- /*
- * Special Thanks:
- *
- * 1. Talal (Toxic-Gamers community Owner)
- * - He suggested the weapon
- * - Explained it to us (Explained its physics)
- * - Helped in testing and detecting bugs
- * - We used his test server to test the weapon
- * - He allowed us to test the weapon on his live ZE server
- *
- * Credits:
- *
- * 1. Jenessee (https://www.youtube.com/c/Jenessee/videos)
- * - Took some ideas from his video
- * - Took his two v_ models he modify from CSNZ
- * - Took his screen sprite, he made from .tga files provided by CSNZ
- *
- * 2. NEXON and VALVE
- * - Weapon idea and its resources made by them (We don't sell their resources)
- * - Cover from https://cso.fandom.com/wiki/Hellhound
- */
[CS1.6] Hellhound

How this work?
- First buy it from shop.
- You will get 4 valid drones after buying.
- Now when you press mouse left click, the drones you have will go out and will move around you.
- Drones will follow you as you move.
- When drones out its energy start decreasing.
- To refill you need to again press mouse left click, all drones will back to you and energy refill will start.
- The color of drones on the screen indicate how much energy you have.
- When drones find nearest enemy in its range, it will go fast towards him and start attacking him.
- When drones are attacking the circle on the screen becomes red, at this moment you can use mouse right click to explode the drones.
- Can attack 4 enemies at same time.
- In madness, can knockback only enemies.
- Very powerful and explosion will do more damage.
- While drones are out, you can use any other weapon.
- Patrol Drone
Authors: Authors Word:
- We focused on 3 main things while writing this code:
- In-Game Performance
- Optimization
- Code Readability
- The development of this weapon took us near 20 day (from 1 Dec 2020 to 19 Dec 2020) to stabilize the weapon. The weapon is tested on live server for over than 3 days, server mostly was full all this time. And we noted no bugs, crashes... etc. We must state that the whole code is written by me and Night Fury from scratch.
- The weapon compatible only with ReHLDS, ReGameDLL, ReAPI. If needed we can make version for HLDS.
- Zombie Escape Mod
- Zombie Plague Mod
- Any other Mod, normal or deathmatch... etc
- We added compatibility for the following plugins:
- Camera
- Nademodes
- Fire nade extra item
- Price will depend on region as following:
- All Europe will be for 20
- All in North America will be 20
- All in South America will be 15
- China, India, Russia and some others in same region will be 15
- All Africa will be 10
You will get the source code of main Hellhound + compatibility plugins source code.
If you cannot afford these prices and you still need it, we can reach a price you can afford also in discussion. - All Europe will be for 20
- -20% for ALL, Happy New YEAR 2021
(Valid until 25-Jan-2021)
- -10% for Escapers-Zone.net members
- For any reason if you are not satisfied in 30-days after buying, you can ask for refund and you will get your money back.
- Bank transfer
- Paysera
- Skrill
- Payeer
- AdvCash
- PayPal
- Price does not include future updates for the weapon.
- We only sell the source code, weapon resources is owned by NEXON & VALVE. Price is only for the source code.
- This project not reverse engineering what in original CSNZ, our code has no relation to the original code in CSNZ.
- You will need to provide some information on buying such as your server IP, your country.
- You have no permission to resell the source code or publish it.
- You are allowed to edit the plugin as you need.
- You can test in the following server connect ze.toxic-gamers.net and find the weapon in extra-items. Please test all you need, and be 100% sure you liked it and tested all you need before buying.
- Telegram: Raheem, Night Fury
- PM on Escapers-Zone