bug fix?

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bug fix?


Post by 1190011 » 3 years ago

Hello! Who can help me with this plugin (gt stats) ?

Code: Select all

/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < sockets >
#include < regex >

#define PLUGIN "GT Player Statistics"
#define VERSION "1.7.5"

#pragma tabsize 0 

enum (+= 1000)
    TASK_CHANGE = 1000,

enum _:iDatasId
enum _:iDatas
    szPrefix[ 32 ],
    szPattern[ 128 ]

new const g_szDatas[ iDatasId ][ iDatas ] =
    { "First Seen:", "\w{3} [0-3][0-9], [12][019][0-9][0-9]" },
    { "Last Seen:", "Online Now|(((Yester|To)day)|(\w{3} [0-3][0-9], [12][019][0-9][0-9])) (1[0-2]|[0-9]):[0-5]\d [A|P]M"    },
    { "Score:", "\n*\s*(\d+)\s*\n*" },
    { "Minutes Played:", "\n*\s*(\d+)\s*\n*" },
    { "Score per Minute:", "\s+(\d+\.?\d*)" /*"\n*\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s*\n*"*/ },
    { "Rank on Server:", "#\d+ out of \d+"    }

new g_szPlayerDatas[ iDatasId ][ 32 ][ 33 ];

new const g_szTag[ ] = "|GT Player Statistics:";
new const g_szHost[ ] = "www.gametracker.com";
new const g_szPlayer[ ] = "/player";

new const g_szServerNotFound[ ] = "No Statistics Available";
new const g_szPlayerNotFound[ ] = "Player Not Found";
new const g_szPlayerSearchFor[ ] = "Player Search for";

new g_szServerIp[ 32 ];
//new const g_szServerIp[ ] = "";

new g_szRequest[33][ 128 ];
new g_szData[33][ 4096 ];
new g_szName[ 33 ][ 32 ];
new g_iSocket[ 33 ];
new g_iPacketNum[ 33 ];
new g_iError[ 33 ];

public plugin_init( )
    register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Askhanar" );
    register_clcmd( "say", "HookClCmdSayOrSayTeam" );
    register_clcmd( "say_team", "HookClCmdSayOrSayTeam" );
    register_clcmd( "gt_stats", "ClCmdGTStats" );
    register_clcmd( "amx_gtstats", "ClCmdAmxGTStats" );
    get_user_ip( 0, g_szServerIp, sizeof ( g_szServerIp ) -1, 0 ); //--| Ii luam ip la sv cu tot cu port!
    register_menucmd( register_menuid( "GTStatsMenu" ), (1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<3)|(1<<4)|(1<<5)|(1<<6)|(1<<7)|(1<<8)|(1<<9), "GTStatsMenuHandler" );
    set_task( 300.0, "task_DisconnectAllPlayers", TASK_DISCONNECT );
    // Add your code here...

public task_DisconnectAllPlayers( )
    static iPlayers[ 32 ];
    static iPlayersNum;
    get_players( iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "ch" );
    if( !iPlayersNum )
    static id, i;
    for( i = 0; i < iPlayersNum; i++ )
        id = iPlayers[ i ];
        remove_task( id + TASK_CHANGE );
        remove_task( id + TASK_DISPLAY );
        if( g_iSocket[ id ] > 0 )
            socket_close( g_iSocket[ id ] );
            g_iSocket[ id ] = 0
            g_iPacketNum[ id ] = 0;
            g_iError[ id ] = 0;
            copy( g_szData[ id ], sizeof( g_szData[ ] ) -1, "" );

public client_disconnected( id )
    if( is_user_bot( id ) )
    remove_task( id + TASK_CHANGE );
    remove_task( id + TASK_CLOSE );
    remove_task( id + TASK_DISPLAY );
    socket_close( g_iSocket[ id ] );
    g_iSocket[ id ] = 0;
    g_iPacketNum[ id ] = 0;
    g_iError[ id ] = 0;

public HookClCmdSayOrSayTeam( id )
    static szArgs[ 192 ], szCommand[ 192 ];
    read_args( szArgs, sizeof ( szArgs ) -1 );
    if( !szArgs[ 0 ] )
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
    remove_quotes( szArgs );
    if( equal( szArgs, "/gtstats", strlen( "/gtstats" ) ) )
        replace( szArgs, sizeof ( szArgs ) -1, "/gt", ""  );
        formatex( szCommand, sizeof ( szCommand ) -1, "gt_%s", szArgs );
        client_cmd( id, szCommand );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public ClCmdGTStats( id )  
    new szFirstArg[ 32 ];
        read_argv( 1, szFirstArg, sizeof ( szFirstArg ) -1 );

    if( equali( szFirstArg, "" ) )
        get_user_name( id, g_szName[ id ], sizeof ( g_szName[ ] ) -1 );
        ReplaceName( id, true );
        BeginShowingStats( id, g_szName[ id ] );
        new iPlayer = cmd_target( id, szFirstArg, 8 );
        if(!iPlayer  )
            client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Player '%s' is not connected on server.", g_szTag, szFirstArg );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        else if( iPlayer == id )
            client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Use only '/gtstats' instead.", g_szTag );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

        get_user_name( iPlayer, g_szName[ id ], sizeof ( g_szName[ ] ) -1 );
        ReplaceName( id, true );
        BeginShowingStats( id, g_szName[ id ] );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public ClCmdAmxGTStats( id )  
    if( !( get_user_flags( id ) & ADMIN_RCON ) )
        client_cmd( id, "echo You have NO acces to this command!" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new szFirstArg[ 32 ];
        read_argv( 1, szFirstArg, sizeof( szFirstArg ) -1 );

    if( equali( szFirstArg, "" ) )
        client_cmd( id, "echo USAGE: amx_gtstats <^"Exact Name^"> " );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    copy( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, szFirstArg );
    ReplaceName( id, true );
    BeginShowingStats( id, g_szName[ id ] );
    client_cmd( id, "echo Requesting information about: %s!", szFirstArg );
    client_cmd( id, "echo Watch your chat for information!" );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public BeginShowingStats( id, const szName[ ] )
    if( g_iSocket[ id ] > 0 )
        socket_close( g_iSocket[ id ] );

    g_iSocket[ id ] = socket_open( g_szHost, 80, SOCKET_TCP, g_iError[ id ] );
    if( g_iError[ id ] == 0 && g_iSocket[ id ] > 0 )
        formatex( g_szRequest[ id ], sizeof ( g_szRequest[ ] ) -1,"GET %s/%s/%s/ HTTP/1.1^r^nHost: %s^r^n^r^n", g_szPlayer, szName, g_szServerIp, g_szHost );
        socket_send( g_iSocket[ id ], g_szRequest[ id ], sizeof( g_szRequest[ ] ) );
        g_iPacketNum[ id ] = 0;
        set_task( 0.1, "task_Change", id + TASK_CHANGE, _, _, "b", 0 );
        set_task( 5.0, "task_Close", id + TASK_CLOSE );
        client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Waiting for GameTracker to response..", g_szTag );
        switch( g_iError[ id ] )
            case 1:    log_amx("[ERROR] Unable to create socket." );
            case 2:    log_amx("[ERROR] Unable to connect to hostname." );
            case 3:    log_amx("[ERROR] Unable to connect to the HTTP port." );
        client_print( id, print_chat, "%s An error occuered while trying to establish connection!", g_szTag );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    remove_task( id + TASK_DISPLAY );
    set_task( 3.0, "task_Display", id + TASK_DISPLAY );

public task_Change( id )
    id -= TASK_CHANGE;
    if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    if( /*socket_change*/socket_is_readable( g_iSocket[ id ], 0 ) )
        if( socket_recv( g_iSocket[ id ], g_szData[ id ], sizeof( g_szData[ ] ) ) )
            if( ++g_iPacketNum[ id ] == 1 )
                if( containi( g_szData[ id ], g_szServerNotFound ) != -1 )
                    client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Current Server was not found on GameTracker database!", g_szTag );
                    task_Close( id + TASK_CLOSE );
                    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
                if( containi( g_szData[ id ], g_szPlayerNotFound ) != -1 || containi( g_szData[ id ], g_szPlayerSearchFor ) != -1 )
                    ReplaceName( id, false );
                    client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Player '%s' was not found on GameTracker database!", g_szTag, g_szName[ id ] );
                    task_Close( id + TASK_CLOSE );
                    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            static iDataStart;
            static iNum, szError[ 128 ];
            iNum = 0;new bool:bFixedStats = false;
            for( new i = iFirstSeen; i <= iRank; i++ )
                if( i >= iScore && !bFixedStats )
                    if( contain( g_szData[ id ], "CURRENT STATS" ) != -1 )
                        new iAllStats = containi( g_szData[ id ], "ALL TIME STATS" );
                        if( iAllStats != -1 )
                            bFixedStats = true;
                            format( g_szData[ id ], sizeof( g_szData[ ] ) -1, "%s", g_szData[ id ][ iAllStats ] );
                iDataStart = containi( g_szData[ id ], g_szDatas[ i ][ szPrefix ] );
                if( iDataStart != -1 )
                    new Regex:hRegex = regex_match( g_szData[ id ][ iDataStart ], g_szDatas[ i ][ szPattern ], iNum, szError, sizeof( szError ) -1 );
                    if( hRegex >= REGEX_OK )
                        regex_substr( hRegex, 0, g_szPlayerDatas[ i ][ id ], sizeof( g_szPlayerDatas[ ][ ] ) -1 );
                        server_print( "%s %s", g_szDatas[ i ][ szPrefix ], g_szPlayerDatas[ i ][ id ] );
                        regex_free( hRegex );
                        client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Regex occured an error, please try again", g_szTag );
                        task_Close( id + TASK_CLOSE );


public task_Close( id )
    id -= TASK_CLOSE;
    if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
    remove_task( id + TASK_CHANGE );
    remove_task( id + TASK_DISPLAY );
    socket_close( g_iSocket[ id ] );
    g_iSocket[ id ] = 0
    g_iPacketNum[ id ] = 0;
    g_iError[ id ] = 0;
    copy( g_szData[ id ], sizeof( g_szData[ ] ) -1, "" );

public task_Display( id )
    id -= TASK_DISPLAY;
    if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
    client_print( id, print_chat, "%s GameTracker has successfully responded..", g_szTag );
    GTStatsMenu( id );

public GTStatsMenu( id )
    ReplaceName( id, false );
    new szMenuName[ 512 ], szHostName[ 64 ];
    get_cvar_string( "hostname", szHostName, sizeof( szHostName ) -1 );
    replace_all( g_szPlayerDatas[ iRank ][ id ], sizeof( g_szPlayerDatas[ ][ ] ) -1, "#", "" );
    replace_all( g_szPlayerDatas[ iRank ][ id ], sizeof( g_szPlayerDatas[ ][ ] ) -1, " out of ", " \wfrom\r " );
    formatex( szMenuName, sizeof( szMenuName ) -1, "\y| \r%s \y|^n| \wPlayer Statistics for: \r%s \y|^n^n^n|\w First Seen:\r %s\y |^n|\w Last Seen:\r %s\y |^n|\w Score:\r %i\y |^n|\w Score per Minute:\r %.1f\y |^n|\w Minutes Played:\r %i\w (\r %s\w )\y |^n|\w Rank on Server:\r %s\y |^n^n^n\wPress\r 1\w to see this stats in\y MOTD^n\wStatistics directly token from:^n     \r%s",
        szHostName, g_szName[ id ] , g_szPlayerDatas[ iFirstSeen ][ id ], g_szPlayerDatas[ iLastSeen ][ id ],
        str_to_num( g_szPlayerDatas[ iScore ][ id ] ), floatstr( g_szPlayerDatas[ iScorePerMinute ][ id ] ),
        str_to_num( g_szPlayerDatas[ iMinutesPlayed ][ id ] ), GetPlayedTime( str_to_num( g_szPlayerDatas[ iMinutesPlayed ][ id ] ) ),
        g_szPlayerDatas[ iRank ][ id ], g_szHost );
    show_menu( id, (1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<3)|(1<<4)|(1<<5)|(1<<6)|(1<<7)|(1<<8)|(1<<9), szMenuName, -1, "GTStatsMenu" );

public GTStatsMenuHandler( id, iKey )
    /* Menu:
    * | %s |
    * | Player Statistics for: %s |
    * | First Seen: %s |
    * | Last Seen: %s |
    * | Score: %i |
    * | Score per Minute: %.1f |
    * | Time Played: %i ( %s ) |
    * | Rank on Server: %s |
    * Press 1 to see this stats in MOTD
    * Statistics directly token from:
    *      www.gametracker.com

    switch( iKey )
        case 0:
            ReplaceName( id, true );
            static szCustomUrl[ 128 ];
            formatex( szCustomUrl, sizeof( szCustomUrl ) -1, "http://%s%s/%s/%s/",
                g_szHost, g_szPlayer, g_szName[ id ], g_szServerIp );
            show_motd( id, szCustomUrl );
            GTStatsMenu( id );
        case 1..9:    return;

GetPlayedTime( const iTime )
    new szTime[ 64 ];
    new iSeconds = iTime * 60;
    new iMinutes = 0;
    new iHours = 0;
    while( iSeconds >= 60 )
        iSeconds -= 60;
    while( iMinutes >= 60 )
        iMinutes -= 60;
    new bool:UseFormatInsteadFormatex = false;
    if( iSeconds )
        formatex( szTime, sizeof( szTime ) -1, "%i s", iSeconds );
        UseFormatInsteadFormatex = true;
    if( iMinutes )
        if( UseFormatInsteadFormatex )
            format( szTime, sizeof( szTime ) -1, "%i m, %s", iMinutes,  szTime );
            formatex( szTime, sizeof( szTime ) -1, "%i m", iMinutes);
            UseFormatInsteadFormatex = true;
    if( iHours )
        if( UseFormatInsteadFormatex )
            format( szTime, sizeof( szTime ) -1, "%i h, %s", iHours,  szTime );
            formatex( szTime, sizeof( szTime ) -1, "%i h", iHours );
            UseFormatInsteadFormatex = true;
    if( !UseFormatInsteadFormatex )
        copy( szTime, sizeof( szTime ) -1, "Unknown" );
    return  szTime;

ReplaceName( id, const bool:bSafe = true )
    if( bSafe )
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "#", "%23" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "?", "%3F" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, ":", "%3A" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, ";", "%3B" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "/", "%2F" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, ",", "%2C" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "$", "%24" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "@", "%40" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "+", "%2B" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "=", "%3D" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "®", "®" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "%23","#" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "%3F", "?" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "%3A", ":" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "%3B", ";" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "%2F", "/" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "%2C", "," );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "%24", "$" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "%40", "@" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "%2B", "+" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "%3D", "=" );
        replace_all( g_szName[ id ], sizeof( g_szName[ ] ) -1, "®", "®" );

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Post by Raheem » 3 years ago


Please explain what the plugin do, and what the problem in it.
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Post by 1190011 » 3 years ago

Raheem wrote: 3 years ago Hi,

Please explain what the plugin do, and what the problem in it.
Hello! This plugin works like this : you can see your hours ( gametracker - hours ) or time played / rank /first seen or last. But when i press 1 to see motd i have this problem.

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Post by Raheem » 3 years ago

I think the issue from the website, try using gametracker.rs and just change the following line:
    1. formatex( szCustomUrl, sizeof( szCustomUrl ) -1, "http://%s%s/%s/%s/",
    2.     g_szHost, g_szPlayer, g_szName[ id ], g_szServerIp );
    1. formatex( szCustomUrl, sizeof( szCustomUrl ) -1, "http://%s%s/%s/%s/",
    2.     g_szHost, g_szPlayer, g_szServerIp, g_szName[ id ] );
The response for the menu gives error, I think this because of cloudflare.
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Post by 1190011 » 3 years ago

Nop... same. In menu /gtstats i can t see the motd.I created a command to test and work with this command

Code: Select all

register_clcmd( "say /motd", "ClCmdMotd" );
But i can't see my actual hours/ last online/ offline still 0 in menu

Code: Select all

gametracker_played_time.sma(78) : warning 217: loose indentation
gametracker_played_time.sma(80) : warning 217: loose indentation
gametracker_played_time.sma(87) : warning 217: loose indentation
gametracker_played_time.sma(88) : warning 217: loose indentation
gametracker_played_time.sma(180) : warning 217: loose indentation
gametracker_played_time.sma(182) : warning 217: loose indentation
gametracker_played_time.sma(223) : warning 217: loose indentation
gametracker_played_time.sma(225) : warning 217: loose indentation

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Post by Raheem » 3 years ago

The menu not working because the result of the request is error because of cloudflare I think.
He who fails to plan is planning to fail

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