Hi, i have downloaded the full windows pack for zombie escape server but i have a problem
when i change nade mode or look on breakable things it's printing only "%s" in the center of the screen
i have not added anything before or after installing the mode and i have no idea why is this happening, please help me
print_center problem
Update your AMX Mod X to v1.8.3 dev-git5201
Download two pack base + cstrike and merge cstrike with base and upload it on your server
Here: https://amxmodx.org/snapshots.php
If you don't understand, PM me
Download two pack base + cstrike and merge cstrike with base and upload it on your server
Here: https://amxmodx.org/snapshots.php
If you don't understand, PM me
He who fails to plan is planning to fail
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