Hi Escapers_zone Developer team.
İ got request plugin
25 seconds after the round starts, one person from the ct team is selected as the hero. Give that chosen hero 100 armor and a different model . When the hero is selected, a sound should be played and "EXAMPLE HERO SELECTED" will be written in the chat. i apologize for my bad english.
Small Request [ZE]
Try it:
Code: Select all
// Hero
ze_hero_health 200 // Hero health.
ze_hero_armor 100 // Hero armor.
ze_hero_notice 3 // Notice type print (0=Disable|1=Text|2=HUD|3=DHUD).
ze_hero_sound 1 // Play sound when hero chosen.
ze_hero_delay 25 // Delay before choose random.
- [Player Models]
- HERO = sas, terror
- [Sounds]
- Hero = zombie_escape/hero1.wav, zombie_escape/hero2.wav
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