error fix

Unpaid Requests, Public Plugins
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error fix


Post by czirimbolo » 4 years ago

Can someone help me to fix this error?

Code: Select all


    - added cvar (active by default) for players' earning to be cut by half. 
    - check if player is connected when inviting (as it was giving errors)
    * 1.3.1:
    - bug fixes
    * 1.3.2:
    - bug fixes
    - if player invites you, it doesnt open automatically menu unless you have update on 
    * 1.3.3:
    - removed "bug report"
    - improved updateammo
    - nvault to save auto update 
    - fixed ammos increase for vips (before it would miss some, now it gets exactly half)
    - reset join party requests
    - fix when member join not showing in party

    - if you refuse a team, it shows to people who sent you (unless they are in another team and not leaders)
    - player can see your team members if you send him invite (through invite menu)
    - party chat
    - reason of party leaving
    - notify leaving
    - dont automatically show party menu if youre already in a team when you get invite
    - fixed invites/kicks sometimes not working (it was using nicks to remove them, now it uses ids)
    - fix possible g_p not resetting properly
    - more understandable code for update ammo when cvar spec and cvar zombie are on/off
    - request to join a party // remove update from menu and add /partyupdate
    - switch leaders if leader wants // add in leader menu - "Change Leader"
    - motd available commands


    - if player is spectator, doesnt earn ammos (to avoid people farming ammos by friends)
    - added danish 

    ++++ funCheckInv - checks how many invites you have and returns number 
    ++++ removeP - remove player from a team
    ++++ areYouSure(id) - menu
    ++++ invitesMenu
    ++++ yesNo for invites menu 
    ++++ add player in a team 
    ++++ updateAmmosAll every X seconds 
    ++++ autoupdate(need 2 booleans array for menu open or not)
    ++++ invitare 
    ++++ when zombie infects user 
    ++++ edit g_p[4][32][4]
    ++++ FIX MENUS
    ++++ remove invites from players in your team
    ++++ calls update for every player //  fix updateAll
    ++++ duct-tape: autoupdate //  fix teamMenu showing over others
    ++++ MAX_PIT //define max people that can join in a team
    ++++ advertising
    ++++ fix updateammo
    ++++ fix team leaving
    ++++ fix ammos showing for wrong player g_p (wrong shift)
    ++++ add previous/next instead of just 6 in the invites
    ---- motd: try ugc motd with class/div
    ++++ if user zombie, no ammo
    ++++ add Leader Menu
    ++++ add menu for invite
    ++++ add menu for kick
    ++++ update on invite
    ++++ add notifications
    ++++ invite players who are already in another team
    ++++ add how many people are in the team on invites menu.
    ++++ motd/html
    ++++ if vips, remove 1 each update (since they earn 2x)
    ++++ fix sentences


#include <zombie_escape>
#include <cstrike>
#include <nvault>

	#define client_disconnected client_disconnect
#pragma compress 1

#define VERSION "1.3.3"
#define MAX_PLAYERSS 33
#define MAX_TEAMS 17
#define MAX_PIT 5 //min: 2, max: 6-10? - max teams possible

#define CHAT_TAG "[PARTY]" // or "[UGC.LT]"

//might make 500 if vip get every 500
#define DMG_TRIGGER 500 //how much dmg to do before updating ammos 

#define TASK_UPDATEAMMO 190419
#define TASK_ADS        250419

#define MOTD_URL ""

//reason to why getting kicked out of party
    SELF = 0,
    VREAD = 0,
new bool:g_isInTeam[ MAX_PLAYERSS ]//if is in team or not 
new g_teams[ MAX_TEAMS ][ MAX_PIT + 1 ]//max teams that can be created. max 4 players: saves #player - [numero team][posizione del giocatore]

new g_pTeams[ MAX_PLAYERSS ][ MAX_PIT + 1 ] //handles which #team and who in which position - [ id giocatore ][numero posizione nel team(1-leader, 2. co-leader etc)]
new bool:g_pInvites[ MAX_PLAYERSS ][ MAX_PLAYERSS ][ 2 ] //per ogni giocatore1 [primo], vedo se un altro giocatore2 gli ha fatto richiesta[secondo] e se g2 ha gia il team o lo vuole fare con te[terzo]
new g_invites[ MAX_PLAYERSS ] // tmp to keep id of who sends req

new g_p[ MAX_PIT ][ MAX_PLAYERSS ][ MAX_PIT ] // ammo update/saver - g_p[#giocatore nella squadra][id giocatore a cui mostrare][id giocatore che cambia ammo]
new g_pvec[ MAX_PLAYERSS ] //old ammo
//how much total earned for each player.
new g_total[ MAX_PLAYERSS ]
new Float:g_damage[ MAX_PLAYERSS ]
//[player][0] - updates menu. [player][1] = temp off so it doesnt override the other party menus
new bool:g_bIsAutoUpdate[ MAX_PLAYERSS ][ 2 ]
new bool:g_vipRemove[ MAX_PLAYERSS ], bool:g_playerRemove[ MAX_PLAYERSS ]
new cvar_zombie, cvar_vip, cvar_adstime,  cvar_spec, cvar_pchat, cvar_half
//new g_joinPartyCallback

//handles requests made in team. - tmp to keep id of who sends req
new bool:g_joinRequests[ MAX_TEAMS ][ MAX_PLAYERSS ], g_recInvite[ MAX_PLAYERSS ]

new g_iVault // for nvault autoupdate
public plugin_init(){
    register_plugin( "[ZP] Zombie Party", VERSION, "DusT" )
    register_clcmd( "say /party", "teamMenu" )
    register_clcmd( "party_menu", "teamMenu" )
    register_clcmd( "zp_invite_user", "inviteP", _, "- Invite User in a Team" )
    register_clcmd( "zp_remove_user", "kickP", _, "- Remove User from your Team (only Leader)")
    register_clcmd( "say /partyinfo", "teamInfo", _, "Team Info")
    register_clcmd( "amx_pchat", "partyChat", ADMIN_ALL, "< message >")
    register_clcmd( "say", "sayPchat", ADMIN_ALL, "< message >")
    register_clcmd( "say /partyupdate", "autoUpdateToggle")
    register_clcmd( "say /partycmd", "cmdPartyMOTD")
    register_clcmd( "say /partycmds", "cmdPartyMOTD")
    register_concmd("zp_show_parties", "showParty", ADMIN_BAN)
    register_cvar("Zombie_Party", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY)

    cvar_zombie = register_cvar("zp_partyzombie_earn", "0") // should zombies earn ammos in team?
    cvar_vip = register_cvar("zp_partyvip_decrease", "1") //should vip's ammo earn in team decrease (by half)
    cvar_spec = register_cvar("zp_partyspec_earn", "0") // should spectators earn ammo in team?
    cvar_adstime = register_cvar("zp_partyads_time", "250") //how often ads are updated
    cvar_pchat = register_cvar("zp_party_chat", "2") //0 - off. 1 - normal admins can read. 2 - mods+. 3+ - only party members
    cvar_half = register_cvar("zp_party_earn_half", "1")  // earn half of what players earn instead of the whole ammo (otherwise it's too OP)

    register_menu( "Are You Sure?", ( MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_0 ), "menuYesNo" )
    register_menu( "answerMenu", ( MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_0 ), "answerMenuHandler" )
    register_menu( "answerParty_Menu", ( MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_0 ), "answerPartyMenuHandler" )
    register_menu( "Team Menu", ( MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_7 | MENU_KEY_0 ), "menuHandler" )
    register_menu( "Leader Menu", ( MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_9 | MENU_KEY_0), "leaderMenuHandler")
    //g_joinPartyCallback = menu_makecallback( "joinParty_callback" );
    RegisterHam( Ham_Killed, "player", "fw_PlayerKilled_Post", 1 )
    RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "fw_TakeDamage", 0 )

    g_iVault = nvault_open("ZombieParty")

    set_task( 10.0, "updateAmmosAll2", TASK_UPDATEAMMO, _, _, "b" )
    set_task( get_pcvar_float(cvar_adstime), "showAds", TASK_ADS, _, _, "b")
public ze_select_item_post(id, itemid){
    updateAmmos( id )

public sayPchat( id ){
    new message[128]
    read_args(message, charsmax(message))
    if(message[0] == '#'){
        message[0] = ' '
        client_cmd(id, "amx_pchat %s", message)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED_MAIN
public partyChat( id, level, cid ){
    if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    if(get_pcvar_num(cvar_pchat) == 0){
        client_print(id, print_console, "Party Chat is OFF")
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
        client_print(id, print_console, "You need to be in a team to use Party Chat")
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new message[192], players[32], num
    read_args(message, charsmax(message))
    format(message, charsmax(message), "!y[PARTYCHAT] !g%s :  !y%s", GetUserNameReturned(id), message)
    dust_print_color(id, "%s", message)
    get_players(players, num)
    for(new i = 0; i < num; i++){
        if(get_pcvar_num(cvar_pchat) == 1){
            if((get_user_flags(players[i]) & ADMIN_BAN) && g_pTeams[id][0] != g_pTeams[players[i]][0])
                dust_print_color(players[i], "!g[PC%d] %s", g_pTeams[id] , message)
        else if(get_pcvar_num(cvar_pchat) == 2){
            if((get_user_flags(players[i]) & ADMIN_LEVEL_A) && g_pTeams[id][0] != g_pTeams[players[i]][0])
                dust_print_color(players[i], "!g[PC%d] %s", g_pTeams[id] , message)

        if(g_pTeams[id][0] == g_pTeams[players[i]][0] && players[i] != id)
            dust_print_color(players[i], "%s", message)
public showParty( id, level, cid ){
    if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 0))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

        client_print(id, print_console, "No active party.")
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_TEAMS; i++){
            client_print(id, print_console, "Party %d", i)
            for(new j=1; j < MAX_PIT + 1; j++){
                    client_print(id, print_console, "  %d: %s", j, GetUserNameReturned(g_teams[i][j]))
public bool:activeParty( id ){
    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_TEAMS; i++){
            if( !id )
                return true 
            if(id && !g_joinRequests[i][id])
                return true
    return false 
public getTeamPlayers( id ){
    if(!g_isInTeam[ id ])
        return 0
    new num, counter = 0
    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++){
        num = g_teams[ g_pTeams[id][0] ][ i ]
        if(num > 0)
    return counter
public showAds(){
    dust_print_color(0, "!g[PARTY] !y%L !g/party !yor press !g'M'-'7' ", LANG_PLAYER, "PARTY_INFO")
    dust_print_color(0, "!g[PARTY] !yMore info: say !g/partycmds !yor !g/partyinfo")
// !g - green , !y - default, !t - team color
stock dust_print_color(const id, const input[], any:...)  {  
    new count = 1, players[32];  
    static msg[191];  
    vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^x04"); // Green Color  
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!y", "^x01"); // Default Color  
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^x03"); // Team Color  
    if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch");  
        for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)  
            if (is_user_connected(players[i]))  
                message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i]);  

GetUserNameReturned( iPlayer ){
    new szName[ 32 ];
    get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, charsmax( szName ) );
    return szName;
public updateAmmos( id ){
    if( g_isInTeam[ id ] ){
        new iPos, num, upd

        //get id position in the team
        for(new i = 1; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++)
            if(g_pTeams[ id ][ i ] == 1)
                iPos = i - 1
        //update difference = ammo - old ammo
        upd = ze_get_escape_coins( id ) - g_pvec[ id ] 
        //old ammo 
        g_pvec[ id ] = ze_get_escape_coins( id )

        // if update > 0, change g_vipremove and upd= upd - 1 if g_removeVip[id] or upd>=2
            if(upd && upd%2){
                g_vipRemove[ id ] = !g_vipRemove[ id ]
            if((get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_RESERVATION) && (g_vipRemove[ id ] || upd >=2) && upd>0){
            if(upd && upd%2)
                g_playerRemove[ id ] = !g_playerRemove[ id ]
            if((g_playerRemove[id] || upd >= 2) && upd > 0)
        // if upd is not positive or 0
        if( upd < 0 )
            upd = 0
        // if upd is > 20, block it - (max ammo upd should be 2-3) //moved to 20
        if ( upd > 20){
            upd = 0
            //dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !yBUG!!! Report @!", CHAT_TAG)
        for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PIT; i++){
            num = g_teams[ g_pTeams[id][0] ][ i + 1 ]
            if( num > 0){
                // if zombies can earn ammos, add upd. if specs can earn ammos, add upd.
                if( get_pcvar_num(cvar_zombie) || (!ze_is_user_zombie( id ) && !ze_is_user_zombie( num ))){
                    if(get_pcvar_num(cvar_spec) || (cs_get_user_team( id ) != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR && cs_get_user_team( num ) != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)){
                        g_p[ i ][ num ][ iPos ] +=upd
                        g_total[ num ] += upd

                if( num != id ){
                    g_pvec[ num ] = ze_get_escape_coins( num )
                        //if zombies can earn ammo, add ammos to team players. same for spec
                    if( get_pcvar_num(cvar_zombie) || (!ze_is_user_zombie( id ) && !ze_is_user_zombie( num )) ){
                        if(get_pcvar_num(cvar_spec) || ((is_user_connected(id) && is_user_connected(num)) && (cs_get_user_team( id ) != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR && cs_get_user_team( num ) != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR))){
                            ze_set_escape_coins( num, g_pvec[ num ] + upd)
                            g_pvec[ num ] = ze_get_escape_coins( num ) 
        if(g_bIsAutoUpdate[ id ][0])
            teamMenu( id )

public areYouSure( id ){
    //g_bIsAutoUpdate[id][0] = false
    static szMenu[ 100 ]
    new iKeys = MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_0;
    new iLen = 0
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "\y%L?^n", id, "PARTY_SURE2")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n\r1. \wYes")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n\r2. \wNo")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n^n\r0. \wBack \d( No ) ")
    show_menu( id, iKeys, szMenu, -1, "Are You Sure?" )

public menuYesNo( id, iKey ){
    switch( ++iKey % 10 )
        case 1:
            removeP( id, SELF )
        case 0:
            teamMenu( id )
public teamMenu( id ){
        g_bIsAutoUpdate[id][0] = true;
    static szMenu[ 480 ]
    new iLen = 0
    iLen += formatex( szMenu, charsmax( szMenu ), "\r%L^n\w--------", id, "PARTY_TITLE" )
    new iKeys =  MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_0 | MENU_KEY_7;
    new iPos
    if(g_isInTeam[ id ]){
        for(new i = 1; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++)
            if(g_pTeams[ id ][ i ] == 1)
                iPos = i - 1;
        for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PIT; i++){  
            if( g_teams[ g_pTeams[id][0] ][ i + 1 ] > 0 )
                iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n\r- \w%s \y+%i AmmoPacks %s", GetUserNameReturned( g_teams[g_pTeams[id][0]][i+1] ), g_p[ iPos ][ id ][ i ], (i == 0)? "\w(\rLeader\w)":"" )
                    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n")
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n\wTotal: \y+%i AmmoPacks", g_total[ id ] )
    new bool:inv = funCheckInv(id)? true:false
    new bool:leader = (g_isInTeam[id] && g_pTeams[id][1] == 1) || !g_isInTeam[id]
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n\w--------")
    if(!get_pcvar_num(cvar_zombie) && ze_is_user_zombie( id )){
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n\r%L", id, "PARTY_NOZOMBIE")
    else if(!get_pcvar_num(cvar_spec) && cs_get_user_team( id ) == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR){
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n\rYou must not be spectator in order to get ammos")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n^n%s4. Leader Menu", leader? "\r":"\d");
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n%s5. %s%L (%s%i%s)", (inv? "\r":"\d"), (inv? "\w":"\d"), id, "PARTY_INVITES" , (inv? "\r":"\d"), funCheckInv(id), (inv? "\w":"\d") )
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n\%s6. %L", g_isInTeam[ id ]? "r":"d", id, "PARTY_LEAVE" );
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n\%s7. \%sRequest to join Party", (activeParty(id) && !g_isInTeam[id])? "r":"d", (activeParty(id) && !g_isInTeam[id])? "w":"d" );
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n^n\r0. \wExit" )

    show_menu( id, iKeys, szMenu, -1, "Team Menu" )

public menuHandler( id, iKey ){
    g_bIsAutoUpdate[id][0] = false;
    switch( ++iKey % 10 )
        case 3:
            engclient_cmd(id, "weapon_knife")
        case 4:
            if((g_isInTeam[id] && g_pTeams[id][1] == 1) || !g_isInTeam[id]){
                dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_NOLEADER" )
        case 5:
                dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_NOINV" )
                teamMenu( id ) 
        case 6:
            if(g_isInTeam[ id ]){
                areYouSure( id )
                dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_NOTIN" )
                teamMenu( id ) 
        case 7:
            //free space - joinPartyRequest?
            if(activeParty(id) && !g_isInTeam[id])
                joinPartyMenu( id )
            else if(!activeParty(id)) {
                dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_REQNOT")
                teamMenu( id )
                dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_IN")
                teamMenu( id )
        case 0:
            //g_bIsAutoUpdate[ id ][0] = false;

public autoUpdateToggle( id ){
    if(g_bIsAutoUpdate[ id ][ 1 ]){
        g_bIsAutoUpdate[ id ][ 0 ] = false;
        g_bIsAutoUpdate[ id ][ 1 ] = false;
        dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !yAuto Update !gOFF", CHAT_TAG)
        g_bIsAutoUpdate[ id ][ 0 ] = true;
        g_bIsAutoUpdate[ id ][ 1 ] = true;
        dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !yAuto Update !gON", CHAT_TAG)
        dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_UPDATE" )

public teamInfo( id ){
    show_motd(id, MOTD_URL, "Party Plugin Information")

public updateAmmosAll2(){
    new players[ 32 ], num
    get_players( players, num, "c")
    for( new i = 0; i < num; i++ ){
        updateAmmos( players[ i ] )

public answerMenu( id, playerid ){

    g_invites[ id ] = playerid

    static szMenu[ 400 ]
    new iKeys = MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_0;
    new bool:team = g_isInTeam[ id ]
    new iLen = 0
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "\y%L^n", id, "PARTY_JOIN")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "\yTeam Leader is \w%s^n", GetUserNameReturned( g_invites[ id ] ) )
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "\y%L", id, "PARTY_OTHERS" )
    for(new i = 2; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++){
        if(getIdPos(playerid, i)>0){
            iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "\w%s %s", i!=2? ",":"", GetUserNameReturned(getIdPos(playerid, i)))
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n^n\%s1. \%sYes ", (team)? "d":"r", (team)? "d":"w")
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu), "(%L)", id, "PARTY_IN")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n\r2. \wNo")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n^n\r0. \wBack \d( No ) ")
    show_menu( id, iKeys, szMenu, -1, "answerMenu" )
public answerMenuHandler( id, iKey ){
    switch( ++iKey % 10 )
        case 1:
            if(!g_isInTeam[ id ]){
                joinTeam( id, g_invites[ id ], g_pInvites[ id ][ g_invites[id] ][ 1 ] )
                g_pInvites[ id ][ g_invites[id] ][ 0 ] = false
                g_pInvites[ id ][ g_invites[id] ][ 1 ] = false
                g_invites[ id ] = 0;        
                dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L %L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_IN", id, "PARTY_LEAVEMSG" )
                answerMenu(id, g_invites[ id ])
        case 2:
            g_pInvites[ id ][ g_invites[id] ][ 0 ] = false
            g_pInvites[ id ][ g_invites[id] ][ 1 ] = false
            dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_REFUSE", GetUserNameReturned(g_invites[ id ]))
            if((g_isInTeam[g_invites[ id ]] && getIdPos(g_invites[ id ], 1) == g_invites[ id ]) || !g_isInTeam[g_invites[ id ]])
                dust_print_color(g_invites[ id ], "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, g_invites[ id ], "PARTY_REFUSE2", GetUserNameReturned(id))
            g_invites[ id ] = 0;
        case 0:
            invitesMenu( id ) 

//invite players menu
public sInvitesMenu( id ){
    //g_bIsAutoUpdate[ id ][ 0 ] = false;
    static menuid, buffer[2]
    static szMenu[ 156 ]

    formatex( szMenu, charsmax( szMenu ), "\r%L Menu^n", id, "PARTY_INVITES")
    menuid = menu_create(szMenu, "sInvitesMenuHandler")
    new p[ 32 ], num, counter = 0
    get_players(p, num, "c")
    for( new i = 0; i < num; i++ ){
        if(!g_pInvites[ p[i] ][ id ][ 0 ] && id != p[i]  && is_user_connected(p[i]) && (g_pTeams[id][0] != g_pTeams[p[i]][0] || g_pTeams[id][0]==0)){
            formatex( szMenu, charsmax( szMenu ), "\w%s %s", GetUserNameReturned( p[i] ), g_isInTeam[p[i]]? "\r[IN ANOTHER PARTY]":"" )
            buffer[0] = p[i]
            buffer[1] = 0
            menu_additem(menuid, szMenu, buffer)
    if(counter == 0){
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_NOTIN3")
        teamMenu( id )
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "Back")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_BACKNAME, szMenu)
    formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "Next")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_NEXTNAME, szMenu)
    formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "Exit")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_EXITNAME, szMenu)

    menu_display(id, menuid, 0)

public sInvitesMenuHandler( id, menuid, item){
    if (!is_user_connected(id))
    if (item == MENU_EXIT)
        teamMenu( id )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    static buffer[2], dummy, playerid
    menu_item_getinfo(menuid, item, dummy, buffer, charsmax(buffer), _, _, dummy)
    playerid = buffer[0]

    inviteP(id, playerid)
    teamMenu( id )
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

//kick players menu
public sKickMenu( id ){
    static menuid, buffer[2]
    static szMenu[ 128 ]
    formatex( szMenu, charsmax( szMenu ), "\r%L Menu^n", id, "PARTY_KICKMENU")
    menuid = menu_create(szMenu, "sKickMenuHandler")
    new num 
    for( new i = 1; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++ ){
        num = getIdPos(id, i)
        if(num > 0){
            formatex( szMenu, charsmax( szMenu ), "\w%s", GetUserNameReturned( num ) )
            buffer[0] = num
            buffer[1] = 0
            menu_additem(menuid, szMenu, buffer)
    formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "Exit")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_EXITNAME, szMenu)
    menu_display(id, menuid, 0)

public sKickMenuHandler( id, menuid, item){
    if (!is_user_connected(id))
    if (item == MENU_EXIT)
        teamMenu( id )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    static buffer[2], dummy, playerid
    menu_item_getinfo(menuid, item, dummy, buffer, charsmax(buffer), _, _, dummy)
    playerid = buffer[0]

    kickP(id, playerid)
    teamMenu( id )
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public switchMenu( id ){
    static menuid, buffer[2]
    static szMenu[ 128 ]
    formatex( szMenu, charsmax( szMenu ), "\r%L Menu^n", id, "PARTY_SWITCHMENU")
    menuid = menu_create(szMenu, "switchMenuHandler")
    new num 
    for( new i = 2; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++ ){
        num = getIdPos(id, i)
        if(num > 0){
            formatex( szMenu, charsmax( szMenu ), "\w%s", GetUserNameReturned( num ) )
            buffer[0] = num
            buffer[1] = 0
            menu_additem(menuid, szMenu, buffer)
    formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "Exit")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_EXITNAME, szMenu)
    menu_display(id, menuid, 0)
public switchMenuHandler( id, menuid, item){
    if (!is_user_connected(id))
    if (item == MENU_EXIT)
        teamMenu( id )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    static buffer[2], dummy, playerid
    menu_item_getinfo(menuid, item, dummy, buffer, charsmax(buffer), _, _, dummy)
    playerid = buffer[0]

    switchLeader(id, playerid)
    teamMenu( id )
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public joinPartyMenu( id ){
    static menuid, buffer[2]
    static szMenu[ 128 ]
    new bool:hasTeams = false
    formatex( szMenu, charsmax( szMenu ), "\rJoin Party Menu^n")
    menuid = menu_create(szMenu, "joinPartyMenuHandler")

    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_TEAMS; i++){
        if(g_teams[i][0] && !g_joinRequests[i][id]){
            formatex( szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "\yLeader: \w%s \%s [ %d ]", GetUserNameReturned(g_teams[i][1]), getIdPos(g_teams[i][1], MAX_PIT)? "r":"w", getTeamPlayers(g_teams[i][1]) )
            buffer[0] = g_teams[i][1]
            buffer[1] = 0
            menu_additem(menuid, szMenu, buffer/*, _, g_joinPartyCallback*/ )
            hasTeams = true
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_REQNOT")
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "Back")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_BACKNAME, szMenu)
    formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "Next")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_NEXTNAME, szMenu)
    formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "Exit")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_EXITNAME, szMenu)

    menu_display(id, menuid, 0)
/*public joinParty_callback( id, menu, item){
    static buffer[2], dummy, playerid
    menu_item_getinfo(menuid, item, dummy, buffer, charsmax(buffer), _, _, dummy)
    playerid = buffer[0]

    if(getIdPos(playerid, MAX_PIT)){
        return ITEM_DISABLED

    return ITEM_IGNORE

public joinPartyMenuHandler( id, menuid, item){
    if (!is_user_connected(id))
    if (item == MENU_EXIT)
        teamMenu( id )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    static buffer[2], dummy, playerid
    menu_item_getinfo(menuid, item, dummy, buffer, charsmax(buffer), _, _, dummy)
    playerid = buffer[0]

    joinPartyRequest(id, playerid)
    teamMenu( id )
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
public invitesMenu( id ){
    //g_bIsAutoUpdate[ id ][ 0 ] = false;
    static menuid, buffer[2]
    static menu[ 128 ]
    formatex( menu, charsmax( menu ), "\r%L Menu^n", id, "PARTY_INVITES")
    menuid = menu_create(menu, "invitesMenu2")
    new bool:checker
    new nums, ps[32]
    get_players(ps, nums)
    for( new i = 0; i < nums; i++ ){
        if(g_pInvites[ id ][ ps[i] ][ 0 ]){
            checker = (g_pTeams[ps[i]][1] || !g_isInTeam[ps[i]])
            formatex( menu, charsmax( menu ), "\y%s\w%s \r[ %d ]", checker? "Leader: ":"", GetUserNameReturned( ps[i] ), getTeamPlayers( ps[i] ) )
            buffer[0] = ps[i]
            buffer[1] = 0
            menu_additem(menuid, menu, buffer)
    formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "Back")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_BACKNAME, menu)
    formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "Next")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_NEXTNAME, menu)
    formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "Exit")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_EXITNAME, menu)	
    menu_display(id, menuid, 0)

public invitesMenu2( id, menuid, item){
    if( !is_user_connected( id) ){
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    if(item == MENU_EXIT){
        teamMenu( id )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    static buffer[2], dummy, playerid
    menu_item_getinfo(menuid, item, dummy, buffer, charsmax(buffer), _, _, dummy)
    playerid = buffer[0]
    answerMenu( id, playerid)
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public funCheckInv( id ){
    new counter = 0
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERSS; i++ ){
        if(g_pInvites[ id ][ i ][ 0 ])
    return counter

public switchLeader(id, playerid){
    if(!g_isInTeam[id] || !g_isInTeam[playerid] || g_pTeams[id][0] != g_pTeams[playerid][0] )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new playeridpos = 0
    for(new i = 2; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++){
        if(getIdPos(id, i) == playerid){
            playeridpos = i - 1
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    //switch g_teams
    g_teams[g_pTeams[id][0]][playeridpos + 1] = id 
    g_teams[g_pTeams[id][0]][ 1 ] = playerid 
    //switch g_pTeams
    g_pTeams[id][1] = 0
    g_pTeams[id][playeridpos+1] = 1
    g_pTeams[playerid][1] = 1
    g_pTeams[playerid][playeridpos+1] = 0

    //switch g_p
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PIT; i++){
        g_p[0][playerid][i] = g_p[playeridpos][playerid][i]
        g_p[playeridpos][id][i] = g_p[0][id][i]
        if(i == 0){
            g_p[0][playerid][i] = g_p[playeridpos][playerid][playeridpos]
            g_p[playeridpos][id][i] = g_p[0][id][playeridpos]
            g_p[0][playerid][i] = g_p[playeridpos][playerid][0]
            g_p[playeridpos][id][i] = g_p[0][id][0]
    //reset old g_p
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PIT; i++){
        g_p[0][id][i] = 0
        g_p[playeridpos][playerid][i] = 0
    for( new i = 1; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++){
            dust_print_color(getIdPos(id, i), "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, getIdPos(id, i), "PARTY_NEWLEADER2", GetUserNameReturned(playerid))
    teamMenu( id )
    if(g_bIsAutoUpdate[playerid][ 1 ])
        teamMenu( playerid )
public fw_TakeDamage(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage, damage_type) {
    if(victim == attacker){
        return HAM_IGNORED
    if( !is_user_connected(attacker) ){
        return HAM_IGNORED
    if(ze_is_user_zombie(attacker)) {
		return HAM_IGNORED

    if(g_damage[attacker] > DMG_TRIGGER) {
        if(g_isInTeam[ attacker ])  
            updateAmmos( attacker )
        g_damage[attacker] -= DMG_TRIGGER
    return HAM_HANDLED
public fw_PlayerKilled_Post(victim, attacker) {
    if(victim == attacker){
		return HAM_IGNORED
		return HAM_IGNORED
    updateAmmos( attacker )
    return HAM_HANDLED
public ze_user_infected(id, infector){
    if(id == infector){
		return HAM_IGNORED
		return HAM_IGNORED
    updateAmmos( infector )

public createTeam( id ){
    if(g_isInTeam[ id ]){
        dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L %L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_IN", id, "PARTY_LEAVEMSG" )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_TEAMS; i++ ){
        if(!g_teams[ i ][ 0 ]){
            g_teams[ i ][ 0 ] = 1; 
            g_isInTeam[ id ] = true;
            g_teams[ i ][ 1 ] = id; 
            g_pTeams[ id ][ 0 ] = i; 
            g_pTeams[ id ][ 1 ] = 1;
    for( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERSS; i++ ){
        if(g_pInvites[ i ][ id ][ 0 ]){
            g_pInvites[ i ][ id ][ 1 ] = true
    g_pvec[ id ] = ze_get_escape_coins( id )

public client_connect( id ){
    g_pvec[ id ] = ze_get_escape_coins( id )
    removeP( id, SELF)
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERSS; i++ ){
        g_pInvites[ id ][ i ][ 0 ] = false
        g_pInvites[ id ][ i ][ 1 ] = false
        g_pInvites[ i ][ id ][ 0 ] = false 
        g_pInvites[ i ][ id ][ 1 ] = false 
    g_invites[ id ] = 0
    g_total[ id ] = 0
    g_damage[ id ] = 0.0
    saveUpdate(id, VREAD)

public saveUpdate( id, rw){
    new name[32], data[2]
    get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name))
    if(rw == VWRITE){
        num_to_str(g_bIsAutoUpdate[id][1], data, charsmax(data))
        nvault_set(g_iVault, name, data)
        nvault_get(g_iVault, name, data, charsmax(data))
        g_bIsAutoUpdate[id][ 1 ] = str_to_num(data)? true : false
public joinTeam( id, leader, bool:hasTeam){

    // id is already in a team
    if(g_isInTeam[ id ]){
        dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L %L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_IN", id, "PARTY_LEAVEMSG" )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    //"leader" is not actually leader (not anymore)
    if(g_isInTeam[ leader ] && getIdPos( leader, 1 ) != leader ){
        dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_EXPIED" )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    //if leader had team when sent request but doesn't have when i accept
    if(hasTeam && !g_isInTeam[ leader ]){
        dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_EXPIED" )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    //if leader has team
        if(getIdPos(leader, MAX_PIT) > 0 ){
            dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_FULL" )
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED
        for(new i = 2; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++ ){
            if(!getIdPos(leader, i)){
                g_teams[ g_pTeams[ leader ][ 0 ] ][ i ] = id
                g_pTeams[ id ][ i ] = 1
                dust_print_color(getIdPos(leader,i), "!g%s !y'%s' %L", CHAT_TAG, GetUserNameReturned(id), getIdPos(leader,i), "PARTY_JOINED" )
        createTeam( leader )
        g_teams[ g_pTeams[leader][0] ][ 2 ] = id 
        g_pTeams[ id ][ 2 ] = 1
    g_pTeams[ id ][ 0 ] = g_pTeams[ leader ][ 0 ]
    g_isInTeam[ id ] = true; 
    g_pvec[ id ] = ze_get_escape_coins( id )

    //reset invites for players in same team
    new num
    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++){
        num = getIdPos(id, i)
        if(num > 0){
            g_pInvites[ num ][ id ][ 0 ] = false;
            g_pInvites[ num ][ id ][ 1 ] = false;
            g_pInvites[ id ][ num ][ 0 ] = false;
            g_pInvites[ id ][ num ][ 1 ] = false;

    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_PIT; i++){
        if(getIdPos(leader,i) && g_bIsAutoUpdate[getIdPos(leader,i)][ 1 ])
    dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_JOINED2", GetUserNameReturned( leader ) )
    dust_print_color( leader, "!g%s !y'%s' %L", CHAT_TAG, GetUserNameReturned( id ), leader, "PARTY_JOINED" )

public inviteP( id, playerid ){
    new player
        new arg [ 33 ];
        read_argv ( 1, arg, charsmax ( arg ) );
        player = cmd_target ( id, arg, CMDTARGET_NO_BOTS );
        player = playerid
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !yPlayer is not connected.", CHAT_TAG)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    //if player is id
    if(id == player){
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_YOURSELF")
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    //already sent request
    if(g_pInvites[ player ][ id ][ 0 ]){
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_SENT2", GetUserNameReturned( player ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    //if player is server (doesn't exist)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    //if player is already in your team
    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++){
        if(g_teams[ g_pTeams[id][0]][i] == player){
            dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y'%s' %L", CHAT_TAG, GetUserNameReturned( player ), id, "PARTY_IN2" )
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    //if id is in a team but not leader
    if(g_isInTeam[id] && !g_pTeams[id][1] ){
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_INVLEADER")
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    g_pInvites[ player ][ id ][ 0 ] = true; 
    if(g_isInTeam[ id ]){
        g_pInvites[ player ][ id ][ 1 ] = true; 
    dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L '%s'", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_SENT",  GetUserNameReturned( player ) )
    dust_print_color(player, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, player, "PARTY_REC", GetUserNameReturned(id))
    if(!g_isInTeam[player] && g_bIsAutoUpdate[id][0])
        teamMenu( player )

public kickP( id, playerid ){
    new player
        new arg [ 33 ];
        read_argv ( 1, arg, charsmax ( arg ) );
        player = cmd_target ( id, arg, CMDTARGET_NO_BOTS );
        if(player == 0 || !g_isInTeam[ player ])
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED
        player = playerid
    if( g_pTeams[id][0] != g_pTeams[player][0] ){
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%s %L", CHAT_TAG, GetUserNameReturned(player), id, "PARTY_NOTIN2")
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    if( getIdPos( id , 1 ) == id ){
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_REMOVED", GetUserNameReturned( player ) )
        removeP( player, KICKED )
        if(g_bIsAutoUpdate[ id ][0])
            teamMenu( id )
 public removeP( id, reason ){
    if( !g_isInTeam[ id ] ){
        dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_NOTIN" )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new iPos, num, num2, notify_team, bool:wasLeader = false, bool:closed = false
    notify_team = g_pTeams[ id ][ 0 ]
    //save id's position in the team
    for(new j = 1; j < MAX_PIT + 1; j++)
        if(g_pTeams[ id ][ j ] == 1)
            iPos = j - 1
    //if id is leader delete invites where it was showing that leader had team 
    if( iPos == 0 ){ 
        for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERSS; i++ ){
            if(g_pInvites[ i ][ id ][ 0 ]){
                g_pInvites[ i ][ id ][ 1 ] = false;
            wasLeader = true;
    //shift player ammos showing and teams name saver (g_p g_teams)
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PIT - 1; i++ ){
        num = g_teams[ g_pTeams[id][0] ][ i + 1 ]
        num2 = g_teams[ g_pTeams[id][0] ][ i + 2 ]
        for(new j = 0; j < MAX_PIT - 1; j++ ){
            if(i < iPos && j >= iPos){
                g_p[ i ][ num ][ j ] = g_p[ i ][ num ][ j + 1 ]
            if( i >= iPos ){
                g_p[ i ][ num2 ][ j ] = g_p[ i + 1 ][ num2 ][ j + 1]
                if( j == MAX_PIT - 2 ){
                    g_p[ i ][ num2 ][ j + 1 ] = 0
            if( i == MAX_PIT - 2 ){
                g_p[ i + 1 ][ num2 ][ j ] = 0
                if( j == MAX_PIT - 2 )
                    g_p[ i + 1 ][ num2 ][ j + 1 ] = 0
            if( j == MAX_PIT - 2 ){
                g_p[ i ][ num ][ j + 1 ] = 0
        if(i >= iPos){
            g_teams[ g_pTeams[id][0] ][ i + 1 ] = num2
        if(i == MAX_PIT - 2){
            g_teams[ g_pTeams[id][0] ][ i + 2 ] = 0
    // extra safety - reset g_p player who left 
    for( new i = 0; i < MAX_PIT; i++ )
        g_p[ iPos ][ id ][ i ] = 0

    new count = 0
    for( new s = 1; s < MAX_PIT + 1; s++ ){
        if(getIdPos(id, s) > 0)
    g_teams[ notify_team ][ MAX_PIT ] = 0; //last player will surely be 0
    g_total[ id ] = 0 
    g_isInTeam[ id ] = false
    //shift g_pTeams
    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++){
        num = g_teams[notify_team][i]
        if(num > 0){
            for(new j = 1; j < MAX_PIT + 1; j++ )
                g_pTeams[ num ][ j ] = 0
            g_pTeams[ num ][ i ] = 1

    //notify (ex)party members that you left

    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++){
            dust_print_color(g_teams[notify_team][i], "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, g_teams[notify_team][i], "PARTY_LEFT2", GetUserNameReturned(id))
            if(wasLeader && !closed)
                dust_print_color(g_teams[notify_team][i], "!g%s !y%L %L", CHAT_TAG, g_teams[notify_team][i], "PARTY_NEWLEADER", g_teams[notify_team][i], "PARTY_NEWLEADER2", GetUserNameReturned(g_teams[notify_team][1]))

    if(reason == LOW){
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_CLOSED")
        dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_LEFT" )
    else if(reason == KICKED){
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_KICKED")
        dust_print_color( id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_LEFT" )

     // if there is only 1 player left in the party, close the party
    if(count <= 1){
        if(getIdPos(id, 1) > 0 && getIdPos(id, 1) != id ){
            removeP(getIdPos(id, 1), LOW)
        else if(getIdPos(id, 2) > 0 && getIdPos(id, 2) != id ){
            removeP(getIdPos(id, 2), LOW)
        g_teams[ g_pTeams[id][0] ][ 0 ] = 0
        closed = true
        //reset join requests 
        for( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERSS; i++){
            g_joinRequests[notify_team][ i ] = false

    //reset g_pTeams[id]
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++)
        g_pTeams[ id ][ i ] = 0;
    teamMenu( id )
    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_PIT + 1; i++){
        num = g_teams[ notify_team ][ i ]
        if(num > 0 && g_bIsAutoUpdate[num][ 1 ])
            teamMenu( num )
//ritorna ID giocatore in posizione pos nello stesso team di "id"
public getIdPos( id6, pos ){
    return g_teams[ g_pTeams[ id6 ][ 0 ] ][ pos ] 
//leader menu
public leaderMenu( id ){
    //g_bIsAutoUpdate[id][0] = false
    static szMenu[ 300 ]
    new iKeys = MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_9 | MENU_KEY_0;
    new iLen = 0
    new bool:check = (g_teams[ g_pTeams[id][0] ][ MAX_PIT ] > 0)
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu), "\rLeader Menu^n")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu), "^n\%s1. \%s%L", check? "d":"r", check? "d":"w", id, "PARTY_INVMENU")
    check = !g_isInTeam[ id ]
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu), "^n\%s2. \%s%L", check? "d":"r", check? "d":"w", id, "PARTY_KICKMENU")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu), "^n\%s3. \%s%L", check? "d":"r", check? "d":"w", id, "PARTY_SWITCHMENU")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu), "^n\%s4. \%sParty Requests Menu", check? "d":"r", check? "d":"w")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu), "^n^n^n\r9. \wBack")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu), "^n^n\r0. \wExit")

    show_menu( id, iKeys, szMenu, -1, "Leader Menu" )

public leaderMenuHandler( id, iKey ){
    switch( ++iKey % 10 )
        case 1:
            if((g_teams[ g_pTeams[id][0] ][ MAX_PIT ] > 0)){
                dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_FULL")
                leaderMenu( id )
                sInvitesMenu( id )
        case 2:
                dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_NOKICK")
                leaderMenu( id )
                sKickMenu( id )
        case 3:
                dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_NOTIN")
                leaderMenu( id )
                switchMenu( id )
        case 4:
                dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_NOTIN")
                leaderMenu( id )
                partyRecMenu( id )
        case 9:
            teamMenu( id )
        case 0:

public joinPartyRequest( id, playerid ){
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_IN")
        teamMenu( id )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    if(getIdPos(playerid, 1) != playerid){
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_REQNOT2")
        teamMenu( id )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new team = g_pTeams[playerid][0]
    g_joinRequests[ team ][ id ] = true
    dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_REQASK", GetUserNameReturned(playerid))
    dust_print_color(playerid, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, playerid, "PARTY_REQASK2", GetUserNameReturned(id))

public partyRecMenu( id ){
    static menuid, buffer[2]
    static szMenu[ 128 ]
    formatex( szMenu, charsmax( szMenu ), "\rParty Requests Menu^n")
    menuid = menu_create(szMenu, "partyRecMenuHandler")
    new ps[32], num, bool:hasPlayers = false
    get_players(ps, num, "c")
    for(new i = 0; i < num; i++){
        if(g_joinRequests[g_pTeams[id][0]][ ps[i] ]){
            hasPlayers = true
            formatex( szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "\y%s", GetUserNameReturned(ps[i]))
            buffer[0] = ps[i]
            buffer[1] = 0
            menu_additem(menuid, szMenu, buffer/*, _, g_joinPartyCallback*/ )
        dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_NOREQ" )
        leaderMenu( id )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "Back")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_BACKNAME, szMenu)
    formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "Next")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_NEXTNAME, szMenu)
    formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "Exit")
    menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_EXITNAME, szMenu)

    menu_display(id, menuid, 0)

public partyRecMenuHandler( id, menuid, item ){
    if (!is_user_connected(id))
    if (item == MENU_EXIT)
        teamMenu( id )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    static buffer[2], dummy, playerid
    menu_item_getinfo(menuid, item, dummy, buffer, charsmax(buffer), _, _, dummy)
    playerid = buffer[0]

    //answerPartyMenu(playerid, id)
    answerPartyMenu(id, playerid)
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

//joinparty answer handler.
public answerPartyMenu( id, playerid ){

    g_recInvite[ id ] = playerid

    static szMenu[ 400 ]
    new iKeys = MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_0;
    new bool:team 
    team = (getIdPos(id, MAX_PIT)>0)
    new iLen = 0
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "\wAccept '\y%s\w'?^n", GetUserNameReturned(playerid))
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "\y%L?^n", id, "PARTY_SURE")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n^n\%s1. \%sYes ", (team)? "d":"r", (team)? "d":"w")
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu), "(Party FULL)")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n\r2. \wNo")
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], charsmax( szMenu ), "^n^n\r0. \wBack \d( No ) ")
    show_menu( id, iKeys, szMenu, -1, "answerParty_Menu" )

public answerPartyMenuHandler( id, iKey ){
    switch( ++iKey % 10 )
        case 1:
            if(!getIdPos(id, MAX_PIT) && !g_isInTeam[ g_recInvite[id] ]){
                joinTeam(g_recInvite[ id ], id, true)
                g_joinRequests[ g_pTeams[id][0]][g_recInvite[id]] = false
            else if(getIdPos(id, MAX_PIT)){
                dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_FULL")
                dust_print_color(id, "!g%s !y%L", CHAT_TAG, id, "PARTY_EXPIED")
                g_joinRequests[ g_pTeams[id][0]][g_recInvite[id]] = false
        case 2:
            g_joinRequests[ g_pTeams[id][0]][g_recInvite[id]] = false
        case 0:
    teamMenu( id )
    g_recInvite[ id ] = 0

public cmdPartyMOTD( id ){
    new len = 0, message[ 1500 ]
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<meta charset=UTF-8><body><h1 style='text-align: center;'>Zombie Party Plugin</h1>")
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<h3 style='text-align: center;'>Current Version: %s</h3><h4 style='text-align: center;'>Author: DusT</h4>", VERSION)
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<h3>Available Commands</h3><br>")
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<p><b>say /party</b> - Opens party menu</p>")
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<p><b>party_menu</b> - Opens party menu</p>")
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<p><b>say /partyupdate</b> - Toggle Auto Update</p>")
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<p><b>say /partycmd</b> - Opens this motd</p>")
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<p><b>say #< message ></b> - Writes message to party members</p>")
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<p><b>amx_pchat < message ></b> - Writes message to party members</p>")
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<p><b>zp_invite_user < nick ></b> - Invites user to your party</p>")
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<p><b>zp_remove_user < nick ></b> - Kicks user from your party</p>")
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<p><b>[ADMINS]zp_show_parties</b> - Shows active parties and their members</p><br><br>")
    len +=formatex(message[len], charsmax(message), "<p><b>say /partyinfo</b> - Further info about Zombie Party</p>")
    show_motd(id, message, "Available Party Commands")
L 09/02/2019 - 21:07:25: [ZE] Invalid Player id (2)
L 09/02/2019 - 21:07:25: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zombieparty.amxx", version "1.3.3")
L 09/02/2019 - 21:07:25: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "ze_get_escape_coins")
L 09/02/2019 - 21:07:25: [AMXX] [0] zombieparty.sma::client_connect (line 1032)

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Post by sPe3doN » 4 years ago

i try it and there is no error for me :confused:
(33.56 KiB) Downloaded 425 times
(33.56 KiB) Downloaded 425 times

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Post by czirimbolo » 4 years ago

sPe3doN wrote: 4 years ago i try it and there is no error for me :confused:

compiling is fine but I am talking about errors in my logs. Plugin is working but it shows me these errors

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Night Fury
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Post by Night Fury » 4 years ago

Use client_putinserver instead of client_connect.
Want your own mod edition? PM me.
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Discord: Fury#7469

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