Approved Zombie Class: Locker

Plug-ins compatibility with Zombie Escape Rebuild v1.x only.

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Zombie Class: Locker


Post by z0h1r-LK » 3 months ago

Zombie Class: Locker


  • Zombie has a special ability, when you press the G button it will shoot a beam that if touched a player locks ATTACK1 and ATTACK2 and RELOAD for specific period.


  • Image Image

Installation && Instructions:

  • Compile plug-in with AMX Mod X v1.10.0.5467 or newer

  • Copy translation keys in zombie_escape.txt in section [en]

  • Copy settings and paste them in ze_class_zombie.ini

Translation && Keys:

  1. MSG_LOCKER_NOTICE = "Press on !gG!y to shoot !tBeam!y to lock Weapons enemies !"
  2. MSG_LOCKER_ENABLED = "You can !glock!y enemies Weapons now"
  3. MSG_LOCKER_DISABLED = "Wait !g%.1fs!y for re-enable !tLock!y ability !"
  4. HUD_LOCKER_COOLDOWN = "Wait %.1fs for re-enable Lock ability !"


  1. [Locker]
  2. NAME = Locker
  3. DESC = G - Lock Weapons
  4. MODEL = ze_regular_zombi
  5. MELEE = models/zm_es/zombi_melee/v_knife_reg_zombi.mdl
  6. HEALTH = 9500.00
  7. SPEED = 300.00
  8. GRAVITY = 640.00
  9. KNOCKBACK = 200.00
  10. LEVEL = 0
  11. LOCK_PERIOD = 5.00
  12. LOCK_COOLDOWN = 15.00
  13. LOCK_DISTANCE = 1024.00


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