, 0);
            pCvarAmmo          = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_ammo"           , "5"   );
            pCvarRefireRate    = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_refire_rate"    , "0.3" );
            pCvarHealth        = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_health"         , "10"  );
            pCvarVelocity      = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_velocity"       , "200" );
            pCvarDamagePop     = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_damage_pop"     , "6"   );
            pCvarDamageRadius  = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_damage_radius"  , "15"  );
            pCvarGravity       = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_gravity"        , "0.5" );
            pCvarFriction      = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_friction"       , "0.5" );
            pCvarDetonateDelay = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_detonate_delay" , "15"  );
            pCvarFieldOfView   = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_fov"            , "0"   );
            pCvarShowTrail     = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_show_trail"     , "1"   );
            RegisterHam( Ham_Item_Deploy , gWeaponCommand, "CSqueak_Deploy", 1 );
            RegisterHam( Ham_Item_Holster, gWeaponCommand, "CSqueak_Holster", 1 );
            RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, gGenericEntity, "CSqueak_TakeDamage", 1 );
            register_forward( FM_CmdStart, "CSqueak_HookButtons" );
            register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "CSqueak_WeaponIdle" );
            register_think( gSnarkClassName, "CSqueak_HuntThink" );
            register_touch( gSnarkClassName, "*", "CSqueak_SuperBounceTouch" );
            // register_clcmd( "say test", "CSqueak_GiveWeapon" );
            gMaxEntities = global_get( glb_maxEntities );
            gMaxClients  = global_get( glb_maxClients );
            gSnarkClassNameReference = engfunc( EngFunc_AllocString, gSnarkClassName );
            gMsgidAmmoX = get_user_msgid( "AmmoX" );
            if ( get_pcvar_num( pCvarShowTrail ) )
                gSmokeTrail = engfunc( EngFunc_PrecacheModel, "sprites/smoke.spr" );
    	public ze_select_item_pre(id, itemid)
    		// Return Available and we will block it in Post, So it dosen't affect other plugins
    		if (itemid != gSnarInfector)
    			return ZE_ITEM_AVAILABLE
    		// Available for Humans only, So don't show it for zombies
    		if (ze_is_user_zombie(id))
    			return ZE_ITEM_DONT_SHOW
    		return ZE_ITEM_AVAILABLE
    	public ze_select_item_post(id, itemid)
    		// This is not our item, Block it here
    		if (itemid != gSnarInfector)
    		CSqueak_GiveWeapon ( id );
        public ze_roundend ( WinTeam )
            new Snark = -1;
            while ( ( Snark = find_ent_by_class( Snark, gSnarkClassName ) ) != NULL_ENT )
                CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, 0, true );
            for ( new Player = 1; Player <= gMaxClients; Player++ )
                CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( Player );
        public ze_user_humanized ( Player )
            if ( !ze_is_user_zombie( Player ) )
                CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( Player );
        stock CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( const Player )
            if ( user_has_weapon( Player, gWeaponIndex ) )
                RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_user_weapon( Player ) == gWeaponIndex ? 
                    get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) : 
                    find_ent_by_owner ( -1, gWeaponCommand, Player ) );
        public client_connect ( Player )
            gHasSnark    { Player } = false;
            gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
            gJustThrown  { Player } = false;
            gPlayerAmmo  { Player } = get_pcvar_num( pCvarAmmo );
        public CSqueak_GiveWeapon( const Player )
            gHasSnark{ Player } = true;
            gPlayerAmmo{ Player } = get_pcvar_num( pCvarAmmo );
            give_item( Player, gWeaponCommand );
            engclient_cmd( Player, gWeaponCommand );
        public CSqueak_PrimaryAttack ( const Player )
            static Float:VAngle     [ Angle_e ];
            static Float:Origin     [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:TraceOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Forward    [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Start      [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:End        [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:EndPos     [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Velocity   [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Fraction;
            if ( gPlayerAmmo{ Player } )
                if ( pev( Player, pev_waterlevel ) >= 3 )
                    emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkDieSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM + 5 );
                    gNextShot[ Player ] = get_gametime() + get_pcvar_float( pCvarRefireRate );
                    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
                pev( Player, pev_origin, Origin );
                pev( Player, pev_v_angle, VAngle );
                pev( Player, pev_velocity, Velocity );
                engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, VAngle );
                VectorCopy( Origin, TraceOrigin );
                if ( pev( Player, pev_flags ) & FL_DUCKING )
                    TraceOrigin[ x ] = TraceOrigin[ x ] - ( gHullMin[ x ] - gDuckHullMin[ x ] );
                    TraceOrigin[ y ] = TraceOrigin[ y ] - ( gHullMin[ y ] - gDuckHullMin[ y ] );
                    TraceOrigin[ z ] = TraceOrigin[ z ] - ( gHullMin[ z ] - gDuckHullMin[ z ] );
                global_get( glb_v_forward, Forward );
                VectorMA ( TraceOrigin, 20.0, Forward, Start );
                VectorMA ( TraceOrigin, 64.0, Forward, End );
                engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, Start, End, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, NULL_ENT, 0 );
                get_tr2( 0, TR_Fraction, Fraction );
                get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                if ( !get_tr2( 0, TR_AllSolid ) && !get_tr2( 0, TR_StartSolid ) && Fraction > 0.25 )
                    // --| Play the throw animation.
                    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_throw );
                    // --| player "shoot" animation
                    VectorMA ( Velocity, get_pcvar_float( pCvarVelocity ), Forward, Velocity );
                    if ( CSqueak_Create ( Player, EndPos, VAngle, Velocity ) )
                        new Float:CurrentTime = get_gametime();
                        switch ( random_num( 0, 2 ) )
                            case 0: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt1Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                            case 1: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt2Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                            case 2: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                        gPlayerAmmo{ Player }--;
                        gJustThrown{ Player } = true;
                        UpdateHud ( Player );
                        gNextShot[ Player ] = CurrentTime + get_pcvar_float( pCvarRefireRate );
                        gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + 1.0;
                        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        public CSqueak_Deploy ( const Weapon )
            // --| Get the knife's owner index.
            new Player = get_pdata_cbase( Weapon, m_pPlayer, 4 );
            if ( Player && gHasSnark{ Player } )
                // --| Change knife to snark weapon.
                ChangeWeaponToSnark ( Player );
                // --| Play the deploy animation.
                UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_up );
                emit_sound ( Weapon, CHAN_VOICE , random_float ( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= 0.5 ? gSnarkHunt2Sound : gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                // --| Block the primary attack.
                set_pdata_float( Weapon, m_flNextPrimaryAttack, 9999.0, 4 );
                set_pdata_float( Player, m_flNextAttack, 9999.0 );
                // --| Update Ammo on HUD.
                UpdateHud ( Player );
                // --| We are holding the weapon.
                gWeaponActive{ Player } = true;
        public CSqueak_Holster ( const Weapon )
            // --| Get the knife's owner index.
            new Player = get_pdata_cbase( Weapon, m_pPlayer, 4 );
            if ( Player && gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } )
                // --| We are not holding the weapon anymore.
                gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
                set_pdata_float( Player, m_flNextAttack, get_gametime() + 0.5 );
                if ( !gPlayerAmmo{ Player } && user_has_weapon( Player, gWeaponIndex ) )
                    RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) );
                    // --| Play the holster animation.
                    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_down );
                    emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, "common/null.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
        public CSqueak_Killed ( const Snark, const Killer, const bool:ShouldGib )
            new Float:Direction[ Coord_e ];
            new Float:Origin   [ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_model, 0 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_Remove, RemoveSnark );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, get_gametime() + 0.1 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO );
            emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_ITEM, gSnarkBlastSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM / 2, 0, PITCH_NORM );
            emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkBodySplatSound, 0.75, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM * 2 );
            UTIL_RandomBloodVector( Direction );
            FX_BloodDrips ( Origin, BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW_N, .Amount = 60 );
            FX_StreakSplash ( Origin, Direction, .Color = 5, .Count = 16, .Speed = 50, .VelocityRange = 200 );
            UTIL_RadiusDamage ( Origin, Snark, pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner ), get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ), get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamageRadius ), DMG_BLAST );
        /* public CZombie_Killed ( const Zombie, const Human, const bool:ShouldGid )
            if ( ze_is_user_zombie( Zombie ) && gHasSnark{ Zombie } )
        } */
        public CSqueak_TakeDamage ( const Snark, const Inflictor, const Attacker, const Float:Damage, const DamageBits )
            if ( is_valid_ent( Snark ) && pev( Snark, pev_groupinfo ) == gSnarkClassNameReference )
                if ( pev( Snark, pev_health ) - gSnarkHealthReference <= 0 )
                    CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, Attacker, .ShouldGib = true );
        public CSqueak_HookButtons ( const Player, const UC_Handle, const Seed )
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            static Buttons;
            if ( gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } && ( Buttons = get_uc( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons ) ) & IN_ATTACK )
                CurrentTime = get_gametime();
                if ( gNextShot[ Player ] > CurrentTime )
                    return FMRES_HANDLED;
                if ( CSqueak_PrimaryAttack ( Player ) == PLUGIN_HANDLED )
                    return FMRES_HANDLED;
                set_uc( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons, Buttons & ~IN_ATTACK );
                return FMRES_HANDLED;
            return FMRES_IGNORED;
        public CSqueak_HuntThink ( const Snark )
            if ( !is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            static Float:Origin  [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Angles  [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Flat    [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            static Float:DieDelay;
            static Float:NextHunt;
            static Float:SPitch;
            static Enemy;
            pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            if ( !UTIL_IsInWorld ( Origin, Velocity ) )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            CurrentTime = get_gametime();
            set_pev( Snark, pev_nextthink, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, NextHunt );
            pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, DieDelay );
            pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            if ( CurrentTime >= DieDelay )
                if ( pev( Snark, pev_Remove ) )
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
                    return HAM_IGNORED;
                set_pev( Snark, pev_health, -1.0 );
                CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, 0, true );
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            if ( pev( Snark, pev_waterlevel ) != 0 )
                if ( pev( Snark, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE )
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_FLY );
                VectorScale ( Velocity, 0.9, Velocity );
                Velocity[ z ] += 8.0;
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            else if ( pev( Snark, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_FLY )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE );
            if ( NextHunt > CurrentTime )
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime + 2.0 );
            VectorCopy ( Velocity, Flat );
            Flat[ z ] = 0.0;
            VectorNormalize ( Flat, Flat );
            engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, Angles );
            if ( ( Enemy = pev( Snark, pev_enemy ) ) == NULL_ENT || !is_user_alive( Enemy ) || ze_is_user_zombie( Enemy ) )
                Enemy = UTIL_BestVisibleEnemy ( Snark, 512.0 );
            if ( 0.3 <= DieDelay - CurrentTime <= 0.5 )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_scale, 2.0 );
                emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkDieSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM + random_num( 0, 0x3F ) );
            SPitch = 155.0 - 60.0 * ( ( DieDelay - CurrentTime ) / get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) );
            if ( SPitch < 80.0 )  { SPitch = 80.0; }
            if ( Enemy != NULL_ENT && !ze_is_user_zombie( Enemy ) )
                static Float:Target[ Coord_e ];
                static Float:Vel;
                static Float:Adj;
                pev( Snark, pev_EnemyTarget, Target );
                if ( UTIL_FVisible( Snark, Enemy ) )
                    static Float:EyePosition[ Coord_e ];
                    UTIL_EyePosition ( Enemy, EyePosition );
                    VectorSubtract ( EyePosition, Origin, Target );
                    VectorNormalize ( Target, Target );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_EnemyTarget, Target );
                Vel = VectorLength ( Velocity );
                Adj = 50.0 / ( Vel + 10.0 );
                if ( Adj > 1.2 )  { Adj = 1.2; }
                Velocity[ x ] = Velocity[ x ] * Adj + Target[ x ] * 300.0;
                Velocity[ y ] = Velocity[ y ] * Adj + Target[ y ] * 300.0;
                Velocity[ z ] = Velocity[ z ] * Adj + Target[ z ] * 300.0;
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            if ( pev( Snark, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, Float:{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } );
                static Float:AVelocity[ Coord_e ];
                pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, AVelocity );
                if ( AVelocity[ x ] == 0.0 && AVelocity[ y ] == 0.0 && AVelocity[ z ] == 0.0 )
                    AVelocity[ x ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                    AVelocity[ z ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, AVelocity );
            static Float:PosPrev[ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_PosPrev, PosPrev );
            VectorSubtract ( Origin, PosPrev, PosPrev );
            if ( VectorLength ( PosPrev ) < 1.0 )
                Velocity[ x ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                Velocity[ y ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_PosPrev, Origin );
            vector_to_angle( Velocity, Angles );
            Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
            Angles[ x ] = 0.0;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            return HAM_IGNORED;
        public CSqueak_SuperBounceTouch ( const Snark, const Other )
            if ( !is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
            static Float:Angles [ Angle_e ];
            static Float:NextHit;
            static Float:DieDelay;
            static Float:NextAttack;
            static Float:NextBounceSoundTime;
            static Float:SPitch;
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            static Owner;
            Owner = pev( Snark, pev_owner );
            if ( Owner && Other == Owner )
            SPitch = PITCH_NORM * 1.0;
            CurrentTime = get_gametime();
            set_pev( Snark, pev_owner, NULL_ENT );
            pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextHit, NextHit );
            pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, DieDelay );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextAttack, NextAttack );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, NextBounceSoundTime );
            Angles[ x ] = 0.0;
            Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            if ( NextHit > CurrentTime )
            SPitch = 155.0 - 60.0 * ( ( DieDelay - CurrentTime ) / get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) );
            if ( 1 <= Other <= gMaxClients && pev( Other, pev_takedamage ) && NextAttack < CurrentTime )
                static Hit;
                Hit = global_get( glb_trace_ent );
                if ( Hit == Other && pev( Hit, pev_modelindex ) != pev( Snark, pev_modelindex ) && 1 <= Other <= gMaxClients )
                    Owner = pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner );
                    if ( !ze_is_user_zombie( Other ) && GetAlivePlayersNum(CsTeams:TEAM_CT) == 1 )
                        static Float:Forward    [ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:EndPos     [ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:OriginSnark[ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:OriginOther[ Coord_e ];
                        static Trace;
                        static Float:Damage;
                        Trace = create_tr2();
                        pev( Snark, pev_dmg, Damage );
                        pev( Snark, pev_origin, OriginSnark );
                        pev( Other, pev_origin, OriginOther );
                        engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, OriginSnark, OriginOther, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, Snark, Trace );
                        get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecPlaneNormal, Forward );
                        get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                        ExecuteHam( Ham_TraceBleed, Other, Damage, Forward, Trace, DMG_SLASH );
                        free_tr2( Trace );
                        FX_BloodDrips ( EndPos, BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N, .Amount = floatround( Damage ) ); 
                        ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Other, Snark, Owner, Damage, DMG_SLASH );
                        set_pev( Snark, pev_dmg, pev( Snark, pev_dmg ) + get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ) );
                        ze_set_user_zombie( Other );
                        ze_set_escape_coins( Owner, ze_get_escape_coins( Owner ) + 2 );
                        set_user_frags( Owner, get_user_frags( Owner ) + 1 );
                        set_pev( Snark, pev_enemy, NULL_ENT );
                    emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkAttackSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_NextAttack, CurrentTime + 0.5 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHit, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime );
            if ( CurrentTime < NextBounceSoundTime )
            if ( !( pev( Snark, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND ) )
                switch ( random( 10 ) )
                    case 0 .. 3 : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt1Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                    case 4 .. 7 : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt2Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                    default     : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, CurrentTime + 0.5 );
        CSqueak_Create ( const Player, const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Angles[ Coord_e], const Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ] )
            new Snark = create_entity( gGenericEntity );
            if ( is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_classname, gSnarkClassName );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_groupinfo, gSnarkClassNameReference );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_owner, Player );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
                CSqueak_Spawn ( Player, Snark, Origin );
                return Snark;
            return NULL_ENT;
        CSqueak_Spawn ( const Player, const Snark, const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ] )
            new Float:CurrentTime = get_gametime();
            set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX );
            entity_set_model ( Snark, gSnarkModel );
            entity_set_size  ( Snark, Float:{ -4.0, -4.0, 0.0 }, Float:{ 4.0, 4.0, 8.0 } );
            entity_set_origin( Snark, Origin );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_nextthink, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime + 1000000.0 ); // NextHunt
            set_pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, CurrentTime + get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) ); // DetonateDelay
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, CurrentTime ); // NextBounceSoundTime
            set_pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner, Player ); // RealOwner
            set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_MONSTER );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_AIM );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_health, get_pcvar_float( pCvarHealth ) + gSnarkHealthReference );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_gravity, get_pcvar_float( pCvarGravity ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_friction, get_pcvar_float( pCvarFriction ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_fov, get_pcvar_num( pCvarFieldOfView ) );
            // set_pev( Snark, pev_dmg, get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ) );
            // --| Force snark to run.
            set_pev( Snark, pev_sequence, wsqueak_run );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_framerate, 1.0 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_animtime, CurrentTime );
            if ( get_pcvar_num( pCvarShowTrail ) )
                message_begin ( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
                write_byte ( TE_BEAMFOLLOW );
                write_short ( Snark );
                write_short ( gSmokeTrail );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_LIFE );   // life
                write_byte ( TRAIL_WIDTH );  // width
                write_byte ( TRAIL_RED );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_GREEN );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_BLUE );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_BRIGTHNESS );
        public CSqueak_WeaponIdle ( const Player )
            if ( gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } )
                static Float:CurrentTime;
                CurrentTime = get_gametime();
                if ( gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] > CurrentTime )
                if ( gJustThrown{ Player } )
                    gJustThrown{ Player } = false;
                    if ( !gPlayerAmmo{ Player } )
                        RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) );
                    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_up );
                    gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + random_float ( 10.0, 15.0 );
                new Animation;
                new Float:NewTime;
                switch ( random_num( 0, 10 ) )
                    case 0 .. 6 :
                        Animation = squeak_idle1;
                        NewTime   = 30.0 / 16.0 * ( 2.0 );
                    case 7 .. 8 :
                        Animation = squeak_fidgetfit;
                        NewTime   = 70.0 / 16.0;
                    default :
                        Animation = squeak_fidgetnip;
                        NewTime   = 80.0 / 16.0;
                UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, Animation );
                gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + NewTime;
        ChangeWeaponToSnark ( const Player )
            set_pev( Player, pev_viewmodel2  , gModel_V );
            set_pev( Player, pev_weaponmodel2, gModel_P );
        UpdateHud ( const Player )
            message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gMsgidAmmoX, .player = Player );
            write_byte( 12 );
            write_byte( gPlayerAmmo{ Player } );
        RemoveWeapon ( const Player, const Weapon )
            ExecuteHamB( Ham_Weapon_RetireWeapon, Weapon );
            ExecuteHamB( Ham_RemovePlayerItem, Player, Weapon );
            ExecuteHamB( Ham_Item_Kill, Weapon );
            set_pev( Player, pev_weapons, pev( Player, pev_weapons ) & ~( 1 << gWeaponIndex ) );
            cs_set_user_bpammo( Player, gWeaponIndex, 0 );
            gHasSnark{ Player } = false;
            gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
        stock bool:UTIL_IsBSPModel ( const Entity )
            return ( pev( entity, pev_solid ) == SOLID_BSP || pev( Entity, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_STEP );
        UTIL_BestVisibleEnemy ( const Snark, const Float:DistanceToSearch /* , const Flags */ )
            static List[ MAX_CLIENTS_N ];
            static Float:Distance;
            static Float:Nearest;
            static ReturnEntity;
            static Count;
            static Entity;
            static i;
            Nearest = 8192.0;
            ReturnEntity = NULL_ENT;
            Count = find_sphere_class( Snark, "player", DistanceToSearch, List, sizeof List );
            for ( i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
                Entity = List[ i ];
                if ( ze_is_user_zombie( Entity ) )
                if ( UTIL_FInViewCone ( Snark, Entity ) && UTIL_FVisible( Snark, Entity ) )
                    if ( ( Distance = entity_range( Snark, Entity ) ) <= Nearest )
                        Nearest = Distance;
                        ReturnEntity = Entity;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_enemy, ReturnEntity );
            return ReturnEntity;
        UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( const Player, const Sequence )
            set_pev( Player, pev_weaponanim, Sequence );
            message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_WEAPONANIM, .player = Player );
            write_byte( Sequence );
            write_byte( pev( Player, pev_body ) );
        bool:UTIL_IsInWorld ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ] )
            static i;
            for ( i = x; i <= z; i++ )
                if ( !( -4096.0 < Origin[ i ] < 4096.0 ) && !( -2000.0 < Velocity[ x ] < 2000.0 ) )
                    return false;
            return true;
        UTIL_RandomBloodVector ( Float:Direction[ Coord_e ] )
            Direction[ x ] = random_float( -1.0, 1.0 );
            Direction[ y ] = random_float( -1.0, 1.0 );
            Direction[ z ] = random_float(  0.0, 1.0 );
        FX_BloodDrips ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const BloodColor, const Amount )
            message_begin_f( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, Origin, NULL_ENT );
            write_byte( TE_BLOODSPRITE );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ z ] );
            write_short( gBloodSpray );         // initial sprite model
            write_short( gBloodDrop );          // droplet sprite models
            write_byte( BloodColor );           // color index into host_basepal
            write_byte( min( max( 3, ( Amount > 255 ? 255 : Amount ) / 10 ), 16 ) );  // size
        FX_StreakSplash ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Direction[ Coord_e ], const Color, const Count, const Speed, const VelocityRange )
            message_begin_f( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, Origin, NULL_ENT );
            write_byte( TE_STREAK_SPLASH );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ z ] );
            write_coord_f( Direction[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( Direction[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( Direction[ z ] );
            write_byte( min( Color, 255 ) );
            write_short( Count );
            write_short( Speed );
            write_short( VelocityRange );// random velocity modifier
        stock FX_TraceBleed( const Victim, const Float:Damage, const Float:Dir[ Coord_e ], const TraceResult:Trace )
            new TraceResult:BloodTrace;
            new Float:TraceDir[ Coord_e ]; 
            new Float:EndPos  [ Coord_e ];
            new Float:Noise;
            new Float:Fraction;
            new Count;
            if ( Damage < 10 )
                Noise = 0.1;
                Count = 1;
            else if ( Damage < 25 )
                Noise = 0.2;
                Count = 2;
                Noise = 0.3;
                Count = 4;
            for ( new i = 0 ; i < Count ; i++ )
                VectorScale ( Dir, -1.0, TraceDir );
                TraceDir[ x ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
                TraceDir[ y ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
                TraceDir[ z ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
                get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                VectorMA ( EndPos, -172.0, TraceDir, TraceDir );
                engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, EndPos, TraceDir, IGNORE_MONSTERS, Victim, BloodTrace );
                get_tr2( BloodTrace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
                if ( Fraction != 1.0 )
                    FX_BloodDecalTrace( BloodTrace, EndPos, BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N );
        stock FX_BloodDecalTrace ( const TraceResult:Trace, const Float:EndPos[ Coord_e ], const BloodColor )
            new Hit;
            new BaseIndex;
            new DecalIndex;
            new Float:Fraction; 
            switch ( BloodColor )
                case BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW_N : BaseIndex = get_decal_index( "{yblood1" );
                case BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N    : BaseIndex = get_decal_index( "{blood1" );
            DecalIndex = BaseIndex + random_num( 0, 5 );
            Hit = max( 0, get_tr2( Trace, TR_pHit ) );
            get_tr2( Trace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
            if ( Fraction == 1.0 || ( Hit && !UTIL_IsBSPModel ( Hit ) ) )
            message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
            write_byte( Hit ? TE_DECAL : TE_WORLDDECAL );
            write_coord_f( EndPos[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( EndPos[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( EndPos[ z ] );
            write_byte( DecalIndex );
            if ( Hit )
                write_short( Hit );
        stock UTIL_RadiusDamage ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Inflictor, const Attacker, const Float:Damage, const Float:Radius, const DamageBits )
            static Entity;
            static Trace;
            static Float:AdjustedDamage;
            static bool:InWater;
            Entity = NULL_ENT;
            InWater = UTIL_LiquidContents( Origin );
            while ( ( Entity = find_ent_in_sphere( Entity, Origin, Radius ) ) != NULL_ENT )
                if ( Entity == Inflictor )
                if ( pev( Entity, pev_takedamage ) && !ze_is_user_zombie( Entity ) && !(GetAlivePlayersNum(CsTeams:TEAM_CT) == 1) )
                    static Float:EntOrigin[ Coord_e ];
                    static Float:EndPos   [ Coord_e ];
                    static Float:Fraction;
                    pev( Entity, pev_origin, EntOrigin );
                    engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, Origin, EntOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS, Inflictor, Trace );
                    get_tr2( Trace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
                    get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                    if ( Fraction == 1.0 || get_tr2( Trace, TR_pHit ) == Entity )
                        static Float:Delta[ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:Len;
                        if ( get_tr2( Trace, TR_StartSolid ) )
                            EndPos = Origin;
                            Fraction = 0.0;
                        AdjustedDamage = Damage;
                        VectorSubtract ( EndPos, Origin, Delta );
                        if ( ( Len = VectorLength ( Delta ) ) != 0.0 )
                            VectorScale ( Delta, 1 / Len, Delta );
                        if ( Len > 2.0 )
                            Len -= 2.0;
                        if ( ( AdjustedDamage *= ( 1.0 - Len / Radius ) ) <= 0 )
                        if ( InWater || pev( Entity, pev_waterlevel ) > 2 )
                            AdjustedDamage *= 0.5;
                        if ( Fraction != 1.0 )
                            ExecuteHam( Ham_TraceAttack, Entity, Inflictor, AdjustedDamage, Delta, Trace, DamageBits );
                            ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Entity, Inflictor, Attacker, AdjustedDamage, DamageBits );
                            ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Entity, Inflictor, Attacker, AdjustedDamage, DamageBits );
        stock UTIL_EntitiesInBox ( List[], const ListMax, const Float:Mins[ Coord_e ], const Float:Maxs[ Coord_e ], const Flags )
            static Float:Origin [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Delta  [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Mins   [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Maxs   [ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            Delta[ x ] = Delta[ y ] = Delta[ z ] = DistanceToSearch;
            VectorSubtract ( Origin, Delta, Mins );
            VectorAdd ( Origin, Delta, Maxs );
            Count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox ( List, sizeof List, Mins, Maxs, Flags );
            static Float:AbsMins[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:AbsMaxs[ Coord_e ];
            static Count;
            static Entity;
            Count = 0;
            for ( Entity = 1; Entity <= gMaxEntities; Entity++ )  if( is_valid_ent( Entity ) )
                if ( !( pev( Entity, pev_flags ) & Flags ) )
                pev( Entity, pev_absmin, AbsMins );
                pev( Entity, pev_absmax, AbsMaxs );
                if ( Mins[ x ] > AbsMaxs[ x ] || Mins[ y ] > AbsMaxs[ y ] || Mins[ z ] > AbsMaxs[ z ] ||
                     Maxs[ x ] < AbsMins[ x ] || Maxs[ y ] < AbsMins[ y ] || Maxs[ z ] < AbsMins[ z ] )
                List[ Count ] = Entity;
                if ( Count++ >= ListMax )
                    return Count;
            return Count;
        bool:UTIL_FVisible ( const Entity, const Other )
            static Float:LookerOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:TargetOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Fraction;
            static LookerWLevel;
            static TargetWLevel;
            if ( pev( Other, pev_flags ) & FL_NOTARGET )
                return false;
            LookerWLevel = pev ( Entity, pev_waterlevel );
            TargetWLevel = pev ( Other, pev_waterlevel );
            if ( ( LookerWLevel != 3 && TargetWLevel == 3 ) || ( LookerWLevel == 3 && TargetWLevel == 0  ) )
                return false;
            UTIL_EyePosition ( Entity, LookerOrigin );
            UTIL_EyePosition ( Other, TargetOrigin );
            engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, LookerOrigin, TargetOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS | IGNORE_GLASS, Entity, 0 );
            get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
            return Fraction == 1.0 ? true : false;
        bool:UTIL_FInViewCone ( const Entity, const Other )
            static Float:Angles [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:HOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Origin [ Coord_e ];
            pev( Entity, pev_angles, Angles );
            engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, Angles );
            global_get( glb_v_forward, Angles );
            Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
            pev( Entity, pev_origin, HOrigin );
            pev( Other, pev_origin, Origin );
            VectorSubtract ( Origin, HOrigin, Origin );
            Origin[ z ] = 0.0;
            VectorNormalize ( Origin, Origin );
            if ( DotProduct ( Origin, Angles ) > pev( Entity, pev_fov ) )
                return true;
            return false;
        UTIL_EyePosition ( const Entity, Float:Origin[ Coord_e ] )
            static Float:ViewOfs[ Coord_e ];
            pev( Entity, pev_origin, Origin );
            pev( Entity, pev_view_ofs, ViewOfs );
            VectorAdd ( Origin, ViewOfs, Origin );
        stock bool:UTIL_LiquidContents( const Float:Source[ Coord_e ] )
            new Contents = point_contents( Source );
            return ( Contents == CONTENTS_WATER || Contents == CONTENTS_SLIME || Contents == CONTENTS_LAVA );
        VectorNormalize ( const Float:Source[ Coord_e ], Float:Output[ Coord_e ] )
            static Float:InvLen;
            InvLen = 1.0 / VectorLength ( Source );
            Output[ x ] = Source[ x ] * InvLen;
            Output[ y ] = Source[ y ] * InvLen;
            Output[ z ] = Source[ z ] * InvLen;
it's the same as me bro !

just try any code hopefully it will work !
so is it fully converted

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Post by johnnysins2000 » 5 years ago

Rain1153 wrote: 5 years ago
johnnysins2000 wrote: 5 years ago
Raheem wrote: 5 years ago Here it's:
  • Code: Select all

       /* - - - - - - - - - - -
            AMX Mod X script.
              | Author  : Arkshine
              | Plugin  : WPN Squeak Grenade
              | Version : v1.0.6 - without WM.
            (!) Support :
            (!) Version without WeaponMod required and for Zombie Plague.
            This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
            under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
            Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
            your option) any later version.
            This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
            WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
            General Public License for more details.
            You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
            along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
            Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
            Description :
            - - - - - - -
                Basically, it's almost the same weapon that you can see in Half-life 1.
                Snarks are small, red, and bulbous, with a large (in relation to body porportion) 
                single green eye and a large pincer-like mandible. Snarks are normally calm creatures 
                that show little signs of intelligence, but if they see any living creature other
                than another Snark, they immediately begin to attack it. They attack aggressively, 
                persistently, and erratically, leaping and biting at their target.
                A full description can be found here : .
            Requirement :
            - - - - - - -
                * CS 1.6 / CZ.
                * AMX Mod X 1.8.x or higher.
            Changelog :
            - - - - - -
                v1.0.6 : [ 11 jul 2009 ]
                    (+) Initial release.
            Credits :
            - - - - -
                * HLSDK
                * DevconeS
                * VEN
                * Sproily ( Alternative models )
        - - - - - - - - - - - */
        #include <zombie_escape>
        #include <cstrike>
        #include <engine>
        #include <fun>
        #define Plugin   "[ZE] Extra: Squeak Grenade"
        #define Version  "1.0.6-wwm"
        #define Author   "Arkshine"
        // --| Zombie Plaque: Extra item configuration.
        #define ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_NAME  "Snark INFECTOR"
        #define ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_COST  14
        // --| Comment if you want to use the default model from valve.
        #define ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
        // --| Snark trail.
        #define TRAIL_LIFE        40    // Life
        #define TRAIL_WIDTH       4     // Width
        #define TRAIL_RED         10    // Red
        #define TRAIL_GREEN       224   // Red
        #define TRAIL_BLUE        10    // Green
        #define TRAIL_BRIGTHNESS  200   // Blue
         /* - - -
         |  WEAPON MODELS  |
                     - - - */
            #if !defined ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
                new const gModel_P[] = "models/p_squeak.mdl";
                new const gModel_V[] = "models/v_squeak.mdl";
                new const gModel_P[] = "models/p_alt_squeak.mdl";
                new const gModel_V[] = "models/v_alt_squeak_gflip.mdl";
        /* - - -
         |  SNARK SOUNDS  |
                    - - - */
                new const gSnarkHunt1Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt1.wav";
                new const gSnarkHunt2Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt2.wav";
                new const gSnarkHunt3Sound    [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt3.wav";
                new const gSnarkDieSound      [] = "squeek/sqk_die1.wav";
                new const gSnarkAttackSound   [] = "squeek/sqk_deploy1.wav";
                new const gSnarkBlastSound    [] = "weapons/sqk_blast2.wav";
                new const gSnarkBodySplatSound[] = "common/bodysplat.wav";
        /* - - -
         |  SNARK MODEL  |
                   - - - */
            #if !defined ALTERNATIVE_MODEL
                gSnarkModel[] = "models/w_squeak.mdl";
                gSnarkModel[] = "models/w_alt_squeak.mdl";
        /* - - -
         |    SEQUENCE   |
                   - - - */
        /* - -
         |  CONSTANTS  |
                   - - */
            const BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N        = 247;
            const BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW_N     = 195;
            const MAX_CLIENTS_N            = 32;
            const MAX_KNIFE_MODEL_LENGTH = 128;
            const NONE                   = -1;
            const NULL_ENT               = 0;
            enum _:Coord_e
            enum _:Angle_e
                HuntThink = 1,
            new const Float:gHullMin    [ Coord_e ] = { -16.0, -16.0, -36.0 };
            new const Float:gDuckHullMin[ Coord_e ] = { -16.0, -16.0, -18.0 };
            new const gWeaponCommand [] = "weapon_hegrenade";
            new const gWeaponIndex      = CSW_HEGRENADE;
            new const gGenericEntity [] = "info_target";
            new const gSnarkClassName[] = "wpn_snark";
         /* - - - -
                           - - - - */
            const m_flNextAttack        = 83    // Player.
            const m_pActiveWeapon       = 373;  // Player.
            const m_pPlayer             = 41;   // Weapon.
            const m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 46;   // Weapon.
        /* - - -
         |  CUSTOM FIELD  |
                    - - - */
            #define pev_NextHunt            pev_fuser1
            #define pev_NextBounceSoundTime pev_fuser2
            #define pev_NextHit             pev_fuser3
            #define pev_NextAttack          pev_fuser4
            #define pev_DetonateDelay       pev_ltime
            #define pev_RealOwner           pev_iuser1
            #define pev_Remove              pev_iuser2
            #define pev_EnemyTarget         pev_vuser1
            #define pev_PosPrev             pev_vuser2
        /* - - -
         |  CVAR POINTER  |
                    - - - */
            new pCvarAmmo;
            new pCvarRefireRate;
            new pCvarHealth;
            new pCvarVelocity;
            new pCvarDamagePop;
            new pCvarDamageRadius;
            new pCvarGravity;
            new pCvarFriction;
            new pCvarDetonateDelay;
            new pCvarFieldOfView;
            new pCvarShowTrail;
        /* - - - -
                          - - - - */
            new gBloodSpray;
            new gBloodDrop;
            new gSmokeTrail;
        /* - - - -
         |  OTHERS STUFFS  |
                     - - - */
            new bool:gHasSnark    [ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new bool:gWeaponActive[ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new bool:gJustThrown  [ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new Float:gNextShot      [ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 ];
            new Float:gTimeWeaponIdle[ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 ];
            new gPlayerAmmo[ MAX_CLIENTS_N + 1 char ];
            new const gSnarkHealthReference = 10000;
            new gSnarkClassNameReference;
            new gMaxEntities;
            new gMaxClients;
            new gMsgidAmmoX;
            new gSnarInfector;
        /* - -
         |  MACROS  |
                - - */
            #define VectorSubtract(%1,%2,%3)  ( %3[ x ] = %1[ x ] - %2[ x ], %3[ y ] = %1[ y ] - %2[ y ], %3[ z ] = %1[ z ] - %2[ z ] )
            #define VectorAdd(%1,%2,%3)       ( %3[ x ] = %1[ x ] + %2[ x ], %3[ y ] = %1[ y ] + %2[ y ], %3[ z ] = %1[ z ] + %2[ z ] )
            #define VectorCopy(%1,%2)         ( %2[ x ] = %1[ x ],  %2[ y ] = %1[ y ], %2[ z ] = %1[ z ] )
            #define VectorScale(%1,%2,%3)     ( %3[ x ] = %2 * %1[ x ], %3[ y ] = %2 * %1[ y ], %3[ z ] = %2 * %1[ z ] )
            #define VectorMA(%1,%2,%3,%4)     ( %4[ x ] = %1[ x ] + %2 * %3[ x ], %4[ y ] = %1[ y ] + %2 * %3[ y ], %4[ z ] = %1[ z ] + %2 * %3[ z ] )
            #define VectorMS(%1,%2,%3,%4)     ( %4[ x ] = %1[ x ] - %2 * %3[ x ], %4[ y ] = %1[ y ] - %2 * %3[ y ], %4[ z ] = %1[ z ] - %2 * %3[ z ] )
            #define VectorLength(%1)          ( floatsqroot ( %1[ x ] * %1[ x ] + %1[ y ] * %1[ y ] + %1[ z ] * %1[ z ] ) )
            #define VectorEqual(%1,%2)        ( %1[ x ] == %2[ x ] && %1[ y ] == %2[ y ] && %1[ z ] == %2[ z ] )
            #define DotProduct(%1,%2)         ( %1[ x ] * %2[ x ]+ %1[ y ] * %2[ y ] + %1[ z ] * %2[ z ] )
            #define message_begin_f(%1,%2,%3) ( engfunc ( EngFunc_MessageBegin, %1, %2, %3 ) )
            #define write_coord_f(%1)         ( engfunc ( EngFunc_WriteCoord, %1 ) )
        public plugin_precache ()
            // --| Weapon models.
            precache_model( gModel_P );
            precache_model( gModel_V );
            // --| Snark model.
            precache_model( gSnarkModel );
            // --| Snark sounds.
            precache_sound( gSnarkBlastSound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkBodySplatSound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkDieSound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkHunt1Sound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkHunt2Sound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkHunt3Sound );
            precache_sound( gSnarkAttackSound );
            gBloodSpray = precache_model( "sprites/bloodspray.spr" );   // initial blood
            gBloodDrop  = precache_model( "sprites/blood.spr" );        // splattered blood
        public plugin_init ()
            register_plugin( Plugin, Version, Author );
            register_cvar( "ze_snark_version", Version, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY );
            gSnarInfector = ze_register_item(ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_NAME, ZE_EXTRA_ITEM_COST, 0);
            pCvarAmmo          = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_ammo"           , "5"   );
            pCvarRefireRate    = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_refire_rate"    , "0.3" );
            pCvarHealth        = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_health"         , "10"  );
            pCvarVelocity      = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_velocity"       , "200" );
            pCvarDamagePop     = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_damage_pop"     , "6"   );
            pCvarDamageRadius  = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_damage_radius"  , "15"  );
            pCvarGravity       = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_gravity"        , "0.5" );
            pCvarFriction      = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_friction"       , "0.5" );
            pCvarDetonateDelay = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_detonate_delay" , "15"  );
            pCvarFieldOfView   = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_fov"            , "0"   );
            pCvarShowTrail     = register_cvar( "wpn_sg_show_trail"     , "1"   );
            RegisterHam( Ham_Item_Deploy , gWeaponCommand, "CSqueak_Deploy", 1 );
            RegisterHam( Ham_Item_Holster, gWeaponCommand, "CSqueak_Holster", 1 );
            RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, gGenericEntity, "CSqueak_TakeDamage", 1 );
            register_forward( FM_CmdStart, "CSqueak_HookButtons" );
            register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "CSqueak_WeaponIdle" );
            register_think( gSnarkClassName, "CSqueak_HuntThink" );
            register_touch( gSnarkClassName, "*", "CSqueak_SuperBounceTouch" );
            // register_clcmd( "say test", "CSqueak_GiveWeapon" );
            gMaxEntities = global_get( glb_maxEntities );
            gMaxClients  = global_get( glb_maxClients );
            gSnarkClassNameReference = engfunc( EngFunc_AllocString, gSnarkClassName );
            gMsgidAmmoX = get_user_msgid( "AmmoX" );
            if ( get_pcvar_num( pCvarShowTrail ) )
                gSmokeTrail = engfunc( EngFunc_PrecacheModel, "sprites/smoke.spr" );
    	public ze_select_item_pre(id, itemid)
    		// Return Available and we will block it in Post, So it dosen't affect other plugins
    		if (itemid != gSnarInfector)
    			return ZE_ITEM_AVAILABLE
    		// Available for Humans only, So don't show it for zombies
    		if (ze_is_user_zombie(id))
    			return ZE_ITEM_DONT_SHOW
    		return ZE_ITEM_AVAILABLE
    	public ze_select_item_post(id, itemid)
    		// This is not our item, Block it here
    		if (itemid != gSnarInfector)
    		CSqueak_GiveWeapon ( id );
        public ze_roundend ( WinTeam )
            new Snark = -1;
            while ( ( Snark = find_ent_by_class( Snark, gSnarkClassName ) ) != NULL_ENT )
                CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, 0, true );
            for ( new Player = 1; Player <= gMaxClients; Player++ )
                CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( Player );
        public ze_user_humanized ( Player )
            if ( !ze_is_user_zombie( Player ) )
                CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( Player );
        stock CheckAndRemoveWeapon ( const Player )
            if ( user_has_weapon( Player, gWeaponIndex ) )
                RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_user_weapon( Player ) == gWeaponIndex ? 
                    get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) : 
                    find_ent_by_owner ( -1, gWeaponCommand, Player ) );
        public client_connect ( Player )
            gHasSnark    { Player } = false;
            gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
            gJustThrown  { Player } = false;
            gPlayerAmmo  { Player } = get_pcvar_num( pCvarAmmo );
        public CSqueak_GiveWeapon( const Player )
            gHasSnark{ Player } = true;
            gPlayerAmmo{ Player } = get_pcvar_num( pCvarAmmo );
            give_item( Player, gWeaponCommand );
            engclient_cmd( Player, gWeaponCommand );
        public CSqueak_PrimaryAttack ( const Player )
            static Float:VAngle     [ Angle_e ];
            static Float:Origin     [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:TraceOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Forward    [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Start      [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:End        [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:EndPos     [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Velocity   [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Fraction;
            if ( gPlayerAmmo{ Player } )
                if ( pev( Player, pev_waterlevel ) >= 3 )
                    emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkDieSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM + 5 );
                    gNextShot[ Player ] = get_gametime() + get_pcvar_float( pCvarRefireRate );
                    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
                pev( Player, pev_origin, Origin );
                pev( Player, pev_v_angle, VAngle );
                pev( Player, pev_velocity, Velocity );
                engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, VAngle );
                VectorCopy( Origin, TraceOrigin );
                if ( pev( Player, pev_flags ) & FL_DUCKING )
                    TraceOrigin[ x ] = TraceOrigin[ x ] - ( gHullMin[ x ] - gDuckHullMin[ x ] );
                    TraceOrigin[ y ] = TraceOrigin[ y ] - ( gHullMin[ y ] - gDuckHullMin[ y ] );
                    TraceOrigin[ z ] = TraceOrigin[ z ] - ( gHullMin[ z ] - gDuckHullMin[ z ] );
                global_get( glb_v_forward, Forward );
                VectorMA ( TraceOrigin, 20.0, Forward, Start );
                VectorMA ( TraceOrigin, 64.0, Forward, End );
                engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, Start, End, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, NULL_ENT, 0 );
                get_tr2( 0, TR_Fraction, Fraction );
                get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                if ( !get_tr2( 0, TR_AllSolid ) && !get_tr2( 0, TR_StartSolid ) && Fraction > 0.25 )
                    // --| Play the throw animation.
                    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_throw );
                    // --| player "shoot" animation
                    VectorMA ( Velocity, get_pcvar_float( pCvarVelocity ), Forward, Velocity );
                    if ( CSqueak_Create ( Player, EndPos, VAngle, Velocity ) )
                        new Float:CurrentTime = get_gametime();
                        switch ( random_num( 0, 2 ) )
                            case 0: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt1Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                            case 1: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt2Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                            case 2: emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                        gPlayerAmmo{ Player }--;
                        gJustThrown{ Player } = true;
                        UpdateHud ( Player );
                        gNextShot[ Player ] = CurrentTime + get_pcvar_float( pCvarRefireRate );
                        gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + 1.0;
                        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        public CSqueak_Deploy ( const Weapon )
            // --| Get the knife's owner index.
            new Player = get_pdata_cbase( Weapon, m_pPlayer, 4 );
            if ( Player && gHasSnark{ Player } )
                // --| Change knife to snark weapon.
                ChangeWeaponToSnark ( Player );
                // --| Play the deploy animation.
                UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_up );
                emit_sound ( Weapon, CHAN_VOICE , random_float ( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= 0.5 ? gSnarkHunt2Sound : gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
                // --| Block the primary attack.
                set_pdata_float( Weapon, m_flNextPrimaryAttack, 9999.0, 4 );
                set_pdata_float( Player, m_flNextAttack, 9999.0 );
                // --| Update Ammo on HUD.
                UpdateHud ( Player );
                // --| We are holding the weapon.
                gWeaponActive{ Player } = true;
        public CSqueak_Holster ( const Weapon )
            // --| Get the knife's owner index.
            new Player = get_pdata_cbase( Weapon, m_pPlayer, 4 );
            if ( Player && gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } )
                // --| We are not holding the weapon anymore.
                gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
                set_pdata_float( Player, m_flNextAttack, get_gametime() + 0.5 );
                if ( !gPlayerAmmo{ Player } && user_has_weapon( Player, gWeaponIndex ) )
                    RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) );
                    // --| Play the holster animation.
                    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_down );
                    emit_sound( Player, CHAN_WEAPON, "common/null.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
        public CSqueak_Killed ( const Snark, const Killer, const bool:ShouldGib )
            new Float:Direction[ Coord_e ];
            new Float:Origin   [ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_model, 0 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_Remove, RemoveSnark );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, get_gametime() + 0.1 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO );
            emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_ITEM, gSnarkBlastSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM / 2, 0, PITCH_NORM );
            emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkBodySplatSound, 0.75, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM * 2 );
            UTIL_RandomBloodVector( Direction );
            FX_BloodDrips ( Origin, BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW_N, .Amount = 60 );
            FX_StreakSplash ( Origin, Direction, .Color = 5, .Count = 16, .Speed = 50, .VelocityRange = 200 );
            UTIL_RadiusDamage ( Origin, Snark, pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner ), get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ), get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamageRadius ), DMG_BLAST );
        /* public CZombie_Killed ( const Zombie, const Human, const bool:ShouldGid )
            if ( ze_is_user_zombie( Zombie ) && gHasSnark{ Zombie } )
        } */
        public CSqueak_TakeDamage ( const Snark, const Inflictor, const Attacker, const Float:Damage, const DamageBits )
            if ( is_valid_ent( Snark ) && pev( Snark, pev_groupinfo ) == gSnarkClassNameReference )
                if ( pev( Snark, pev_health ) - gSnarkHealthReference <= 0 )
                    CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, Attacker, .ShouldGib = true );
        public CSqueak_HookButtons ( const Player, const UC_Handle, const Seed )
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            static Buttons;
            if ( gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } && ( Buttons = get_uc( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons ) ) & IN_ATTACK )
                CurrentTime = get_gametime();
                if ( gNextShot[ Player ] > CurrentTime )
                    return FMRES_HANDLED;
                if ( CSqueak_PrimaryAttack ( Player ) == PLUGIN_HANDLED )
                    return FMRES_HANDLED;
                set_uc( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons, Buttons & ~IN_ATTACK );
                return FMRES_HANDLED;
            return FMRES_IGNORED;
        public CSqueak_HuntThink ( const Snark )
            if ( !is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            static Float:Origin  [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Angles  [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Flat    [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            static Float:DieDelay;
            static Float:NextHunt;
            static Float:SPitch;
            static Enemy;
            pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            if ( !UTIL_IsInWorld ( Origin, Velocity ) )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            CurrentTime = get_gametime();
            set_pev( Snark, pev_nextthink, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, NextHunt );
            pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, DieDelay );
            pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            if ( CurrentTime >= DieDelay )
                if ( pev( Snark, pev_Remove ) )
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
                    return HAM_IGNORED;
                set_pev( Snark, pev_health, -1.0 );
                CSqueak_Killed ( Snark, 0, true );
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            if ( pev( Snark, pev_waterlevel ) != 0 )
                if ( pev( Snark, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE )
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_FLY );
                VectorScale ( Velocity, 0.9, Velocity );
                Velocity[ z ] += 8.0;
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            else if ( pev( Snark, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_FLY )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE );
            if ( NextHunt > CurrentTime )
                return HAM_IGNORED;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime + 2.0 );
            VectorCopy ( Velocity, Flat );
            Flat[ z ] = 0.0;
            VectorNormalize ( Flat, Flat );
            engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, Angles );
            if ( ( Enemy = pev( Snark, pev_enemy ) ) == NULL_ENT || !is_user_alive( Enemy ) || ze_is_user_zombie( Enemy ) )
                Enemy = UTIL_BestVisibleEnemy ( Snark, 512.0 );
            if ( 0.3 <= DieDelay - CurrentTime <= 0.5 )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_scale, 2.0 );
                emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkDieSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM + random_num( 0, 0x3F ) );
            SPitch = 155.0 - 60.0 * ( ( DieDelay - CurrentTime ) / get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) );
            if ( SPitch < 80.0 )  { SPitch = 80.0; }
            if ( Enemy != NULL_ENT && !ze_is_user_zombie( Enemy ) )
                static Float:Target[ Coord_e ];
                static Float:Vel;
                static Float:Adj;
                pev( Snark, pev_EnemyTarget, Target );
                if ( UTIL_FVisible( Snark, Enemy ) )
                    static Float:EyePosition[ Coord_e ];
                    UTIL_EyePosition ( Enemy, EyePosition );
                    VectorSubtract ( EyePosition, Origin, Target );
                    VectorNormalize ( Target, Target );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_EnemyTarget, Target );
                Vel = VectorLength ( Velocity );
                Adj = 50.0 / ( Vel + 10.0 );
                if ( Adj > 1.2 )  { Adj = 1.2; }
                Velocity[ x ] = Velocity[ x ] * Adj + Target[ x ] * 300.0;
                Velocity[ y ] = Velocity[ y ] * Adj + Target[ y ] * 300.0;
                Velocity[ z ] = Velocity[ z ] * Adj + Target[ z ] * 300.0;
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            if ( pev( Snark, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, Float:{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } );
                static Float:AVelocity[ Coord_e ];
                pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, AVelocity );
                if ( AVelocity[ x ] == 0.0 && AVelocity[ y ] == 0.0 && AVelocity[ z ] == 0.0 )
                    AVelocity[ x ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                    AVelocity[ z ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_avelocity, AVelocity );
            static Float:PosPrev[ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_PosPrev, PosPrev );
            VectorSubtract ( Origin, PosPrev, PosPrev );
            if ( VectorLength ( PosPrev ) < 1.0 )
                Velocity[ x ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                Velocity[ y ] = random_float( -100.0, 100.0 );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_PosPrev, Origin );
            vector_to_angle( Velocity, Angles );
            Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
            Angles[ x ] = 0.0;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            return HAM_IGNORED;
        public CSqueak_SuperBounceTouch ( const Snark, const Other )
            if ( !is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
            static Float:Angles [ Angle_e ];
            static Float:NextHit;
            static Float:DieDelay;
            static Float:NextAttack;
            static Float:NextBounceSoundTime;
            static Float:SPitch;
            static Float:CurrentTime;
            static Owner;
            Owner = pev( Snark, pev_owner );
            if ( Owner && Other == Owner )
            SPitch = PITCH_NORM * 1.0;
            CurrentTime = get_gametime();
            set_pev( Snark, pev_owner, NULL_ENT );
            pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextHit, NextHit );
            pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, DieDelay );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextAttack, NextAttack );
            pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, NextBounceSoundTime );
            Angles[ x ] = 0.0;
            Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
            if ( NextHit > CurrentTime )
            SPitch = 155.0 - 60.0 * ( ( DieDelay - CurrentTime ) / get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) );
            if ( 1 <= Other <= gMaxClients && pev( Other, pev_takedamage ) && NextAttack < CurrentTime )
                static Hit;
                Hit = global_get( glb_trace_ent );
                if ( Hit == Other && pev( Hit, pev_modelindex ) != pev( Snark, pev_modelindex ) && 1 <= Other <= gMaxClients )
                    Owner = pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner );
                    if ( !ze_is_user_zombie( Other ) && GetAlivePlayersNum(CsTeams:TEAM_CT) == 1 )
                        static Float:Forward    [ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:EndPos     [ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:OriginSnark[ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:OriginOther[ Coord_e ];
                        static Trace;
                        static Float:Damage;
                        Trace = create_tr2();
                        pev( Snark, pev_dmg, Damage );
                        pev( Snark, pev_origin, OriginSnark );
                        pev( Other, pev_origin, OriginOther );
                        engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, OriginSnark, OriginOther, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, Snark, Trace );
                        get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecPlaneNormal, Forward );
                        get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                        ExecuteHam( Ham_TraceBleed, Other, Damage, Forward, Trace, DMG_SLASH );
                        free_tr2( Trace );
                        FX_BloodDrips ( EndPos, BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N, .Amount = floatround( Damage ) ); 
                        ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Other, Snark, Owner, Damage, DMG_SLASH );
                        set_pev( Snark, pev_dmg, pev( Snark, pev_dmg ) + get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ) );
                        ze_set_user_zombie( Other );
                        ze_set_escape_coins( Owner, ze_get_escape_coins( Owner ) + 2 );
                        set_user_frags( Owner, get_user_frags( Owner ) + 1 );
                        set_pev( Snark, pev_enemy, NULL_ENT );
                    emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_WEAPON, gSnarkAttackSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                    set_pev( Snark, pev_NextAttack, CurrentTime + 0.5 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHit, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime );
            if ( CurrentTime < NextBounceSoundTime )
            if ( !( pev( Snark, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND ) )
                switch ( random( 10 ) )
                    case 0 .. 3 : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt1Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                    case 4 .. 7 : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt2Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
                    default     : emit_sound( Snark, CHAN_VOICE, gSnarkHunt3Sound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, floatround( SPitch ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, CurrentTime + 0.5 );
        CSqueak_Create ( const Player, const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Angles[ Coord_e], const Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ] )
            new Snark = create_entity( gGenericEntity );
            if ( is_valid_ent( Snark ) )
                set_pev( Snark, pev_classname, gSnarkClassName );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_groupinfo, gSnarkClassNameReference );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_owner, Player );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_angles, Angles );
                set_pev( Snark, pev_velocity, Velocity );
                CSqueak_Spawn ( Player, Snark, Origin );
                return Snark;
            return NULL_ENT;
        CSqueak_Spawn ( const Player, const Snark, const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ] )
            new Float:CurrentTime = get_gametime();
            set_pev( Snark, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX );
            entity_set_model ( Snark, gSnarkModel );
            entity_set_size  ( Snark, Float:{ -4.0, -4.0, 0.0 }, Float:{ 4.0, 4.0, 8.0 } );
            entity_set_origin( Snark, Origin );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_nextthink, CurrentTime + 0.1 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextHunt, CurrentTime + 1000000.0 ); // NextHunt
            set_pev( Snark, pev_DetonateDelay, CurrentTime + get_pcvar_float( pCvarDetonateDelay ) ); // DetonateDelay
            set_pev( Snark, pev_NextBounceSoundTime, CurrentTime ); // NextBounceSoundTime
            set_pev( Snark, pev_RealOwner, Player ); // RealOwner
            set_pev( Snark, pev_flags, pev( Snark, pev_flags ) | FL_MONSTER );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_AIM );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_health, get_pcvar_float( pCvarHealth ) + gSnarkHealthReference );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_gravity, get_pcvar_float( pCvarGravity ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_friction, get_pcvar_float( pCvarFriction ) );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_fov, get_pcvar_num( pCvarFieldOfView ) );
            // set_pev( Snark, pev_dmg, get_pcvar_float( pCvarDamagePop ) );
            // --| Force snark to run.
            set_pev( Snark, pev_sequence, wsqueak_run );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_framerate, 1.0 );
            set_pev( Snark, pev_animtime, CurrentTime );
            if ( get_pcvar_num( pCvarShowTrail ) )
                message_begin ( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
                write_byte ( TE_BEAMFOLLOW );
                write_short ( Snark );
                write_short ( gSmokeTrail );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_LIFE );   // life
                write_byte ( TRAIL_WIDTH );  // width
                write_byte ( TRAIL_RED );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_GREEN );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_BLUE );
                write_byte ( TRAIL_BRIGTHNESS );
        public CSqueak_WeaponIdle ( const Player )
            if ( gHasSnark{ Player } && gWeaponActive{ Player } )
                static Float:CurrentTime;
                CurrentTime = get_gametime();
                if ( gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] > CurrentTime )
                if ( gJustThrown{ Player } )
                    gJustThrown{ Player } = false;
                    if ( !gPlayerAmmo{ Player } )
                        RemoveWeapon ( Player, get_pdata_cbase( Player, m_pActiveWeapon ) );
                    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, squeak_up );
                    gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + random_float ( 10.0, 15.0 );
                new Animation;
                new Float:NewTime;
                switch ( random_num( 0, 10 ) )
                    case 0 .. 6 :
                        Animation = squeak_idle1;
                        NewTime   = 30.0 / 16.0 * ( 2.0 );
                    case 7 .. 8 :
                        Animation = squeak_fidgetfit;
                        NewTime   = 70.0 / 16.0;
                    default :
                        Animation = squeak_fidgetnip;
                        NewTime   = 80.0 / 16.0;
                UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, Animation );
                gTimeWeaponIdle[ Player ] = CurrentTime + NewTime;
        ChangeWeaponToSnark ( const Player )
            set_pev( Player, pev_viewmodel2  , gModel_V );
            set_pev( Player, pev_weaponmodel2, gModel_P );
        UpdateHud ( const Player )
            message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gMsgidAmmoX, .player = Player );
            write_byte( 12 );
            write_byte( gPlayerAmmo{ Player } );
        RemoveWeapon ( const Player, const Weapon )
            ExecuteHamB( Ham_Weapon_RetireWeapon, Weapon );
            ExecuteHamB( Ham_RemovePlayerItem, Player, Weapon );
            ExecuteHamB( Ham_Item_Kill, Weapon );
            set_pev( Player, pev_weapons, pev( Player, pev_weapons ) & ~( 1 << gWeaponIndex ) );
            cs_set_user_bpammo( Player, gWeaponIndex, 0 );
            gHasSnark{ Player } = false;
            gWeaponActive{ Player } = false;
        stock bool:UTIL_IsBSPModel ( const Entity )
            return ( pev( entity, pev_solid ) == SOLID_BSP || pev( Entity, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_STEP );
        UTIL_BestVisibleEnemy ( const Snark, const Float:DistanceToSearch /* , const Flags */ )
            static List[ MAX_CLIENTS_N ];
            static Float:Distance;
            static Float:Nearest;
            static ReturnEntity;
            static Count;
            static Entity;
            static i;
            Nearest = 8192.0;
            ReturnEntity = NULL_ENT;
            Count = find_sphere_class( Snark, "player", DistanceToSearch, List, sizeof List );
            for ( i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
                Entity = List[ i ];
                if ( ze_is_user_zombie( Entity ) )
                if ( UTIL_FInViewCone ( Snark, Entity ) && UTIL_FVisible( Snark, Entity ) )
                    if ( ( Distance = entity_range( Snark, Entity ) ) <= Nearest )
                        Nearest = Distance;
                        ReturnEntity = Entity;
            set_pev( Snark, pev_enemy, ReturnEntity );
            return ReturnEntity;
        UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( const Player, const Sequence )
            set_pev( Player, pev_weaponanim, Sequence );
            message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_WEAPONANIM, .player = Player );
            write_byte( Sequence );
            write_byte( pev( Player, pev_body ) );
        bool:UTIL_IsInWorld ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Velocity[ Coord_e ] )
            static i;
            for ( i = x; i <= z; i++ )
                if ( !( -4096.0 < Origin[ i ] < 4096.0 ) && !( -2000.0 < Velocity[ x ] < 2000.0 ) )
                    return false;
            return true;
        UTIL_RandomBloodVector ( Float:Direction[ Coord_e ] )
            Direction[ x ] = random_float( -1.0, 1.0 );
            Direction[ y ] = random_float( -1.0, 1.0 );
            Direction[ z ] = random_float(  0.0, 1.0 );
        FX_BloodDrips ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const BloodColor, const Amount )
            message_begin_f( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, Origin, NULL_ENT );
            write_byte( TE_BLOODSPRITE );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ z ] );
            write_short( gBloodSpray );         // initial sprite model
            write_short( gBloodDrop );          // droplet sprite models
            write_byte( BloodColor );           // color index into host_basepal
            write_byte( min( max( 3, ( Amount > 255 ? 255 : Amount ) / 10 ), 16 ) );  // size
        FX_StreakSplash ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Float:Direction[ Coord_e ], const Color, const Count, const Speed, const VelocityRange )
            message_begin_f( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, Origin, NULL_ENT );
            write_byte( TE_STREAK_SPLASH );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( Origin[ z ] );
            write_coord_f( Direction[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( Direction[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( Direction[ z ] );
            write_byte( min( Color, 255 ) );
            write_short( Count );
            write_short( Speed );
            write_short( VelocityRange );// random velocity modifier
        stock FX_TraceBleed( const Victim, const Float:Damage, const Float:Dir[ Coord_e ], const TraceResult:Trace )
            new TraceResult:BloodTrace;
            new Float:TraceDir[ Coord_e ]; 
            new Float:EndPos  [ Coord_e ];
            new Float:Noise;
            new Float:Fraction;
            new Count;
            if ( Damage < 10 )
                Noise = 0.1;
                Count = 1;
            else if ( Damage < 25 )
                Noise = 0.2;
                Count = 2;
                Noise = 0.3;
                Count = 4;
            for ( new i = 0 ; i < Count ; i++ )
                VectorScale ( Dir, -1.0, TraceDir );
                TraceDir[ x ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
                TraceDir[ y ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
                TraceDir[ z ] += random_float( -Noise, Noise );
                get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                VectorMA ( EndPos, -172.0, TraceDir, TraceDir );
                engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, EndPos, TraceDir, IGNORE_MONSTERS, Victim, BloodTrace );
                get_tr2( BloodTrace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
                if ( Fraction != 1.0 )
                    FX_BloodDecalTrace( BloodTrace, EndPos, BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N );
        stock FX_BloodDecalTrace ( const TraceResult:Trace, const Float:EndPos[ Coord_e ], const BloodColor )
            new Hit;
            new BaseIndex;
            new DecalIndex;
            new Float:Fraction; 
            switch ( BloodColor )
                case BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW_N : BaseIndex = get_decal_index( "{yblood1" );
                case BLOOD_COLOR_RED_N    : BaseIndex = get_decal_index( "{blood1" );
            DecalIndex = BaseIndex + random_num( 0, 5 );
            Hit = max( 0, get_tr2( Trace, TR_pHit ) );
            get_tr2( Trace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
            if ( Fraction == 1.0 || ( Hit && !UTIL_IsBSPModel ( Hit ) ) )
            message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
            write_byte( Hit ? TE_DECAL : TE_WORLDDECAL );
            write_coord_f( EndPos[ x ] );
            write_coord_f( EndPos[ y ] );
            write_coord_f( EndPos[ z ] );
            write_byte( DecalIndex );
            if ( Hit )
                write_short( Hit );
        stock UTIL_RadiusDamage ( const Float:Origin[ Coord_e ], const Inflictor, const Attacker, const Float:Damage, const Float:Radius, const DamageBits )
            static Entity;
            static Trace;
            static Float:AdjustedDamage;
            static bool:InWater;
            Entity = NULL_ENT;
            InWater = UTIL_LiquidContents( Origin );
            while ( ( Entity = find_ent_in_sphere( Entity, Origin, Radius ) ) != NULL_ENT )
                if ( Entity == Inflictor )
                if ( pev( Entity, pev_takedamage ) && !ze_is_user_zombie( Entity ) && !(GetAlivePlayersNum(CsTeams:TEAM_CT) == 1) )
                    static Float:EntOrigin[ Coord_e ];
                    static Float:EndPos   [ Coord_e ];
                    static Float:Fraction;
                    pev( Entity, pev_origin, EntOrigin );
                    engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, Origin, EntOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS, Inflictor, Trace );
                    get_tr2( Trace, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
                    get_tr2( Trace, TR_vecEndPos, EndPos );
                    if ( Fraction == 1.0 || get_tr2( Trace, TR_pHit ) == Entity )
                        static Float:Delta[ Coord_e ];
                        static Float:Len;
                        if ( get_tr2( Trace, TR_StartSolid ) )
                            EndPos = Origin;
                            Fraction = 0.0;
                        AdjustedDamage = Damage;
                        VectorSubtract ( EndPos, Origin, Delta );
                        if ( ( Len = VectorLength ( Delta ) ) != 0.0 )
                            VectorScale ( Delta, 1 / Len, Delta );
                        if ( Len > 2.0 )
                            Len -= 2.0;
                        if ( ( AdjustedDamage *= ( 1.0 - Len / Radius ) ) <= 0 )
                        if ( InWater || pev( Entity, pev_waterlevel ) > 2 )
                            AdjustedDamage *= 0.5;
                        if ( Fraction != 1.0 )
                            ExecuteHam( Ham_TraceAttack, Entity, Inflictor, AdjustedDamage, Delta, Trace, DamageBits );
                            ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Entity, Inflictor, Attacker, AdjustedDamage, DamageBits );
                            ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, Entity, Inflictor, Attacker, AdjustedDamage, DamageBits );
        stock UTIL_EntitiesInBox ( List[], const ListMax, const Float:Mins[ Coord_e ], const Float:Maxs[ Coord_e ], const Flags )
            static Float:Origin [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Delta  [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Mins   [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Maxs   [ Coord_e ];
            pev( Snark, pev_origin, Origin );
            Delta[ x ] = Delta[ y ] = Delta[ z ] = DistanceToSearch;
            VectorSubtract ( Origin, Delta, Mins );
            VectorAdd ( Origin, Delta, Maxs );
            Count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox ( List, sizeof List, Mins, Maxs, Flags );
            static Float:AbsMins[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:AbsMaxs[ Coord_e ];
            static Count;
            static Entity;
            Count = 0;
            for ( Entity = 1; Entity <= gMaxEntities; Entity++ )  if( is_valid_ent( Entity ) )
                if ( !( pev( Entity, pev_flags ) & Flags ) )
                pev( Entity, pev_absmin, AbsMins );
                pev( Entity, pev_absmax, AbsMaxs );
                if ( Mins[ x ] > AbsMaxs[ x ] || Mins[ y ] > AbsMaxs[ y ] || Mins[ z ] > AbsMaxs[ z ] ||
                     Maxs[ x ] < AbsMins[ x ] || Maxs[ y ] < AbsMins[ y ] || Maxs[ z ] < AbsMins[ z ] )
                List[ Count ] = Entity;
                if ( Count++ >= ListMax )
                    return Count;
            return Count;
        bool:UTIL_FVisible ( const Entity, const Other )
            static Float:LookerOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:TargetOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Fraction;
            static LookerWLevel;
            static TargetWLevel;
            if ( pev( Other, pev_flags ) & FL_NOTARGET )
                return false;
            LookerWLevel = pev ( Entity, pev_waterlevel );
            TargetWLevel = pev ( Other, pev_waterlevel );
            if ( ( LookerWLevel != 3 && TargetWLevel == 3 ) || ( LookerWLevel == 3 && TargetWLevel == 0  ) )
                return false;
            UTIL_EyePosition ( Entity, LookerOrigin );
            UTIL_EyePosition ( Other, TargetOrigin );
            engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, LookerOrigin, TargetOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS | IGNORE_GLASS, Entity, 0 );
            get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, Fraction );
            return Fraction == 1.0 ? true : false;
        bool:UTIL_FInViewCone ( const Entity, const Other )
            static Float:Angles [ Coord_e ];
            static Float:HOrigin[ Coord_e ];
            static Float:Origin [ Coord_e ];
            pev( Entity, pev_angles, Angles );
            engfunc( EngFunc_MakeVectors, Angles );
            global_get( glb_v_forward, Angles );
            Angles[ z ] = 0.0;
            pev( Entity, pev_origin, HOrigin );
            pev( Other, pev_origin, Origin );
            VectorSubtract ( Origin, HOrigin, Origin );
            Origin[ z ] = 0.0;
            VectorNormalize ( Origin, Origin );
            if ( DotProduct ( Origin, Angles ) > pev( Entity, pev_fov ) )
                return true;
            return false;
        UTIL_EyePosition ( const Entity, Float:Origin[ Coord_e ] )
            static Float:ViewOfs[ Coord_e ];
            pev( Entity, pev_origin, Origin );
            pev( Entity, pev_view_ofs, ViewOfs );
            VectorAdd ( Origin, ViewOfs, Origin );
        stock bool:UTIL_LiquidContents( const Float:Source[ Coord_e ] )
            new Contents = point_contents( Source );
            return ( Contents == CONTENTS_WATER || Contents == CONTENTS_SLIME || Contents == CONTENTS_LAVA );
        VectorNormalize ( const Float:Source[ Coord_e ], Float:Output[ Coord_e ] )
            static Float:InvLen;
            InvLen = 1.0 / VectorLength ( Source );
            Output[ x ] = Source[ x ] * InvLen;
            Output[ y ] = Source[ y ] * InvLen;
            Output[ z ] = Source[ z ] * InvLen;
it's the same as me bro !

just try any code hopefully it will work !
so is it fully converted
yes just try it ....
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Post by Rain1153 » 5 years ago

the server crashes as soon as i add that plugin plus it doesn't show in the extra items menu...And pls fix the necessaries

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Post by Night Fury » 5 years ago

Change this:

Code: Select all

public ze_select_item_pre(id, itemid)
		if (itemid != gSnarInfector)

		if (ze_is_user_zombie(id))
To this:

Code: Select all

public ze_select_item_pre(id, itemid)
		if (itemid != gSnarInfector)
		if (!ze_is_user_zombie(id))
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Post by Rain1153 » 5 years ago

but its the same the first code and the 2nd code

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Post by Rain1153 » 5 years ago

- - - */
new const gSnarkHunt1Sound [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt1.wav";
new const gSnarkHunt2Sound [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt2.wav";
new const gSnarkHunt3Sound [] = "squeek/sqk_hunt3.wav";
new const gSnarkDieSound [] = "squeek/sqk_die1.wav";
new const gSnarkAttackSound [] = "squeek/sqk_deploy1.wav";
new const gSnarkBlastSound [] = "weapons/sqk_blast2.wav";
new const gSnarkBodySplatSound[] = "common/bodysplat.wav";

and these sounds r missing maybe thats why server crashed...the developer dindn't add the resources he added models and 1 sound :/

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Post by Night Fury » 5 years ago

Sounds don't crash servers.
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Post by Rain1153 » 5 years ago

Then ita the plugin's fault

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Post by Raheem » 5 years ago

Years ago i tested this plugin it was crash my Zombie Plague server, So don't use it.
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