If you enabled Percentage Style this mean that instead of Displaying: XP: 500/1000 it will display: XP 50.00 %
MaxLevels Increment is a rate that control how much XP needed for the next Level. So for Example if you set the First Level XP to 100 then when player connect he will have 0/100 XP The increment rate works like: 0/200 XP, 0/400 XP, 0/800 XP It will Multiply the needed XP in the factor you set. The factor can take the float form like: 1.5, 0.5, 1.2, 1.55 And so on.
If you enable start xp from zero so when player get new level his XP will be zero. And if you used Percentage mode so it will be 0.0 %
Commas will be added only if you use normal mode not Percentage one.
If you need this system to work properly with No-Steam/Non-Steam Clients which their games not generate unique SteamID so in reunion.cfg edit these two Cvars cid_NoSteam47, cid_NoSteam48 to be like: cid_NoSteam47 = 3, cid_NoSteam48 = 3.
Added Check levels if ze_set_user_xp() native used.
Added New Cvar determine if Player XP should start from zero or not when he get new level.
Added Commas Cvar.
Added XP/MaxXP if one Spec other.
Version: 1.2
Fixed player can go higher levels very fast.
Version: 1.3
Added Auto detection for Non-Steam (STEAM_ID_LAN & VALVE_ID_LAN) users and save thier XP, Levels by their name. Normal players who have steamid it will be saved with steamid.
Version: 1.4
Fixed some problems.
Added new cvar to save XP, Levels every X seconds.
Added new Rank System like /top15
Version: 1.5
Added /myrank like default one in amxmodx but here for levels.
Replace any multi-byte character with space.
Fixed Saving & Loading Problems.
Added support in /lvlrank and /myrank for Non-Steam users.
Fixed giving XP at end round. Now it will give only alive humans only.
Added cvar to control Screen Fade/Shake effects.
Added new native to return max xp needed for next level.
Fixed problem in set level native.
Rank players in same levels with their XP. Highest XP will be first.
Some optimizations.
Version: 1.6
Use nVault to be compatible with our ZE v1.2 and to solve resetting levels issue.
Version: 1.7
Removed Rank/Top systems.
Temporary Fix for losing Levels, XP Inserted like coins system fix.
Removed support for "STEAM_ID_LAN/VALVE_ID_LAN".
Version: 1.8
Fixed nVault saving issue.
Changed the Coding style.
Recoded natives, added explanation for natives in .inc file. Check Natives API.
Version: 1.9 [Current Version]
Inserted MySQL support.
Added new forward that called when player levels up.
All old works are out-dated and badly coded and no one will support it. All the new works here are coded highly with experience.
You can use it as separate plugin in the next updates it won't be integrated with them. Just to know why >> Because our mod is already multi-sources we need to make things easier not harder so i'am not going to integrate it.
I see what u trying to say is that u want to make seperate sma just like zp50 so it will be easier to edit for the scripters who want to change them as well! Ok then i will use that plugin
I installed It Yesterday.. 7 players were playing!
It worked for me fine,like level up xp gain and all.. but for others they were leveling up on each round also I get normally LEVEL 0: 59/100 in hud but others get LEVEL 0:5/1 like this and they level up each round! Having this big problem because everyone is leveling up each round which is bad..Please fix it raheem bro!
-=SeRious-GaminG|Zombie Escape[Alien vs. Predator]|Asia=-
sam_bhosale4 wrote: ↑7 years ago
I installed It Yesterday.. 7 players were playing!
It worked for me fine,like level up xp gain and all.. but for others they were leveling up on each round also I get normally LEVEL 0: 59/100 in hud but others get LEVEL 0:5/1 like this and they level up each round! Having this big problem because everyone is leveling up each round which is bad..Please fix it raheem bro!
Post pictures To Show Your Problem clearly
Change the Cvars from the code
But still show The pictures So I can understand what is Your Problem
sam_bhosale4 wrote: ↑7 years ago
I installed It Yesterday.. 7 players were playing!
It worked for me fine,like level up xp gain and all.. but for others they were leveling up on each round also I get normally LEVEL 0: 59/100 in hud but others get LEVEL 0:5/1 like this and they level up each round! Having this big problem because everyone is leveling up each round which is bad..Please fix it raheem bro!
Post pictures To Show Your Problem clearly
Change the Cvars from the code
But still show The pictures So I can understand what is Your Problem
I think Your problem Is with cvars
Raheem has Showed Two types of HUD
One is XP : %
One is XP : In Numbers
no bro read it again what i said!
its not with cvar!
im using xp in number where for first level it should show LEVEL 0: 0/100 but instead because of some problem for others it shows LEVEL 0:0/0 or 5/0..
also on each round it levels up like if 1st round ends the players goes level 2 if 2nd round ends players goes level 3 and so on..
and i dont have screenshots sorry since other players of my server reported this problem to me!
-=SeRious-GaminG|Zombie Escape[Alien vs. Predator]|Asia=-
sam_bhosale4 wrote: ↑7 years ago
I installed It Yesterday.. 7 players were playing!
It worked for me fine,like level up xp gain and all.. but for others they were leveling up on each round also I get normally LEVEL 0: 59/100 in hud but others get LEVEL 0:5/1 like this and they level up each round! Having this big problem because everyone is leveling up each round which is bad..Please fix it raheem bro!
Post pictures To Show Your Problem clearly
Change the Cvars from the code
But still show The pictures So I can understand what is Your Problem
I think Your problem Is with cvars
Raheem has Showed Two types of HUD
One is XP : %
One is XP : In Numbers
no bro read it again what i said!
its not with cvar!
im using xp in number where for first level it should show LEVEL 0: 0/100 but instead because of some problem for others it shows LEVEL 0:0/0 or 5/0..
also on each round it levels up like if 1st round ends the players goes level 2 if 2nd round ends players goes level 3 and so on..
and i dont have screenshots sorry since other players of my server reported this problem to me!
They Only Reported to you? And U believe Them?
Ask Them to show screenshot it will make Your Problem look Clear and understandable.... Although I never Faced the problem What u said wait for Raheem to reply Maybe he knows What is Your Problem
Maybe other players are getting xp fast That's why they are leveling up fast
Notice one Thing Man the cvars
U get xp for doING 50 damage and for infecting and Killing so I still think u must change cvars and call those players and test again
Maybe this happen if player have no steamid.. I don't know but i tested the plugin with bots and it's working without problems. I'll test again the plugin in your server, Me and another bot to see what the problem from also i'll test with no steamid as STEAM_ID_LAN. Just when i get time ok.
Are you deaf? Man im not newbie here.. you talking to me like im newbie.. and one more thing.. other players who reported this to me included my cousin and other admins of my own server.. and the thing screenshot.. when they reported this they didn't took screenshots because they were busy playing and didn't knew screenshot is needed.. and the thing you saying they must be leveling fast are you that noob that you can't even think that on each round they are leveling up.. can't get that much xp on one round dude think again.. also cvars you are talking about... I already settled my own configured lower xp gain cvars.. so please before you say anything please read what I said and think and reply.. humble request to you..
-=SeRious-GaminG|Zombie Escape[Alien vs. Predator]|Asia=-
But still show The pictures So I can understand what is Your Problem
I think Your problem Is with cvars
Raheem has Showed Two types of HUD
One is XP : %
One is XP : In Numbers
no bro read it again what i said!
its not with cvar!
im using xp in number where for first level it should show LEVEL 0: 0/100 but instead because of some problem for others it shows LEVEL 0:0/0 or 5/0..
also on each round it levels up like if 1st round ends the players goes level 2 if 2nd round ends players goes level 3 and so on..
and i dont have screenshots sorry since other players of my server reported this problem to me!
They Only Reported to you? And U believe Them?
Ask Them to show screenshot it will make Your Problem look Clear and understandable.... Although I never Faced the problem What u said wait for Raheem to reply Maybe he knows What is Your Problem
Maybe other players are getting xp fast That's why they are leveling up fast
Notice one Thing Man the cvars
U get xp for doING 50 damage and for infecting and Killing so I still think u must change cvars and call those players and test again
Are you deaf? Man im not newbie here.. you talking to me like im newbie.. and one more thing.. other players who reported this to me included my cousin and other admins of my own server.. and the thing screenshot.. when they reported this they didn't took screenshots because they were busy playing and didn't knew screenshot is needed..so i removed plugin instantly.. and the thing you saying they must be leveling fast are you that noob that you can't even think that on each round they are leveling up.. can't get that much xp on one round dude think again.. also cvars you are talking about... I already settled my own configured lower xp gain cvars.. so please before you say anything please read what I said and think and reply.. humble request to you..
-=SeRious-GaminG|Zombie Escape[Alien vs. Predator]|Asia=-
Raheem wrote: ↑7 years ago
Maybe this happen if player have no steamid.. I don't know but i tested the plugin with bots and it's working without problems. I'll test again the plugin in your server, Me and another bot to see what the problem from also i'll test with no steamid as STEAM_ID_LAN. Just when i get time ok.
Yeah can be problem with STEAM ID option..I will be waiting for fix! Thanks raheem bro!
-=SeRious-GaminG|Zombie Escape[Alien vs. Predator]|Asia=-
no bro read it again what i said!
its not with cvar!
im using xp in number where for first level it should show LEVEL 0: 0/100 but instead because of some problem for others it shows LEVEL 0:0/0 or 5/0..
also on each round it levels up like if 1st round ends the players goes level 2 if 2nd round ends players goes level 3 and so on..
and i dont have screenshots sorry since other players of my server reported this problem to me!
They Only Reported to you? And U believe Them?
Ask Them to show screenshot it will make Your Problem look Clear and understandable.... Although I never Faced the problem What u said wait for Raheem to reply Maybe he knows What is Your Problem
Maybe other players are getting xp fast That's why they are leveling up fast
Notice one Thing Man the cvars
U get xp for doING 50 damage and for infecting and Killing so I still think u must change cvars and call those players and test again
Are you deaf? Man im not newbie here.. you talking to me like im newbie.. and one more thing.. other players who reported this to me included my cousin and other admins of my own server.. and the thing screenshot.. when they reported this they didn't took screenshots because they were busy playing and didn't knew screenshot is needed..so i removed plugin instantly.. and the thing you saying they must be leveling fast are you that noob that you can't even think that on each round they are leveling up.. can't get that much xp on one round dude think again.. also cvars you are talking about... I already settled my own configured lower xp gain cvars.. so please before you say anything please read what I said and think and reply.. humble request to you..
Please Mind Your Own Language and go to the IP which Raheem Has Given
Nobody face Errors Like U do because u don't read Instructions And Configure Server Properly So u get Noob ish problems
For the problem I reported earlier, got screenshots for that.. Now you will understand what problem I was trying to say!
players get lvl up just by 1 infect or 1 escape where in screenshot u can see im still lvl 1 but they reached lvl 7,9 12 and more.. this is happening to more than half players and plugin working good for me and few others! for full problem please read my earlier post and check the current sscreenshots!
Please check Raheem bro and jack!
Waiting for fix cuz loving the plugin and using it on my server!
(In screenshots you can see at the bottom left)
Direct lvl 9
Direct lvl 7
here you can see he leveled up twice just by infecting 2!
-=SeRious-GaminG|Zombie Escape[Alien vs. Predator]|Asia=-
sam_bhosale4 wrote: ↑7 years ago
For the problem I reported earlier, got screenshots for that.. Now you will understand what problem I was trying to say!
players get lvl up just by 1 infect or 1 escape where in screenshot u can see im still lvl 1 but they reached lvl 7,9 12 and more.. this is happening to more than half players and plugin working good for me and few others! for full problem please read my earlier post and check the current sscreenshots!
Please check Raheem bro and jack!
Waiting for fix cuz loving the plugin and using it on my server!
(In screenshots you can see at the bottom left)
I see OK After Exams U give me IP of Your server And I will come to Your server To see What is the Problem Because This Problem didn't happened to me or anyone else but now u have post screenshots it is clear to me what is Your Problem
But still What I see is that U have messed Up Cvars
U said 1 Infection 1 Level up?
1 Kill 1 level UP
OK If Cvars are not Messed up I will come to the server myself to check