- [tr]
- GAME_DESC = "Zombi Escape"
- CHAT_PREFIX = "[!gZE!y]"
- MENU_PREFIX = "\r[ZE]\w"
- HUD_ESCAPE = "** Escape Modu **"
- HUD_NEMESIS = "** Nemesis Modu **"
- HUD_SURVIVOR = "** Survivor Modu **"
- HUD_SWARM = "** Swarm Modu **"
- HUD_ESCAPE_FAIL = "-=| Kacis Basarisiz |=-"
- HUD_ESCAPE_SUCCESS = "-=| Kacis Basarili |=-"
- HUD_SCOREMESSAGE = "| Insan: %i - %i :Zombi |"
- HUD_COUNTDOWN = "Zombilerin ortaya cikmasina %i saniye!"
- HUD_RELEASETIME = "Zombilerin ortaya cikmasina %i saniye !"
- HUD_RELEASED = "Zombiler Salindi!"
- MSG_READY = "!tHazir misin!y? !tSunu unutma !y= !gSIPER/DEFANS = ZAFER!"
- NO_ENOUGH_PLAYERS = "!tYeteri kadar oyuncu yok!y, Gerekli oyuncu: !g%i/%i!y"
- MENU_PRIMARY_TITLE = "Birincil Silahlar"
- MENU_SECONDARY_TITLE = "İkincil Silahlar"
- MENU_AUTOSELECT = "Secim Hatirlansin?"
- MSG_WEAPONS_DISABLED = "Silah menu devre disi!"
- MSG_BUYTIME_OVER = "Satin alma suresi sona erdi!"
- MSG_ALREADY_BOUGHT = "Birincil ve ikincil silahlarini zaten aldin!"
- MSG_CANT_BUY_WEAPON = "Zombiler nasil silah alsin!"
- MSG_BUY_ENABLED = "Silah menu tekrardan aktiflestirildi!"
- MENU_ITEMS_TITLE = "Ekstra Itemler"
- MSG_ITEMS_DISABLED = "Ekstra Item menu devre disi!"
- MSG_NO_ITEMS = "Ekstra Item menusunde hic item yok."
- MSG_LIMIT_REACHED = "Item limitini astin"
- MENU_MAIN_TITLE = "Ana Menu"
- MENU_WEAPONS = "Silahlar"
- MENU_RE_WEAPONS = "Silahlar \r[Otomatik Satin Alma]"
- MENU_EXTRAITEMS = "Ekstra Itemler"
- MENU_HCLASSES = "Insan Siniflari"
- MENU_ZCLASSES = "Zombi Siniflari"
- MENU_LEAVE_SPECS = "Izleyiciden Ayril"
- MENU_NEXT = "Diger"
- MENU_BACK = "Geri"
- MENU_EXIT = "Cikis"
- ON = "Acik"
- OFF = "Kapali"
- CMD_NOT = "Komut devre disi!"
- CMD_NOT_ALIVE = "Canli degilsin!"
- HUD_INFECT_NOTICE = "%s, %s tarafindan enfekte edildi"
- MSG_COINS_WINS = "!tKacis basarili!y | !g+%d!y EC !tkazandin!"
- MSG_COINS_KILLED = "!tZombi Olduruldu!y | !g+%d!y EC !tkazandin!"
- MSG_COINS_INFECTED = "!tInsan Enfekte Edildi!y | !g+%d!y EC !tkazandin!"
- MSG_NO_COINS_ENOUGH = "Yeteri kadar coinin yok!"
- CLASS_HUMAN = "Insan"
- CLASS_ZOMBIE = "Zombi"
- CLASS_NEMESIS = "Nemesis"
- CLASS_SURVIVOR = "Survivor"
- HUD_INFO_SPEC = "Isim: %s^nSaglik: %d | Zirh: %d | Sinif: %s | EC: %d"
- HUD_INFO_SPEC_COMMAS = "Isim: %s^nSaglik: %s | Zirh: %s | Sinif: %s | EC: %s"
- HUD_INFO_SPEC_NUM_ABBR = "Isim: %s^nSaglik: %s | Zirh: %s | Sinif: %s | EC: %s"
- HUD_INFO_STATS = "Isim: %s^nSaglik: %d | Zirh: %d | Sinif: %s | EC: %d"
- HUD_INFO_STATS_COMMAS = "Isim: %s^nSaglik: %s | Zirh: %s | Sinif: %s | EC: %s"
- HUD_INFO_STATS_NUM_ABBR = "Name: %s^nSaglik: %s | Zirh: %s | Sinif: %s | EC: %s"
- MENU_ZOMBIES_TITLE = "Zombi Siniflari"
- MENU_HUMANS_TITLE = "Insan Siniflari"
- NEXT = "Diger"
- CURRENT = "Suanki"
- MSG_HUMAN_NAME = "Isim: !t%s"
- MSG_HUMAN_INFO = "Saglik: !g%.2f!y | Kalkan: !g%.2f!y | Hiz (!g%L!y): !g%.2f!y | Yercekimi: !g%.2f!y"
- MSG_ZOMBIE_NAME = "Isim: !t%s"
- MSG_ZOMBIE_INFO = "Saglik: !g%.2f!y | Hiz: !g%.2f!y | Yercekimi: !g%.2f!y | : Geri tepme: !g%.2f!y"
- STATIC = "Statik"
- DYNAMIC = "Dinamik"
- MENU_LEVEL = "Seviye"
- MSG_LVL_NOT_ENOUGH = "Yeterli seviyen yok!"
Zombie Escape Rebuild 1.x
Changes Log
- [1.0-beta 1]
- - First release.
- [1.0-beta 2]
- - Minor changes in zombie_escape.cfg/zombie_escape.ini
- - Fixes in Core/Engine.
- - Fixes in Extra Items (Grenades).
- - Fixes and added a new save type (MySQL) in the coin system.
- - Fixes in lighting and added night-vision.
- - Switch Engine to ReAPI functions.
- - Added updates checker in ze_core (Experimental).
- - Added CVar to prevent Hint messages.
- - Added new Human classes like ZP 5.0 with APIs.
- - Added new two styles for HUD Levels (Commas & Number Abbreviations).
- - Added (w_) world model for Grenades.
- - Added Levels property in Weapons Menu.
- [1.0-beta 3]
- - Minor fixes and improvements.
- - Added new APIs.
- - Added Level setting for Human/Zombie Classes.
- - Added compatibility with Extra Items of ZE v1.x.
- - Upgraded to ReAPI Module
- [1.0]
- - Fixed the memory leaks.
- - Fixed high speed/velocity bug.
- - Added two missing forwards in ze_levels.inc.
- [1.1] ; ← CURRENT
- - Extend APIs.
- - Minor improvements, changes and fixes.
- - Added a new save type in the coins system (SQLite).
- - Added a new game mode: Armageddon (disabled by default).
- - Added a new ADMIN_RCON command to clear all data from database (coins system).
- - Added CVar to prevent Tank entities for a specific team.
- - Added global limits and level in the Extra Items settings.
- - Added a new option in the main menu (5. Leave spectators).
- - Fixed CPU overflow when Escape Mode begin (Non-Steam servers issues).
- - Fixed load and save issues in the coins system.
- - Fixed a warning message in the console for (menu sounds).
- - Fixed Knockback bug in Release Time.