In Game Music
In Game Music
Its way to loud pls tell me how to adjust and no not on my client as that does not work also tried stopsound blah blah
Client side. Clients must set .wav sounds by
By slow hacking you can set these values for them.
volume "value"
and mp3 by MP3Volume "value"
.By slow hacking you can set these values for them.
- #include <zombie_escape>
- public plugin_init()
- {
- register_plugin("Control WAV/MP3 Volume", "1.0", "Raheem")
- }
- public client_putinserver(id)
- {
- Send_Cmd(id, "volume ^"0.1^"")
- Send_Cmd(id, "MP3Volume ^"0.1^"")
- }
- stock Send_Cmd(id, text[])
- {
- message_begin(MSG_ONE, 51, _, id)
- write_byte(strlen(text) + 2)
- write_byte(10)
- write_string(text)
- message_end()
- }
He who fails to plan is planning to fail
Perfect thanksRaheem wrote: ↑6 years ago Client side. Clients must set .wav sounds byvolume "value"
and mp3 byMP3Volume "value"
By slow hacking you can set these values for them.
#include <zombie_escape> public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Control WAV/MP3 Volume", "1.0", "Raheem") } public client_putinserver(id) { Send_Cmd(id, "volume ^"0.1^"") Send_Cmd(id, "MP3Volume ^"0.1^"") } stock Send_Cmd(id, text[]) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, 51, _, id) write_byte(strlen(text) + 2) write_byte(10) write_string(text) message_end() }
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