Cvars - zombie_escape.cfg

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Cvars - zombie_escape.cfg


Post by Raheem » 7 years ago

Zombie Escape Cvars

-Here i'am going to give you information about the mod cvars and some important things you need to do so mod works correctly.

Humans Cvars:

1- ze_human_speed_factor 20.0
  • This cvar for human. This will set a increase for the humans speed. Humans speed depend on the weapon they carry and this factor will be added to thier weapon speed. For example: if i set it 20.0 and player now running with knife and the original knife speed is 250.0 now his final speed will be 270.0 Make sure to make this cvar float like: 0.0 not integer: 0
2- ze_human_gravity 800
  • Set humans gravity.
3- ze_human_health 1000
  • Set the humans health.
Zombies Cvars:

1- ze_zombie_speed 350.0
  • This will set the zombie speed. Make sure to use float 0.0 not integer.
2- ze_zombie_gravity 640
  • Set zombies gravity.
3- ze_first_zombies_health 20000
  • This will set health for the first zombies which chosen randomly in the start of the round.
4- ze_zombie_health 10000
  • This will set health for the infected zombies. After the first zombies released and they run if they infect any player his health will be this value.
5- ze_zombie_knockback 300.0
  • Set knockback for zombies. If you set this high number like 500.0 when human hit zombies they will be knocked back long distance.
6- ze_zombie_nightvision 1
  • Allow zombies nightvision or not?

    1 = Enable
    0 = Disable
7- ze_zombie_auto_nightvision 1
  • When human infected make the nightvision automatically ON?

    1 = Enable
    0 = Disable

    And note that if you set: ze_zombie_nightvision 0 this won't work
8- ze_zombie_nightvision_density 70
  • Set Zombie nightvision density. If you need it heavy set it more if you need it light set it lower.
9- ze_zombie_nvision_red 253
  • Nightvision Red Color
10- ze_zombie_nvision_green 110
  • Nightvision Green Color
11- ze_zombie_nvision_green 110
  • Nightvision Blue Color
General Cvars:

1- ze_lighting_style d
  • Set map light. You can set this from a to z. a will be very dark and z very bright.
2- ze_release_time 15
  • Time after it the chosen zombies will be released and allowed to run.
3- ze_freeze_time 20
  • The time in the start of the round where all players are frozen to buy thier guns.
4- ze_round_time 9.0
  • The round time.
5- ze_block_kill 1
  • Block player from using kill command in console?

    1 = Blocked
    0 = He can kill himself
6- ze_required_players 2
  • The number of players required so game start. Note that you must do this more than 2 also this cvar mean the alive players. If there is this number of alive players the game will start.
7- ze_human_infected_frags 1
  • The number of frags zombie will take when he infect human.
8- ze_infection_deaths 1
  • The number of deaths that Human will get when zombie infect him.
9- ze_escape_success_frags 3
  • The number Frags that will be added to all alive humans if escape success.
10- ze_block_money_hud 1
  • Block money HUD message or not?

    1 = Block
    0 = Show Money HUD
11- ze_block_radar_ap_hp 1
  • Block radar/armor/health HUD message or not?

    1 = Block
    0 = Show Radar/Armor/HP

    Note that the 3 must be enabled or disabled together, you can't disable one and enable another at same time.
12- ze_round_end_delay 5
  • Time to delay the round end by? in seconds. You can extend the end round time by this cvar so you can add long end round sound.
Messages Cvars:

1- ze_enable_infect_notice 1
  • Enable infect message notice? (Player X infected Player Y)

    1 = Enable
    0 = Disable
2- ze_infect_notice_red 255
  • Infect message Red Color.
3- ze_infect_notice_green 0
  • Infect message Green Color.
4- ze_infect_notice_blue 0
  • Infect message Blue Color.
5- ze_score_message_type 1
  • The score message type:

    0 = Disabled
    1 = DHud
    2 = Hud
6- ze_score_message_red 200
  • Score message Red Color.
7- ze_score_message_green 100
  • Score message Green Color.
8- ze_score_message_blue 0
  • Score message Blue Color.
9- ze_speed_rank_mode 1
  • Rank message mode:

    0 = Disabled
    1 = Leader mode: In this mod the first player in the map will appear in message and get a glow.
    2 = Rank mode: And in this one the first three players in the map will appear in message.
10- ze_speed_rank_red 0
  • Rank message Red Color. For both Rank and Leader modes.
11- ze_speed_rank_green 230
  • Rank message Green Color. For both Rank and Leader modes.
12- ze_speed_rank_blue 255
  • Rank message Blue Color. For both Rank and Leader modes.
13- ze_leader_glow 1
  • Give glow to the leader:

    1 = Enable
    0 = Disable
14- ze_leader_random_color 1
  • Give the leader random glow color? Or use our setting in RGB?

    0 = Use the RGB Values
    1 = Give random colors
15- ze_leader_glow_red 255
  • Leader glow Red Color. Will used incase of: ze_leader_random_color 0
16- ze_leader_glow_green 0
  • Leader glow Green Color. Will used incase of: ze_leader_random_color 0
17- ze_leader_glow_blue 0
  • Leader glow Blue Color. Will used incase of: ze_leader_random_color 0
18- ze_hud_info_mode 1
  • The player hud information message like (HP, Class, Escape Coins)

    0 = Disable
    1 = Hud
    2 = DHud
19- ze_hud_info_commas 1
  • Enable Commas to HP or not? Like instead of display 1000 it will be displayed: 1,000

    0 = Disable
    1 = Enable
20- ze_hud_info_zombie_red 255
  • Zombie Hud information Message Red Color.
21- ze_hud_info_zombie_green 60
  • Zombie Hud information Message Green Color.
22- ze_hud_info_zombie_blue 60
  • Zombie Hud information Message Blue Color.
23- ze_hud_info_human_red 60
  • Human Hud information Message Red Color.
24- ze_hud_info_human_green 60
  • Human Hud information Message Green Color.
25- ze_hud_info_human_blue 255
  • Human Hud information Message Blue Color.
26- ze_hud_info_spec_red 100
  • Spectators Hud information Message Red Color.
27- ze_hud_info_spec_green 100
  • Spectators Hud information Message Green Color.
28- ze_hud_info_spec_blue 100
  • Spectators Hud information Message Blue Color.
29- ze_earn_chat_notice 1
  • Earn Chat Notice Like: +30 Escape Coins

    0 = Disable
    1 = Enable
Weapons Cvars:

1- ze_buy_time 60
  • Buy menu time. The time starts when the menu shows to the player and count till this time finish the player won't be able to buy weapons again. So he need to wait till next round.
2- ze_give_HE_nade 1
  • Give Player at the new round Automatically Napalm nade?

    1 = Give him Fire Nade
    0 = Don't give him
3- ze_give_SM_nade 1
  • Give Player at the new round Automatically Frost Nade?

    1 = Give him Fire Nade
    0 = Don't give him
4- ze_give_FB_nade 1
  • Give Player at the new round Automatically Frost Nade?

    1 = Give him Fire Nade
    0 = Don't give him
Madness Cvars:

1- ze_madness_time 5.0
  • Zombie Madness time in seconds. Make sure to do it float.
2- ze_madness_color_red 255
  • Zombie Madness Aura Red Color
3- ze_madness_color_green 0
  • Zombie Madness Aura Green Color
4- ze_madness_color_blue 0
  • Zombie Madness Aura Blue Color
Fire Nade Cvars:

1- ze_fire_duration 6
  • Fire nade burning time.
2- ze_fire_damage 10
  • Fire Nade Damage every second
3- ze_fire_hud_icon 1
  • Fire Icon appear when player is being burn:

    0 = Disable
    1 = Enable
4- ze_fire_explosion 0
  • Keep the normal Explosion:

    0 = No use fire nade one
    1 = Yes use the original explosion in cs
5- ze_fire_slowdown 0.1
  • Slowdown when zombie being burn.
6- ze_fire_radius 240.0
  • Fire nade radius.
7- ze_fire_hit_type 0
  • Hit type, Can fire go through walls or not?

    0 = Fire can pass through walls
    1 = Fire nade must see zombie to fire him (can't pass walls)
Frost Nade Cvars:

1- ze_frost_duration
  • Frost Nade Freeze Duaration
2- ze_frost_hud_icon 1
  • Frost Nade Icon while frozen:

    0 = Disable
    1 = Enable
3- ze_freeze_damage 0
  • Allow player take damage while he frozen?

    0 = No
    1 = Yes
4- ze_freeze_radius 240.0
  • Frost Nade radius.
5- ze_freeze_hit_type 0
  • Hit type, Can freeze go through walls or not?

    0 = Frost can pass through walls
    1 = Frost nade must see zombie to freeze him (can't pass walls)
Escape Coins Cvars:

1- ze_coins_save_type 0
  • Save system to use?

    0 = nVault
    1 = MySQL

    Note if you use MySQL you will need to set MySQL cvars. Use MySQL in case of you need to connect coins with your website.
2- ze_escape_success_coins 15
  • Coins Alive humans earn on Escape Success
3- ze_human_infected_coins 5
  • Coins Zombie Earn when infect humans
4- ze_damage_coins 4
  • Coins human take when he make X damage to zombies
5- ze_damage_required 500
  • X Damage required so player earn ze_damage_coins
6- ze_start_coins 50
  • Coins that will given to new players when they connect to server. If he not new player so his account will be automatically loaded.
7- ze_max_coins 200000
  • Maximum coins can player hold in his account
MySQL Cvars:

1- ze_ec_host "localhost"
  • The ip address for your database. If database run on same VPS as server leave it localhost, if not you will need to write the remote host ip for your database.
2- ze_ec_user "username"
  • Username for account that can access database, preferred that this user have all privileges.
3- ze_ec_pass "password"
  • Passowrd for that username.
4- ze_ec_dbname "database name"
  • The name of database that this user is set to access.
Important settings:

-You should do this settings correctly so the mod works correctly. Open server.cfg in your cstrike folder and make sure that these Cvars exist if not add them and set them values as explained:

1- mp_roundtime 9.0
  • Set this same as ze_round_time value
2- mp_freezetime 20
  • Set this same as ze_freeze_time value
3- sv_maxspeed 350
  • Set this more than or equal to zombie speed. Or in other words set it higher that highest speed set for zombies or humans.
-If you confused in any cvar just post down here and i'll try clear that cvar.
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Post by Raheem » 7 years ago

Updated gravity cvars styles to be same as new version style.
He who fails to plan is planning to fail

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