Zombie Escape Lazy Fix (Not Tested)
The code is taken from github & make some chances. When i review the code, i think this mode need a rework. But nevermind its too much since i already have my own ZE which is very basic.
This may help
Original Link:
+ ReHLDS -- https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds/releases
+ ReGameDLL -- https://github.com/s1lentq/ReGameDLL_CS/releases
+ Metamod-r -- https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/releases
+ ReAPI -- https://github.com/s1lentq/reapi/releases
+ AmxModX 1.10 (download Base Package & Counter-Strike) -- https://www.amxmodx.org/downloads-new.php?branch=master
+ (Optional) Print Center Fix -- https://github.com/hun1er/Print-Center-Fix/releases
Print Center Fix is only require if your server is allow nonsteam client. Actually only old client has this issue.
Zombie Escape Lazy Fix (Not Tested)
Zombie Escape Lazy Fix (Not Tested)
- Attachments
- ZombieEscape-LazyFixNotTested.7z
- Try to fix
- (46.11 KiB) Downloaded 428 times
- ZombieEscape-LazyFixNotTested.7z
- Try to fix
- (46.11 KiB) Downloaded 428 times
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