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Failed to initiaze steam

Posted: 04 Dec 2020, 16:09
by riste
I have downloaded Windows full package but when i'm trying to start the server i got:

What should i do?

Re: Failed to initiaze steam

Posted: 05 Dec 2020, 07:54
by Raheem

Open HLDS - Run.bat using Notepad, and delete all in it and add:
    1. @echo off
    2. cls
    3. echo Protecting HLDS from crashes...
    4. echo If you want to close HLDS and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
    5. title HLDS
    6. :HLDS
    7. echo (%time%) HLDS started.
    8. reg add "HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam\ActiveProcess" /v SteamClientDll /t REG_SZ /d "" /f
    9. start /wait hlds.exe -game cstrike -console -port 27015 +maxplayers 32 +map ze_area51_lg
    10. echo (%time%) WARNING: HLDS closed or crashed, restarting.
    11. goto HLDS
And then run the server from HLDS - Run.bat